How to become self-confident and stop being shy?

Closed and shy people live very badly in our society. In the world of speeds and passions, such character traits not only interfere, but even depress a person. Therefore, overly shy people often become reclusive. They hardly communicate with anyone and try to live quietly and calmly. Naturally, this attitude does not allow them to realize their desires and capabilities. However, many of them dream of getting rid of self-doubt and improving their lives.

How to start thinking positively?
It has long been proven that human thoughts are material. If a person thinks about good all the time, then in the end his life develops for the better. However, if you think about the bad all the time, then this “bad” will not be long in coming.
Therefore, in order not to be a withdrawn and insecure person, you need to develop habits that will set you up to be positive.
- First of all, you need to take control of your thoughts. As soon as you start to get overwhelmed by bad feelings or doubts, immediately say to yourself: "Stop." You could even think of a game like this. Think about the STOP road sign. It needs to be mentally reproduced when you start to panic or cheat yourself.
- Surround yourself with people who are as successful as possible. They should be much more successful than yourself. Then you can always look at how they act in a given situation, and take an example from them.
- It is better to alienate people who constantly pull you in the opposite direction from the positive.To do this, you just need to stop communicating with them.
- You should never make an elephant out of a fly if an unpleasant event occurs. There was a nuisance - do not wind yourself up. First, just calm down, and then analyze the situation.
- Failure doesn't have to unsettle you. If an unpleasant event occurs, then make the most of this situation.
For example, your car breaks down and you are late for a meeting - think about the fact that, perhaps, fate saved you from an accident that would have happened to you on the road.

Try to live easily and freely all the time, then it will not be so difficult for you to overcome your shyness. To do this, you need to follow these simple rules.
- Love art. Listen to classical music, start going to theaters and various art galleries. By the way, seeing the pictures can not only calm the psyche, but also give an impetus to self-development.
- Never initially tune in to an unfortunate outcome of the case. Just trust that you will be fine.
- In the event of an unsuccessful outcome, do not look to blame, and even more so do not blame yourself. Accept the loss and think about how you can quickly return or fix it.
- An “inner” smile will help you get rid of bad thoughts. Remember funny and funny stories more often. They will unwittingly cheer you up. These exercises will develop positive thinking.
- Planning your activities can help you get rid of self-doubt. If everything is calculated correctly, then the matter will certainly argue.

The following tips will help you tune in to the right thoughts that will lead to self-confidence.
- Be sure to look for pluses in everything. It's raining outside, so don't think that you might get wet, but that you bought a new umbrella. Due to bad weather, you can show a fashionable novelty to people around you.
- Installations help everyone well, without exception. Before you start any business, tell yourself: "I will succeed."
- A very good way to achieve your goals is by reading affirmations. Think of a certain phrase for yourself, for example, this: "I am successful (for) and love (a)." Repeat it several times before bed. It is advisable to do this in front of a mirror and look directly into your eyes.
- If you have set a goal, then visualize the end result. For example, if you save up for a car, then every day imagine what it will be like. Everything is important here: brand, color, etc.
- Let go of your fear. It interferes with life and fetters your will and thoughts.
- Do not pay attention to trifles and even more worry about them.

How to learn to control manifestations of shyness?
Shy people try to get lost in the crowd. But despite such maneuvers, they are still easy to calculate by their characteristic behavior. So this is how it manifests itself.
- A person feels "out of place" among strangers.
- Public speaking causes panic.
- The person looks away when talking.
- Speaks softly and answers briefly to questions asked.
- He tries not to stand out from other people.
- When a conflict situation or a situation arises when it is necessary to show perseverance of character, a person begins to experience a feeling of fear. He begins to sweat profusely and palpitations are observed.
- He constantly condemns himself and tries not to come into contact with people, as he is afraid that he will be uninteresting.
You need to get rid of the feeling of shyness. It gets in the way and will prevent you from moving on. You will always be afraid to voice your opinion. Shyness has a bad effect on the development of destiny, because your self-realization suffers greatly.
In addition, due to shyness, you will always lose control over the situation and will not be able to prevent a negative outcome in time. This means that you will always be wasting energy and time.

Perhaps it is because of the lack of confidence in your abilities and shyness that you miss all opportunities and stop developing. Try to overcome these flaws with the following guidelines.
- The first step is to identify the causes of shyness. To do this, you can seek help from a specialist. If you decide to act on your own, then try to apply meditation. They very well help to look inside your consciousness and thereby identify a negative cause, as well as eliminate it.
- Identify your feelings of insecurity that lead to shyness. Once you've identified the root of the problem, start fixing it. Developing respect for yourself is the first step.
- Stop feeling redundant in society.
- Always start a dialogue first if you need to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone. At the same time, pronounce the words clearly and persistently. Be sure to defend your point of view.
- Do not scold yourself if you are unable to accomplish this or that task. Be persistent in another attempt, and you will succeed.
At first, these recommendations will not be easy for you. But gradually you will get used to the new role.

What does it take to become self-confident?
First of all, you need a very strong desire to change.
Remember that no one will solve your problems for you. Therefore, be sure to keep in mind that you will have a hard time when you re-educate yourself. However, this work on yourself is worth it.
So, building resilience is half your success. Then you need to proceed to the implementation of the following recommendations.
- Decide on your strengths and rely on them in your thoughts all the time. For example, you think that you know how to distribute your forces, so you do the job quickly and accurately. Then you should always take advantage of that.
- Try to do the kind of work that is not easy for you. Make an effort to get the job done beyond your expectations. This activity will help you cope with self-doubt and will significantly strengthen willpower.
- Particular attention must be paid to developing willpower. To do this, you need to appreciate the results that you have achieved earlier. For example, you worked hard to set aside a certain amount of money. You planned to spend them on the purchase of a very necessary thing, for example, a car. However, a temptation has arisen in your mind to spend the accumulated capital on some kind of entertainment. How to make the right choice? Think about what a person with strong willpower would do? The answer is obvious: he would spend the accumulated amount according to the set goal. This is how the desire for victory is strengthened.
- Take pride in the fact that you can afford not to waste money. Remember: a strong-minded person understands that it is easy to spend the accumulated capital, but it is rather problematic to acquire it. Therefore, try to always calculate your potential. When a person has reserves for his soul, he feels much more confident.
- Surround yourself with kind people and never give up family ties. Do not alienate those who seek to make friends with you or help you. This way you can feel that you are not alone in this world.
- It is necessary to develop optimism in the character. When a person looks into the future with joy, his life plays with bright colors all the time.
- Prepare in advance for this or that development of the situation. For example, if you are planning to buy a house but do not yet know the exact price of it, then do not make plans in advance. You should not arrange furniture or think that you will spend the rest of the purchase on a trip to the sea. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, you can get very upset.

How to stop being ashamed of the opposite sex?
First of all, you need to accept yourself for who you really are.
Remember, if a person likes you, then he will perceive positively both your advantages and disadvantages. If a person has a deeper feeling for you - love - then at first he will not be able to control the situation and simply will not notice your negative sides.
The following tips can help you fight shyness.
- Shyness can alienate a potential partner from you, as such a reaction will be perceived by them as unwillingness to communicate.
- It must be remembered that too intrusive behavior will also not lead to anything good. The person may be frightened by your persistence and retreats without further explanation.
- Try to quickly find common ground with your partner. Then your communication will move to a new level.
- When talking to a person you like, never analyze your speech. Otherwise, you will go astray all the time and start "talking nonsense." If a conversation starts, then pick an abstract topic and conduct the conversation calmly and naturally.

Psychological advice
To quickly defeat reticence, you need to fight with yourself when shyness in front of someone begins to overcome you. Simple tips will help you with this.
- Set a goal to become the “soul of the party”. If you are an overly shy person, then this condition will be very difficult for you to fulfill. However, this task, set before oneself, will become your test of readiness for positive changes. What needs to be done to always be in the spotlight? First of all, be an interesting person. This definition means well-read, well-delivered speech, excellent manners, etc. It is possible that these qualities are familiar to you, but you do not know how they can be applied in practice. It's pretty simple. Start exercising. Sit in a chair in front of the mirror. Come up with a dialogue and just talk to yourself. All your gestures, facial expressions, etc. will be reflected in the mirror. Think about what you like about them and what causes irritation. Adjust your behavior each time until you yourself start admiring your reflection. Remember, if you become interesting to yourself, then other people will also become interested in you.
- Become the kind of person people want to turn to for help. For example, learn to sew or knit. You can also provide friendly advice on any issues. However, for this you need to have behind you a large store of knowledge and skills in various fields. For example, you should know where you can buy clothes or shoes at a discount, as well as have at hand the phone numbers of various offices where you can get this or that service.
- Don't idealize other people's lives. Remember that these actions will not end with anything good. Firstly, in life, nothing ever goes smoothly for anyone. It's just that some individuals know how to hide their mistakes and failures from prying eyes. Secondly, chasing the ideal life, you miss the most important thing and will never be truly happy.
- If during a conversation any stupid situation occurs, then you need to laugh at yourself in time. Don't expect other members of the company to do it for you.
- Learn to say yes to your new opportunities. For this, be liberated. If you've never danced outside barefoot in the rain in front of everyone, then do it one day. After such a bold act, you will begin to respect yourself and understand that no one has the right to condemn you for having your own opinions and desires.