How to become a confident girl?

Any girl dreams of gaining self-confidence, because a brave and sociable lady easily conquers men's hearts, reaches career heights. Are there ways to reveal this quality, if it has not been manifested earlier?
Reasons for indecision
Most often, insecurity begins to form in childhood, when a fragile psyche reacts sharply to a word accidentally dropped by a father or mother. Critical remarks from parents or strangers can inspire a little man with the idea that he will never be able to succeed in school and other important matters.
Sometimes excessive parental care is accompanied by strong control over the actions of the baby. The child begins to think that without the help of adults he is not capable of anything.

Often the reason for the development of an inferiority complex is character traits. Any obstacles that appear on the path of a weak personality push to abandon the intended goal. Such a young lady does not try to find a way out of this situation because of disbelief in herself, in the possibility of implementing the plan.
Sometimes fear instills in the heart because of the negative reaction to the girl of the man with whom she is in love. The young lady begins to engage in self-digging and self-flagellation. Complexes can occur due to an adequate or fictional perception of one's appearance. It seems to such a lady that she does not deserve the attention and sympathy of her beloved man.
Some young ladies depend on the opinions of others. Society imposes certain standards of beauty and success. As a result of a decrease in self-esteem, the young lady begins to torment herself with sad thoughts. Self-doubt appears, self-dislike grows.Devastation occurs in the soul. The assessment of a stranger can play a decisive role for a girl.

How to believe in yourself?
You need to love yourself with all your advantages and disadvantages. An indecisive person is often betrayed by posture and gait. You should show diligence in working on yourself. To become a confident girl, you must first of all increase your self-esteem and accept your own appearance. Some young ladies are unhappy with their eyes, lips, cheeks, chin. Others dislike the figure and gait.
Develop calm, fluid and confident movements. Control your posture until you get into the habit of keeping your back straight. Choose the right cosmetics, feel comfortable. Use natural beauty skillfully. It is of particular value. Do not exhaust yourself with numerous diets and plastic surgeries. A self-confident person will not strive for artificial beauty. Look for positive traits in yourself, develop them, improve your spirituality.
You can become a beautiful girl thanks to a rich inner world. The multifaceted personality attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

It is very important to get rid of acquaintances who, at any opportunity, try to humiliate you. Envious girlfriends and ill-mannered men will definitely not help you increase your self-esteem. Avoid being mistreated within your family, company, or work. It is necessary to exclude from the social circle people who take up a lot of time with empty talk. Communicate more often with people who improve your mood, instill in you confidence and self-confidence.
Refuse offers you don't want to follow through. Do not be afraid of criticism and negative statements from others in your direction. Failure to approve of your actions or your image shouldn't be a tragedy for you. Everyone is entitled to their point of view. This does not mean at all that it is always correct and fair. It is worth listening to constructive criticism, because thanks to it, a young lady can change something in her own actions and gain confidence in her abilities.
Don't be afraid to take actions that generate inner fear. For example, have important conversations on the phone, agree on something, or talk to someone you really like. Try to make new acquaintances with nice people.

A self-confident woman is characterized by inner freedom and emancipation. Independence from other people's opinions instills in the lady an awareness of her own consistency and happiness. It is very important to have your own income in order to meet your financial needs and not depend on either your parents or the young man. Such a young lady understands personal needs, looking for different creative ways to realize them. Achievements bring complete satisfaction to the girl.
An important factor in becoming bolder in life is an active life position. The more hobbies and activities, the more likely you are to become a strong and sociable lady. Exercise is of paramount importance as it helps to cope with negative emotions, improves mood and improves women's health. Set aside time to travel to other cities and different countries.
Never look for the guilty among others. It is enough to understand and accept your own mistakes, to try to correct them. Remember that everything is in your hands. In order to increase low self-esteem, a young lady should take some actions.

Awareness of the problem
Start with a self study. Reflect on what prevents you from finding harmony and finding inner peace. Do not ignore pressing problems. Until they are resolved, problems will remain on a subconscious level.
If you have a conversation with some not very pleasant person, and you put it off in every possible way, then the experiences only intensify day by day. Take courage, overcome your fear, and the problem will be a thing of the past.

Exercises to improve the situation
Determination can be increased by doing simple but very effective exercises. You should start the morning with praise. Focus on every little detail, be it a well-done makeup or a well-chosen set of clothes. Remember all your achievements. Compliment yourself. For example, say out loud: “What a great pilaf I made. I am an excellent hostess! " or “How wonderful I look today. Looks like a Hollywood actress! "
Apply breathing exercises often. Inhale the air slowly, then exhale it for a few seconds. Breathe evenly using your diaphragm. When negative thoughts or emotions arise, focus your attention not on them, but on your breathing. Take a few deep breaths.
Write down 10 of your negative traits in your notebook. Next to each of them, write in a positive quality that, in your opinion, would be suitable to replace the existing flaw. Then you have to try to make it happen. When gaining another dignity, cross out the negative quality from the list.

Result evaluation
In a separate notebook, write down the difficulties overcome and the achievements acquired every day. Periodically re-read the notes that remind you of the obstacles you managed to get through. In this way, you will be able to assess the result of the path you have traveled.

Psychological advice
An insecure young woman is usually convinced that she does not deserve a good job, a decent salary, or indeed a better fate. It can be very difficult for her to decide on any changes in her life. But the adjustment of views, certain actions can lead to an excellent result and radically change the life of a young person.
In psychology, there are many effective techniques that help timid people overcome their inner fears and gain courage and firmness.

Experts give a number of recommendations.
- Never give in to negative emotions. Get out of the habit of judging and criticizing other people. Do not get annoyed, speak calmly and openly with the subject causing you negative reactions. When a quarrel is brewing, try to wind up the conversation and get out of the conflict zone. Minimize your meetings with this person.
- Please yourself often. You can make yourself a present in the form of a good new thing or a new hairstyle. Head to the salon for an enjoyable beauty treatment.
- Strive to acquire new knowledge, to self-improvement. Learn to defend your position in public. You can first take a closer look at your facial expressions and movements. Work on yourself in front of the mirror.
- It is very useful to periodically look at yourself from a new angle and change your image. To achieve a goal, sometimes it becomes necessary to completely change your course or way of life. In order to avoid depression and feelings of emptiness, you should not drastically change yourself and your life. Always set specific goals and clear goals for yourself.
- Collect your thoughts and do things that you did not dare to do before. Don't be afraid to miss. Mistakes provide an opportunity to gain good experience. It is necessary to draw the appropriate conclusions and stop focusing on anxious reflections.
- Rely on the support of loved ones. Share your concerns with them. Their praise and compliments will be good for your emotional state and you will gain confidence. Don't be afraid to voice your personal opinion. Feel free to say out loud what you want from others. To make your thought sound confident, first formulate it in your head.
- A confident woman does not suffer from morbid jealousy. The young man has the right to contact and communicate with the fairer sex. But he prefers you, which means that you deserve this decision of his. And stop feeling sorry for yourself. If there is a trouble, then you should not be distressed and withdrawn into yourself.
- A determined girl will not impose her opinion on anyone, including her beloved man. A self-sufficient lady never makes scandals, does not throw tantrums. After all, she does not need to assert herself at the expense of another person, she does not need to prove anything to anyone. The completely self-confident young lady is distinguished by softness and femininity.