Reading diagonally

In an age of high technological capabilities, a stream of various information falls on a person. It is often required to master a large amount of information in a short period of time, quickly process new material, extract the most important information from it and filter out false data. You can achieve these goals with the help of a diagonal reading of the texts.

What it is?
Fast reading means reading an entire book or even multiple sources in a day. This means that a person is able to instantly grasp a whole page with his sight and understand it. The technique of speed reading comes down to looking at the entire text, when the eyes move from one line to another along a broken path in the form of a snake. The gaze is directed diagonally from left to right. In order to fully understand the fragment, a person uses peripheral vision.
A good understanding of quickly read texts, broadening one's horizons and improving memory requires a meaningful and reasonable approach to the results obtained. Speed reading is used in the study of scientific articles, textbooks and special literature. It increases the speed of preparation for exams and the acquisition of a general level of knowledge. This method is not suitable for reading works of fiction, since such literature presupposes a colorful presentation of the events described and obtaining aesthetic pleasure from reading.
Rational reading frees up extra time to do other things.

Those wishing to learn to read quickly need to tune themselves in to this process and isolate themselves from external stimuli. It is important to concentrate on working with text. The reader's eyes should move as they please. In this case, it is advisable not to control the direction of your gaze. Fight involuntary attempts to go back to previous lines.
You can quickly read books in a zigzag manner by transforming the text you see into images or information blocks. Pronunciation of a fragment slows down the speed of information perception. Silent articulation also negatively affects the speed of reading, therefore, any lip movements and mental pronunciation of the text must be completely excluded. Do not go back to the fragments you have read, otherwise you can confuse your concentration and get confused. Don't try to see the entire string, learn to recognize it one word at a time.
There are some more very important rules.
- Concentration of attention on the entire text. It is necessary to focus on the entire text, and not on individual fragments. A high level of concentration promotes complete immersion in the contents of the book. The reader perceives and understands information better.
- Diagonal movement of the eyes. The reading direction should be from the top left corner to the bottom right of the page. It is not allowed to move your gaze to the left and right. The eyes must be moved exclusively diagonally. Stops are allowed only at the main points.
- Maximum coverage of information. You need to try to review a large amount of information without unnecessary eye movements. The aim is to familiarize yourself with the content of the entire page. You need to fix your gaze in the center of the sheet. One fixation should be enough to comprehend the entire printed text. Information that does not fall into the field of view should be actively speculated using the imagination.
- Ignoring verbal rubbish. It is necessary to learn how to highlight key information, instantly removing water and skipping turns of speech in which there is no semantic load.

Effective techniques
You can learn to read quickly with the help of traditional speed reading exercises described in various methods. A special gymnastics for the eyes allows you to increase the field of view during the process of reading books. It promotes efficient use of the visual system. Reducing the time and number of commits per line increases the read speed. The motionlessness of the eyes while viewing the text helps to see most of it. There are various techniques for synchronizing the hemispheres that contribute to the development of speed reading.
At the initial stage of learning speed reading, you can use a pointer or any other stick. The pointer glides along the lines, and the person does not return to the read material. After a while, the reading speed increases, and the wand is no longer needed. The sighting method of diagonal reading involves the perception of material without reading it. You need to look at a specific fragment without reading it. Then you have to close your eyes and think about what he was. Next, you should review the information again and understand what new information you have extracted. Other effective methods are also very popular.
Expansion of the angle of view with Schulte tables
Tables are random numbers. You need to mentally silently arrange them in order. Chaotically scattered numbers in the grid force a person to use peripheral vision. When looking for numbers, you need to focus your gaze on the central part of the table. Horizontal eye movements are prohibited.
If you can't find all the numbers without taking your eyes off the central cell, then you can quickly look up and down.The goal is to view the entire grid while simultaneously fixing the central digit with the left, right, bottom, top numbers. It is not so much the search for numbers that is important as concentration of attention and a one-step vision of the entire zone.
Mastering such actions contributes to an increase in reading speed due to the use of a one-time mode of analysis of printed characters and coverage of the volumetric field of the read text.

Reading at speed
You need to open a new book or article, time it and read it at speed. Count the number of words read in one minute. After the first reading, the speed should be over 250 words. As you practice diagonal reading, try paying attention to adjacent words. Over time, you will learn to concentrate on the word forms around the main word. The reading speed will gradually increase. Fast diagonal reading of literature activates thought processes, which increases the percentage of memorization of the material.
Integral Reading Algorithm
The book must not only be read, but also understood, comprehended, and remembered. This technique involves extracting the necessary information from the text without reading it completely. It is best to use imaginative thinking at this moment. You can use a ready-made scheme or come up with it yourself. To do this, you need to divide the information into separate blocks. For example, the title of the article, author, topic, main content, interesting facts, novelty of the material, controversial points. The Integral Reading Method is suitable for studying a variety of publications.

Highlighting semantic reference points
This method involves isolating the main idea. The content is reduced to concise phrases that highlight the main idea of the book. Associative series can serve as a support. Choose bright and memorable associations.
Focusing on the main idea of the text helps to navigate well in the material learned.
Anticipation and Reception
The reader can draw on the meaning of a large passage. He is able to understand the entire text from a few sentences. Understanding occurs due to the accumulated semantic stereotypes and text stamps. The processing of the information read comes to automatism. It is enough for a person to see a few words for a complete perception of the entire content. Such a semantic guess is called anticipation. A person, by some indirect signs of a work, predicts the development of events.
Reception means a mental return to the read material with the aim of a deeper understanding of the text. Unlike regression, which is an involuntary return to the phrases read, reception is a conscious return to a specific fragment in order to clarify incomprehensible moments. The mechanical return to the read passages that occurs during regressions reduces the reading efficiency.
Rereading links together the previous and current phrases during reciprocity, so a more complete understanding of the text occurs. Reading efficiency is greatly improved.