Solfeggio frequencies: what are they and how to use them?

Music of Ascension frequencies - this is the name of the sounds of solfeggio, which are the standard of sound vibrations for every person living on Earth. Currently, mankind knows 6 basic and 3 additional frequencies of sound waves, which are capable of bringing any sphere of life of each of us into a harmonious state.
Electromagnetic vibrations, performing certain vibrations in frequency, form sounds. The frequency of sound waves is measured in hertz. Scientists have proven that literally everything can sound, but a person simply cannot perceive much with his hearing organ. When a sound wave passes through us, a person resonates with the sound, and attunement takes place in his body. The sounds of music resonate in our soul and resonate with the physical body.
The vibrations of sound waves can harm or heal our bodies.

Musical instruments are tuned according to a certain Standard adopted in 1711, when the English musician invented the tuning fork. If you strike the tuning fork, you can hear the sound of a specific sound frequency. Until now, the tuning fork serves as a means for tuning not only instruments, but also in singing. Modern tuning fork models give the sound "A" of the first octave, its sounding frequency is 440 Hz. The essence of the tuning is based on musical notes, of which there are 7, and each of the notes has its own wavelength and frequency of its oscillations.
The musical notation, called solfeggio, was created by the Italian monk Guido in the 1st century AD. NS. Over time, solfeggio was slightly changed, and today it exists as we know it, that is, consisting of 7 notes. Each note has a Latin name and the translation looks very interesting:
- Do - the note "do" - Dominus, that is, the Lord God;
- Re - the note "re" - Rerum, which means matter;
- Mi - the note "mi" - Miraculum, means miracles;
- Fa - the note "fa" - Familias planetarum, in Latin seven planets (seven I);
- Sol - the note "salt" - Solis, translated as the sun;
- La - the note "la" - Lactea Via, that is, the Milky Way;
- Si - the note "si" - Siderae, means heaven.
Solfeggio chants have been carried out for a long time, it's just that no one called them that before. This is evidenced by the studied manuscripts of the ancient monks of the Gregorian era. Already in those days, such chants were not only euphony, but also healing. These sounds are now called the Music of the Ascension Frequencies. People engaged in spiritual practices correlate 7 notes with the chakras of the human subtle field, which are also 7.

How do different frequencies work?
The frequencies that serve to tune the body, soul, and mind of a person are called Ascension Frequencies. They are consonant in their vibrations to the singing Tibetan bowls. Listening to these sounds, a person freezes in attention. Harmonious sound treatment is unique, but modern people are often skeptical about it. Each of the 7 sounds has its own frequency index. There are 6 main sounds, these include 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz, in addition, there are additional sound frequencies found a little later than the main ones - these are 174 Hz, 285 Hz and 936 Hz.
The most effective for humans are the first 6 main frequencies, but additional sound vibrations also have a positive meaning for a person. Anyone who has attended a session of sound therapy at least once will never remain indifferent to this technique.
The main frequencies work with our energy and physical body, while the additional frequencies work with the subtle spheres of the subconscious.

The manifestation of frequencies on the human body is as follows.
- Sound 174 Hz - this frequency helps to relieve physical pain and mental suffering, normalizes the state of the body at the cellular level, gives us a feeling of love, peace and security.
- Sound 285 Hz - sound promotes cell renewal, regenerates damaged tissues, increases the tone of the body and each of its cells.
- Sound 396 Hz - helps to find hidden blocks in the subconscious, wrong beliefs that create problems in life. Helps to change moods, eliminating grief and sadness, fears and feelings of guilt, which prevents a person from realizing himself in this world. After listening, there is a feeling of joy and liberation.
- Sound 417 Hz - stimulates changes in life by helping to find and discover a source of energy that changes life for the better. Sound can eliminate traumatic experiences, find and dissolve incorrect emotional attitudes and habits.
- Sound 528 Hz - increases the clarity of thinking, stimulates the development of talent, gives inspiration and energy for accomplishment, strengthens intuition and helps to find the right paths in life. This frequency is called the frequency of love, and it can work wonders.
- Sound 631 Hz - promotes harmony and broadens the horizons for communication. Helps build relationships with family members, friends, colleagues. Improves personal qualities, awakening love, understanding, tolerance in a person.
- Sound 740 Hz - opens up the opportunity to intuitively feel which food is good for the body and which is harmful, which gradually leads to a healthy lifestyle. Expands the horizons of consciousness, sharpens intuition, stimulates the flexibility of the psyche, helping it to cope with solving complex problems. Promotes self-expression, helps the body cleanse cells of toxins.
- Sound 852 Hz - helps to become a more spiritual person, regulates chaos. Helps to understand situations of deception, reveals the essence of people, frees from illusions.
- Sound 963 Hz - creates a connection between the soul and the Spirit, connecting a person with his source of true nature. It helps to return to the reference settings inherent in us by nature itself. Helps to make any system the most perfect and understandable.
In addition to the well-studied basic and additional frequencies of sound vibration, there is another parameter equal to 1074 Hz. This frequency is under study, but it is already known that it gives a person balance and peace.

How and for what to use?
Each of the known sound frequencies has its own meaning and affects the 7 chakras. To keep your energy and physical body healthy, you need to listen to the sounds of solfeggio at least once every 7-10 days. It is not necessary to listen to the musical scale in order; you can select sounds as you prefer, or in order to eliminate certain problems. Practitioners believe that total listening provides the body with a reference balance of the chakra system. You can listen to sounds using headphones or using a stereo system.
Recordings in MP format. 3 are considered to be of better quality than the MP format. 4. Multiple listening is most effective. Music improves not only human health, but also clears the room from negative vibrations.

Healing effect
Sound therapy has proven results, which are confirmed by official medicine. You can start healing at any frequency, but for beginners it is better to choose sounds with vibrations of 396 Hz. This frequency ensures the restoration of the red chakra. While listening, you can visualize red tones, at this time grief is replaced by joy, the feeling of guilt disappears, the mind awakens. After stimulating the red chakra, you can move to a frequency of 417 Hz, which normalizes the work of the orange chakra. Solfeggio will give you a charge of energy while listening and transfer it to the solar plexus area, where the chakra is located. After this course, you can go to a frequency of 528 Hz. Here the yellow chakra is already activated and under the influence of sound the DNA structure is normalized.
By listening to the frequency of 639 Hz, you activate the work of the green heart chakra, which is responsible for the sphere of interpersonal relations. While listening, you can meditate and imagine the green hues. To balance the blue throat chakra, listen to the frequency of 741 Hz. The vibrations in the sound will strengthen your intuition and help you solve even the most difficult problems. For those who are engaged in spiritual practices or healing, sound with a frequency of 852 Hz will help open the channel of the "third eye". Such an event will allow a person to rise to a new level in his personal development and will reveal many truths to him. Solfeggio at a frequency of 963 Hz allows a person to transform any system in his body and in the external environment, as intended by nature itself.
It is best to listen to vibrations in solitude and silence, relaxing and closing your eyes. Regular practice of sound therapy will not keep you waiting long for the arrival of positive changes not only in health, but also in life in general.

MP4 - aka AAC is newer and better quality than MP3, but in general it is better to listen in losles, i.e. lossless, wav, flac format.