How to quickly wake up and cheer up?

Modern people suffer from the fact that the working day does not always correspond to their biological rhythm. At first glance, it may seem that this problem is not so significant. However, due to this phenomenon, many begin to have health problems, and the effectiveness of their activities decreases. Can such unpleasant factors be overcome? It is possible and even necessary. And the following information will help you with this.
The essence of the problem
Natural biorhythms play an important role in human life. That's why all people need to reckon with this phenomenon and adapt to it. Otherwise, you will be in sluggish stress all the time.
Lack of sleep and failure of circadian rhythms can bring a person even to illness. And all this happens due to the fact that people constantly make certain efforts on themselves. Most of them make efforts to themselves in order not to lose the rhythm that society has imposed.

You need to understand that, waking up in the morning in a good mood, any person will also be in a positive all day. If everything happens the other way around, then the day will pass in complete negative. In addition, it is not enough to wake up in a good mood, you still need to get out of bed and feel cheerful. Only in this case you will be able to successfully complete all the tasks that you have in mind for the day. It must be added that daily self-realization will allow you to take a leading position in society.
Many people know the situation when the alarm clock rings in the morning, but the sleep does not go away. And then the question arises whether it is useful to wake up to an alarm clock. Experts studying this problem unanimously argue that the alarm clock is the cause of many nervous disorders in humans.
This is because when you hear harsh sounds during sleep, adrenaline is released into the bloodstream and your heart rate increases. The alarm clock is especially dangerous when sleep is in its deepest phase. A loud ringing can cause a heart attack or stroke in a person, and even death. That's why experts say waking up to an alarm is dangerous and should be abandoned.
Further, it should be noted that it is difficult to wake up in the morning when a person does not have an incentive to do things and the corresponding mood. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of bad thoughts and look for incentives so that the morning is always good.

How to fall asleep correctly?
So that the morning does not seem gray and hopeless to you, learn to fall asleep properly... Then you will be able to establish healthy sleep, and the problem of insomnia will disappear. A person who slept well can easily get out of bed and continue the day in a good mood. In order to fulfill the above conditions, you need to get rid of bad habits. For example, you don't have to stay up late in front of the TV. The programs are different. If you watch a plot that excites your mind, then you are unlikely to fall asleep at night. And if you fall asleep, then your sleep will not be so good.
You should also not drink coffee or hard drinks at night. Coffee is usually drunk in the morning to invigorate. Alcohol always negatively affects the functioning of the whole organism. Why do you need such problems at night? Take a warm bath each time you go to bed to ensure your sleep is perfect. Water calms the body and brings it into a special state. Water is an environment where a person feels protected.
You can also read before bed. Reading always has a calming effect on a person. An interesting plot makes the brain perceive events in a special way due to the imagination connected to the reading. Imagination is part of dreams. Dreams and dreams complement each other. Experts recommend drinking warm milk with honey at night. After which you will easily fall asleep, and your sleep will be sound. You also need to ventilate the bedroom more often and even sleep with the window open. In the sleeping room, the air temperature should be within 20 degrees. The optimal temperature regime will help your body to fully recover.
You need to have dinner 3 hours before bedtime. If you go to sleep with a full stomach, then your body will not be able to recuperate due to the fact that it will first need to digest food, and only then completely relax.

How should you wake up?
As you sleep, so will your day. Know that the morning is most productive. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to do all the necessary things before noon. To do this, you must cheer up as quickly as possible in the early morning and get down to business, for example, send your child to school and go about your tasks.
The best time to wake up is from 5 am to 7 am. However, not everyone is able to quickly and easily get out of bed at this time. To make it work, we recommend that you listen to the following tips.
- A refreshing shower will help you to be awake early in the morning.... If you do not have health problems, then try a contrast shower. To do this, first turn on very warm water, and then suddenly switch the tap to a cold stream. Repeat this technique about 3 times.
- You can wake up a little earlier than the set time... To do this, you need to set the alarm 15 minutes earlier. As soon as you start getting up earlier, you will go to bed much earlier.
- In the evening, write a plan for your day... When there is certainty in affairs, then there is an incentive for a quick awakening.
- After waking up, drink 1 glass of water at room temperature... Water is the source of life energy. When the body receives a certain portion of energy, it will quickly begin to come to the desired state.
- In the evening, program your consciousness to awaken. To do this, imagine the number on the alarm clock, which will mean your awakening. Before falling asleep, look at the dial. The human brain is very susceptible to such techniques, so after regular exercise, you will begin to wake up at the right time.
- Live food helps to keep the body awake. If you eat the right foods, your body will be less susceptible to stress and fatigue.
- Check your health just in case. Maybe fatigue is the body's response to a disease. If so, then get treatment.
- Breakfast needs to be thought out even in the evening... Keep it light and useful.

If the above recommendations do not help, then try to slow down your pace of life.... You may need to change jobs because of an unacceptable schedule. If you still can't adjust to getting up early in the morning, then find an activity that you like with a free schedule. You don’t owe anything to anyone, so learn to refuse those people who do not allow you to completely relax after work or burden you with their problems. Once you do this, you have a large amount of free time that can be spent on sleep.
Some proponents of radical action it is advised to open the curtains and look at the bright sun in the early morning... These measures must be taken with caution by those people who have health problems. If they are not there, then this method will help not only to wake up quickly, but also to get a certain amount of positive from the sun's rays. Do not forget that only you yourself can create a comfortable morning for yourself. That's why do not forcibly cram breakfast into yourself in a hurry and wash it down with cooled coffee... Remember that sudden movements are very harmful to the body.
Before getting up, do some light gymnastics in a supine position. To do this, squeeze the muscles of the arms and legs to the maximum, and then sharply relax them. Pleasant music can also help you wake up quickly and lift your spirits.

What if you haven't got enough sleep?
Anyone can get into a situation that will prevent him from getting enough sleep at night. For example, in your family, a baby fell ill and cried until the early morning. Naturally, all the household members could not sleep a wink because of the worries and noise. The question involuntarily arises what to do in this case. First of all, you shouldn't drink large portions of strong tea or coffee. These drinks can cheer you up only for a short time, and then you will become even more tired. All this will happen because coffee and tea help to increase the activity of the heart muscle. And this factor is fraught with an increase in pressure. The best option here would be to be late for work and sleep for about 3 hours. After that, your body will feel relief, the tension will be relieved. You will feel energized. Thanks to this, you will be able to survive the whole day at work, although you will feel incredibly sleepy.
If for some reason you did not get enough sleep, then try invigorating scents. For example, the smells of lemon, orange, nutmeg, eucalyptus contribute to a quick awakening. Buy extracts from the above plants from the pharmacy and use as needed. Such funds help especially well when you are at work and you are constantly drawn to sleep. Bright lights and gymnastics also help to cheer up. The bright light sends signals to the brain, which is forced to stay awake. Gymnastic exercises are good at dispersing the blood. It, in turn, supplies the brain with oxygen and nutrients.
Breakfast for lack of sleep should consist of light foods.... Better if it is vegetables and fruits. Tea has a good tonic effect. A short nap in the transport will help you to cheer up. And if you have to complete difficult tasks, then postpone them for later if possible.
Take time to nap for 20 minutes during the day.Just so you can wake up instantly, drink a strong cup of coffee 20 minutes before falling asleep.

Hello everyone! I am a student and this is an actual problem for me. It used to be a nightmare for me to get up at 5 in the morning, but now it's okay. I just taught myself to do the same thing every morning - the brain remembers the morning routine and wakes up), I have exercises and a cold shower.
Cool!) And I have coffee, but real, strong, in beans. Wakes up instantly!) And only then I wash my face, exercise and everything else ...