How to become a strong spirit?

People who are strong in spirit always attract attention. Everyone, without exception, tries to be equal to them and take an example from them. This happens because such individuals charge others with optimism and generously share their energy. Their positive thinking almost always allows them to come out of a difficult situation as a winner. Therefore, many rely on them and wait for the right decision to be made.
Spirit Strengthening Rules
Have you already decided to become a person who is distinguished by your unshakable spirit? Then you need to learn some rules. They may differ in the complexity of execution, but if you can master the task set before yourself, you will become a strong person. First of all, you need to prepare mentally for the solution of this task and sincerely want to complete it on time. Try starting with the simplest, which is getting up at the same time in the morning. Then you can start jogging.
A person who is distinguished by willpower must be courageous and spiritually savvy. Therefore, you need to learn to take responsibility for your actions. And this will require developing self-organization and self-discipline. Only then will you gain confidence in your abilities. You will rely on the knowledge and experience that you have developed through tremendous efforts to improve yourself.

Basic methods
Not everyone is enduring. Many people are dependent on society energetically, mentally and mentally. Such persons are in no hurry or do not want to develop their abilities that give independence. However, everyone, without exception, in spite of everything, needs to develop the strength of the spirit, which is based on the power over your consciousness.
In this case, basic obstacles (fears, prejudices) disappear completely. When a person recognizes the potential of his capabilities and powers, and also believes in them, then such a state is complete. Therefore, proceed and rely on the following points.
Do not be afraid in advance
A person should not cultivate their fears. They interfere with life. Starting a new business, you can think about anything, just not about the fact that you will succeed. Remember that all thoughts are material. And if you program yourself for fear, then throughout the entire time it will haunt you. That's why often a person cannot start any important and urgent business due to internal disagreements and fears. He always thinks that everything will end in failure. Therefore, each time he is delaying the start of his activity.
For example, the individual is going to change jobs due to uncomfortable conditions. A strong personality, feeling discomfort, will immediately try to get rid of the cause of its occurrence. A weak-minded person will fall into doubts that will sow her phobias, and will not do anything.
In the latter case, the fear of losing everything that has been accumulated over the years can overpower the desire to improve working conditions. This is how phobias work on developing better qualities.

Do not feel sorry for yourself
Pity is a very bad feeling and a bad ally. As soon as you begin to show empathy for yourself, you will lose fortitude. For example, say you have physical pain due to an injury. If you have strength of mind, you will not pay attention to pain. Remember that it can build up because of your fear and self-pity. The explanation is simple. Such feelings constrict blood vessels and muscles. Spasms can provoke more pain. Therefore, if you feel unwell, keep yourself in control and do not be very upset. Any pain will go away sooner or later.
Try to concentrate and gather all the strength of the spirit into a fist. Do not pay any attention to your negative feelings, but rather switch it to something pleasant. For example, listen to music or start drawing. Let's look at an example. In addition to physical pain, a person can also be overcome by mental anguish. If you are very offended, then you do not need to cry and be hysterical about this. A strong-minded person will always find a way to resist offenders and even give a worthy rebuff. Therefore, you must act in the same way. Your confidence in your righteousness will give strength.
Find a way to convince your opponent to apologize for the offense. If he resists you, then take such actions that will help prove your case. By relying on the letter of the law, you can achieve justice.

Live in the present
Many people imagine in advance the performance of any activity and thicken the colors in advance by winding themselves up. In no case should you do this. Consider this situation. For example, you only have to visit a doctor tomorrow morning, but already at night you paint gloomy pictures for yourself. You out of the blue have come up with a bunch of diseases. Against this background, your fear increases like a snowball and turns into an avalanche. As a result, you abandon the planned visit to the doctor. Bottom line: your health is still at risk, as is your peace of mind.
Going to the clinic is not a very pleasant experience. To visit this institution, a person must have a certain willpower, which is supported by an understanding of importance. The conclusion is that the more fortitude, the easier it is for a person to perform those tasks that he does not want to perform. Therefore, never think beforehand about what you have to do. Of course, it is necessary to draw up a rough plan of the planned event or draw a diagram according to which you will act, moving towards the goal. However, it is not worth drawing pictures of future events in your mind.
In fact, everything may turn out to be completely different from what you imagined. Your ideas will easily come true, and you will meet very friendly people along the way. Then you will very much regret that you wasted your energy and nerves on something that actually did not happen.

Don't ignore your inner desires.
A person must have personal space and desires. No wonder many famous people say to themselves: "When you really want to do something - do it!" And this is the right approach. Always putting off any desire "for later", you will gradually begin to slide into apathy. Depression and fortitude are completely incompatible concepts. Individuals with strong character try to do as they see fit.
For example, you have been planning to visit an exotic country for a long time, but all the time you were afraid that something would go wrong with you. Although, by and large, nothing prevented you from fulfilling your true need. However, you continued to find more and more reasons to postpone the trip. For example, they thought for themselves that they would not be able to pay for the ticket or that the boss would not let you go on vacation. In this way, you put off the dream and thereby suppressed your true desire.
Some time passed, and it became clear to you that circumstances have changed, and you will not be able to fulfill your cherished desire in the near future. It will end with the fact that you will reproach yourself for the rest of your life for not being able to do something pleasant for yourself. As a result, your self-esteem will fall, and along with it the level of fortitude will decrease.

Appreciate the good
A person should always be surrounded by positive. Positive attracts positive. Therefore, always strive for places where you will feel at ease. If you are surrounded by people who will support and help you in every possible way, you can raise your fortitude.
And, conversely, where you are uncomfortable to be, you should not stay for a long time. If you are constantly accused of something or imposed a certain style of behavior, it will be difficult for you to maintain your mental balance in the norm. Panic and depression lead to a loss of spirituality and resilience. Therefore, value loved ones and never distance yourself from them.
Those who sincerely wish you happiness will always support you and help you if trouble happens to you.

Accept failure with dignity
A person can be defeated and begin to worry a lot about it. However, you should not dwell on problems of this nature for a long time. This will not lead to anything good. Instead of being hysterical all the time, try to figure out a way to get out of this situation. Let the negative situation go into the past, as nothing can be changed. The emotions that have arisen from negativity are not worth fighting. Just accept that they are. And to finally calm down, think about the perspective.
Try to stick to this thought: "I am a worthy competitor." When you accept this thought, you will begin to fail with dignity. Thank your opponents in your mind and congratulate them. Never blame others for personal failure. No matter what, set goals and move forward. All your mistakes will be of great help in the future. You will most likely not repeat them again and will rely on past experience when looking for new solutions.
Tip: Learn not to take all your failures to heart. Develop a kind of immunity to them. This way you will maintain your health, both mental and physical.

How to become psychologically invulnerable?
You need to be brave, mentally and emotionally stable person. To do this, you need to work on yourself all the time. To make it easier for you to fulfill this condition, try using some tips.
- Increase your physical activity. It is not necessary to do any difficult tasks. You can just walk in the fresh air. This method can even replace depressants.
- Smile often. Researchers have shown that smiling can reduce pain and pulse beats. Plus, having a friendly attitude will help you to be the center of attention of the people around you.
- It is not for nothing that many strong-minded women are engaged in lifting the barbell. However, such methods are not suitable for everyone. Therefore, you do not need to lift heavy weights. It is enough to choose the optimal weight for yourself and enjoy it.
- Rely on internal incentives, not external ones. Outside includes the opinion of other people, money. The inner ones include your knowledge, self-confidence. Remember: external stimuli can change or disappear, while internal ones depend only on you.
If you feel that your inner beliefs are inadequate, try changing them.

Those who have never been able to gain spiritual strength need to work hard for it to appear. Moreover, in this matter, gender does not matter. How many people live in the world, so many characters. There are both women with strong character and men. If you feel that your lack of fortitude is getting in the way of your life, try to fix the situation based on the recommendations.
- If you are tormented by doubts, still proceed to take any action. In any case, it is better to act than later than to reproach yourself for inaction. If force majeure occurs, you can always stop the process and try to rectify the situation.
- Live and dream. There is no future without the present. Therefore, think about current affairs first and make plans for tomorrow. If something doesn't work out, don't be discouraged. You will still have a chance to get what you wanted to get.
- Improve yourself. New knowledge and skills have never been superfluous. By and large, you should be able, if not all, then a lot. It must be remembered that a person gets used to the good quickly, but to the bad it takes a long time and painful. Therefore, learn to sew, and knit, and cook, and also have in your arsenal the knowledge that you will definitely need someday.
- Don't be bothered by someone else's opinion. Some people deliberately mislead you in order to amuse their vanity or assert themselves. For example, a girl is wearing a very beautiful dress. A friend came up to her and said that the dress was not very fashionable and not very beautiful. A representative of the weaker sex with a spiritually strengthened character will only smile in return and go on to enchant everyone around her. The weak-minded person will hurry home and change.
- Get rid of jealousy and don't look back at other people. Each person has his own life, his own difficulties and problems. By being jealous of other people who seem successful to you, you can take over their problems, which can be fatal for you. So go about your business and deal with personal matters.