Self-esteem: what is it and how to develop it?

When a person treats himself badly, then people treat him the same way. Self-esteem is based on many points. Someone who treats himself with respect will never allow himself to be insulted by other people, nor will he swear loudly, drink beer or smoke. Parenting and self-esteem go hand in hand. And to find out more detailed information, you need to read the points below.
What is it in psychology?
It is generally accepted that self-esteem is an objective attitude of a person towards himself and towards his own significance. This definition also states that a self-respecting person has self-esteem. This feature of a person is formed from the moment of his birth and accompanies him throughout his life. The goals set play a very important role in its formation.
Self-esteem is designed to regulate the activities of any individual. The higher he values himself, the more effectively his activity manifests itself. In addition, this factor also affects the behavior of the individual.
Again, the better a person feels about themselves, the better their relationship to other people and the environment becomes.

Why is it important to value yourself?
Some believe that when a person is too reverent about himself, he has selfish inclinations. These beliefs are often erroneous, and here's why. Appreciating the world around you and people is very important. However, if we do not take care of ourselves, we will not be able to walk the path of self-realization. Remember that a person's personality is completely dependent on full development. It is necessary that self-esteem is of high quality, namely, you must experience an adequate attitude towards yourself. Know that a person's self-esteem can be like this.
- Very high. In this case, the person sets goals without discomfort. As a result, she reaches them. Usually, people with this level of attitude towards themselves never make excuses in front of other people and do not expect their approval.
- Average level of self-esteem experienced by a large number of people. Usually, the average individual relies on the opinions of others. However, such persons do not always relate trustingly to the opinion of the outside, and nevertheless they need trust and respect. It is these factors that help to realize your own self.
Self-esteem shapes a person's character. Why is it still so important for any individual? Because a person who values himself highly has such qualities.
- He tries not to get into conflicts, does not discuss the actions of other people.
- Monitors his own health and the health of loved ones.
- He does not compare himself with other people, but is proud of his personal achievements.
- Constant self-improvement is underway.
- He understands people and is constantly working to improve his I.

Self-esteem is a boomerang. If you run it constantly, it keeps coming back. Namely: if you stop experiencing a high attitude towards yourself and demonstrate it in the surrounding society, you will become uninteresting for this society. Self-respect also presupposes love for one's neighbor. The more you give love, the more you will get it back. And if a person ceases to value himself, then people will stop appreciating him. Remember that appreciating yourself for who you are means showing your personality and clear uniqueness. Again, if a person lacks self-respect, he begins to have complexes in front of other representatives of humanity. In turn, this leads to minimization of communication with people. This means that self-respect is very important for the full-fledged socialization of any individual.
Let's give an example. There are people who have external flaws: overweight, acne, lack of beautiful facial features, etc. However, they are in demand, and no one laughs at them. Why it happens? Because they were able to overcome their complexes and began to respect themselves for who they are. Self-respect helps a person to be in harmony with himself. He radiates light and joy, with which he "attracts" other people to him. Know that by radiating positive, you will receive a positive response, but if on the contrary, then you will suffer from negative from the environment.
Without self-respect, a person can start acting in the wrong way and suffer from it. For example, a woman who does not respect herself may marry a bad man. When he feels the weaknesses in her character, he will begin to mock her: drinking, bringing other women into the house, not working and living at her expense, etc. Such a turn of events will bring a woman to stress, and her situation will become very deplorable. Therefore, you can and even need to appreciate yourself.
There is such a thing as self-preservation. Thanks to self-respect and pride, a person is able to keep his inner world as it is.

Reasons for underreporting
If a person starts to live wrong, then his level of self-esteem gradually decreases. Why does this problem occur?
- If a person has too high a level of claims, which is incommensurate with his capabilities, then his self-esteem begins to fall. Why? Due to the onset of failures. Having set unrealistic goals, the demanding person immediately begins to fulfill them. For this, she spends a lot of energy and opportunities. When the resource is depleted, panic comes first, and then apathy. A person becomes indifferent to the world around him, including himself.
- After parting with a loved one, an overly impressionable person may lose control of herself, and then she will fall into depression, begin the process of self-flagellation and lose self-respect.
- Various addictions can lead to the loss of one of the main qualities of a person. For example, drug addiction or alcoholism leads to degradation of a person, and then self-respect will inevitably disappear.
- Loss of self-esteem can be traced back to childhood. If an individual grew up and experienced constant humiliation, then the level of his self-esteem was already at a low level. Any stress in this case will lead to the final loss of a high attitude towards oneself.
- Unsuccessful performance also leads to the above factor.

How to develop?
The personality must always develop and move on, no matter what. And she is simply obliged to develop such an important quality in her character as self-respect. You can increase your feelings about yourself with the help of the recommendations below. So how do you improve your self-esteem?
In men
A man must be strong in spirit. However, this condition can be fulfilled only when complete self-respect comes. This will give an opportunity for self-realization and fulfillment of the assigned tasks. To make it work, try to base your actions on the following points.
- Stop getting addicted to bad habits. Many people dislike the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. Therefore, they may treat you inadequately, relying on their first sensations.
- Begin to improve physically. Buy a monthly gym pass or sign up for fitness. Thus, you can significantly improve your health and raise your self-esteem.
- Mental self-improvement will lead any person to knowledge. By signing up for refresher courses, you can increase your skill level and become very much in demand at work. This means that your attitude towards yourself will change for the better.
- Change your image. If you look very modest in terms of clothing and shape, then start pumping muscles and changing your wardrobe. Make your new look sporty. Successful people try to make their appearance look flawless.
- If you used to spend all your energy and time on maintaining your appearance - dressed fashionably, followed the figure, then start developing your mental abilities for the better. A passion for psychology and other sciences will do you good. In a conversation, using the knowledge gained, you can surprise the interlocutors and earn their respect.
Remember, to start respecting yourself, you need to change your mind. Therefore, work on yourself, all the time look for new paths that lead to the development of your personality. Then you will begin to radiate inner energy that will lead you to the truth.

Among women
Women are very impressionable creatures. Any wrong word can throw them off balance. Therefore, it is they who need to approach the issue of self-esteem in the most careful way. If you feel that you are losing control of yourself and, as a result, self-esteem, try the following tips.
- Stop being jealous of others and, first of all, your girlfriends. Envy takes up a lot of energy. Because of this, your aura loses its strength, and you become vulnerable. As a result, any evil eye or a bad word spoken in your direction can cause damage, which will be multidirectional.
- Get rid of bad habits.
- Watch your figure. An impeccable appearance gives any woman confidence in her abilities. Remember that you are greeted by appearance, and only then judged by the mind.
- If you think your appearance needs some adjustment, change it. Change your hairstyle, buy fancy clothes. If you do not know how to do this, contact a specialist.
- Eat right. Such measures will allow you to "shine" from the inside. The skin will look more attractive and the hair and nails will have a beautiful shine.
- Engage in self-development. Reading various literature and knowledge in the field of science will help you create an image of a beautiful and successful person.

In relationship
Never let anyone be disrespectful to you. However, you also need to monitor your actions so as not to damage the pride of loved ones. And for this you need to try to apply the following actions in practice.
- If you are in a relationship with a person or live in the same apartment with loved ones (father, mother), then learn to respect their desires and needs. If you or them don't like something, try to find a compromise. Then you will be able to communicate calmly and not interfere with each other.
- Each has its own personal characteristics and disadvantages. Your loved ones also have them. Therefore, you should not pay attention to these factors, much less focus attention on them, and also make fun of them.
- We all have certain positions. You also have them. Therefore, learn to put up with the position of your partner or loved ones.
- They say there is no dispute about tastes. Therefore, consider the tastes of the people around you. Then you will be treated accordingly.
- You can't laugh at a person's feelings. If you do this, then others will no longer reckon with your feelings.

How to return?
To regain respect for yourself, you need to start with areas that are directly related to raising the level of a high attitude towards your self. Therefore, it is necessary to begin to implement the following points. Believe me, once you fulfill these conditions, you will gradually restore your energy balance and become much stronger. So what needs to be done?
- Some people are afraid of something all the time. Therefore, they try not to take risks. However, it is necessary at least sometimes, but to take risks. Just before doing this, calculate all your actions correctly. Then you can get tremendous drive and success. Remember that nothing brings you back to “life” more than the joy of active victories.
- A person who lives without a goal lives very boring and uninteresting. Without motivation, there is no desire. The personality is so arranged that it must have any desires. For example, someone wants to reach heights in science, and someone is successful in getting married (getting married) or becoming a sought-after employee in a large company. When goals are achieved, then life becomes more interesting.
- Live openly and make contact with people even when you don't feel like it. So you can show others that you are a completely normal person with whom you can be friends and communicate. Do not hide your feelings, show interest in all the people around you. Then you will become an irreplaceable friend and partner for them.
- Make the right decisions and draw the necessary conclusions. Calculate the usefulness of your decisions. The right actions will help you become a confident person, and this is a direct path to self-esteem.
- In order for all your desires and hopes to come true, it is necessary that a certain time has passed. Learn to wait. If you have conceived something, then you do not need to be upset if your ideas did not come true in an instant.
Nothing will change from the fact that you will be upset about this all the time. Therefore, learn to let go of the situation. Then it will be much easier to expect good things from life.