How to change your life for the better?

Every person dreams of filling his soul with happiness and joy. The desire for well-being often prompts a person to revise his own views, the desire to act. But how to achieve the desired goal?
Basic rules for changing life
In psychology, there are some rules that will drastically change your life.
Start your day with gratitude for the years, hours, minutes given to you. Appreciate every moment. Don't give in to laziness and fear. It takes a lot of effort to change your life for the better. You will have to give up some habits and actions, and, on the contrary, accept some. Do not be afraid of obstacles and obstacles on the way. Get over them. Don't be afraid of failure.

Believe in your own strengths, goals, and your own wisdom. Focus on your capabilities, not limitations. Optimism contributes to the normalization of the psychological, physical and emotional state. Positive thoughts energize a person with positive energy. Learn to accept yourself for who you are.
Let go of the burden of memories and negative thoughts. Do not waste days and years on unpleasant thoughts about your weaknesses and negative events in the past. Concentrate on the present moment. Learn to enjoy life here and now. Enjoy the events in your life. Don't expect an exceptional case.
Appreciate your uniqueness. Stop belittling yourself and your dignity. Replace negative thinking with positive attitudes. To find spiritual harmony, you need to fully accept yourself, your inner core. Tune in to love of life and happiness.
By loving yourself, other people and the world around you, you can improve your psychological state.

When a person treats work and people with love, he achieves great success in any business. His life is changing for the better, because it acquires new wonderful colors.
Don't get emotional. Your feelings may not reflect the real state of affairs. The reality may turn out to be completely different. Decisions initiated by dialogues and conclusions should not be made in a fit of emotion. Analyze the situation on the "cooled" head. Stop focusing on important nuances and acting on assumptions. Erroneous assumptions often lead to bad decisions. Hasty conclusions spoil relationships with others.
Don't impose your rules on anyone... By doing this you push people away from you. If they do not want to live by your orders, you get irritated and nervous, and they think of you as a boring and overly confident person.
Stop dramatizing events. Small troubles should not be fanned into a real tragedy. Concentrate on the positives. Focus your attention on inner happiness. Some situations should not be taken too seriously. Look at them without undue stress. Free yourself from stress, fear and aggression.

Where to begin?
A new life should begin with an investigation of one's life activity. Think about what you dislike about your lifestyle. Record on a piece of paper your shortcomings to be eliminated. Write down the desired result to the right of each item.
In fact, it is very difficult to change the usual way of life. To do this, you need to get rid of negative emotions, painful thoughts, stressful conditions, and your own fears. A woman needs to find the strength in herself so as not to use phrases like “I’m tired of everything”, “I’m so exhausted during the day”, “I would rather end the working day”, “I’m completely exhausted”. Control your thoughts and actions. Drive negative thoughts away from yourself. Channel your thought process in a positive direction. The thought is material.
You can always change your personal settings. To do this, you need to draw up an individual program. Planning concrete actions to improve your quality of life increases the likelihood of your intentions being realized. You should not outline many goals at once, since completing them in bulk will have less chance of success. Keep a diary. Record various events, analyze them.
First, you need to master one new habit - and move on to a new level of life. After achieving this goal, develop a concrete plan for acquiring other positive qualities. For example, in a month you managed to completely remove obscene language from your speech. Once you feel that the new behavior has been brought to automaticity, you can proceed to the next stage. This can be getting rid of tobacco smoking or addiction to sweets.

Learn to hear yourself. Start reflecting on your true desires.
What do you really want? How do you want to achieve this? Define your values in life. Prioritize correctly. Decide on your goals, make a plan. Record your results. Don't let others confuse you.
Go your own way. Leave your comfort zone without fear. Many people do not want to get out of their usual peaceful state. The degradation of personality occurs in comfort. Difficulties and obstacles develop flexibility of nature. Taking unusual actions leads to good performance.
Be prepared for any outcome... Things may not go according to plan. Be calm about the unexpected. Consider the options for the development of the situation. Be flexible, adapt in time to the ongoing changes.Diversify your everyday life, bring new colors to them, introduce interesting ideas that can change the current events for the better.
Be disciplined... Perform all planned actions on time. Be honest with others. Pay all bills on time, don't drive yourself into debt. Do not postpone things on the back burner. They will be a heavy burden to hang on the soul, which will turn out to be a great obstacle on the path to happiness.
Learn to manage your time. Start and end your day right. Go to bed on time and only in a good mood. Before bed, do not sort things out with relatives, neighbors, and friends.

Broaden your horizons. Read fiction and educational literature. Learn foreign languages. Attend various trainings, seminars and other interesting events. Find opportunities to improve your intellectual level. Put your brain to work. Analysis of one's own and other people's experience helps to move forward. Go to museums, theaters, exhibitions and excursions. Travel across different cities and countries.
Keep yourself always in shape... Go in for sports. Start with morning exercises, doing squats and push-ups from the floor. On a winter morning, you can go for a run in the fresh air. In the summer heat, it is better to refrain from running.
Provide yourself with a nutritious balanced diet. Eliminate sodas, chips, sausages, and other unhealthy foods from your diet. Gradually move on to eating healthy foods. Do not force yourself, do not exhaust yourself with diets and starvation.

The ways
Self-therapy begins with drawing up a daily routine. It is necessary to schedule the upcoming day literally by the minute. Include in the plan any activities you are planning to do: eating, exercising, household chores, work, or school. Stick to it. Try to fully implement all ideas. Only an abnormal situation can make adjustments to the planned events. Don't waste a single second. When a person feels that his day has not been lived in vain, his soul is filled with joy and happiness.
Look for your "I". To this end, one must free oneself from infantilism and illusions. Do not let yourself be manipulated, always defend your personal opinion, make your own decisions. Don't close your eyes to problems. Eliminate family troubles, improve relationships with others, resolve conflict situations, resolve financial difficulties. Learn to take responsibility. No matter how painful and painful the decision may be for you, you have to make a choice.
Everyday emotional difficulties, depression, phobias and other negative manifestations can be dealt with with the help of some exercises aimed at realizing their own problems, reevaluating personal attitudes and achieving the necessary changes. For example, throughout the week, write down positive things that make you feel good in a notebook. After 7 days, read the entire list. Take another week to write down all your negative traits and fears. Find a way to eradicate them. During the third week, record in a notebook only positive moments and the methods you have chosen to eliminate negative emotions and feelings.

To increase the love of life, the ability to enjoy every day, psychologists suggest taking a number of actions.
Drawing up instructions
The best way to achieve your goal is to write down an ordered list of your desires on a piece of paper. Plan your actions. Each item on the list can be presented in the form of a table. For example, 4 column headings might look like this:
- obstacles;
- what can help;
- necessary actions;
- Expected Result.
Column filling is carried out individually by each person. You can keep a regular record of your mistakes and achievements in a blog or diary.

The mood for the best result
Set yourself up to be positive. Do not become discouraged and do not give up under any circumstances. You always need to believe in a favorable outcome of events. Avoid any encounters with people: quarrels, conflicts, disputes. Look for a compromise solution in difficult situations.
Rejoice in little things, pay attention to pleasant moments. Let go of all negative feelings. Don't blame yourself for the mistakes you make. The past cannot be changed. Accept the situation and move forward. Use past experiences to improve your future life. Let it be a good lesson for you.
Unnecessary and bad habits
Anyone can list their weaknesses outright. Someone is accustomed to using obscene words in their speech, another is not to fulfill their own promises, to be lazy, bite their nails, go to bed very late, overeat, and the like. Any personality will always find something to get rid of in the first place..
Addictions such as smoking, alcohol and drug use lead the subject to spiritual and physical death. They contribute to the destruction of brain cells, deterioration of the functioning of internal organs and blood vessels. Only in the case of a complete rejection of them will the body replenish with strength and positive energy, and the quality of life will significantly improve. Negative addictions must be replaced with good inclinations.
Reconsider your actions, include desired habits in your personal plan of joyful change.

Openness to people
You cannot avoid communicating with your relatives, friends, colleagues and other people. They are able to support you in difficult times, cheer you up, lift your spirit with their presence. You don't have to share with all your personal experiences and concerns. Chat with people more often. Just spend time with them, chat. The world will be saturated with new bright colors from this.
An optimistic person attracts good people to him like a magnet. Redefine your environment. Whiners and pessimists inhibit the process of personality development. Save yourself from communicating with envious, angry, sullen, always dissatisfied or just unpleasant people. Take care of your surroundings with positive, interesting, and kind people.
Interests and hobbies
Do what you love. Some people like to read, others like to play sports, learn foreign languages, take pictures, sing, dance, sew, knit, embroider, cook different dishes, paint, decorate furniture or do carpentry. Spend more time with your hobbies. Over time, they can bring you not only pleasure, but also income.
Any hobby can be turned into a main job.

Psychologist's advice
Accept people for who they are. Do not try to change and adjust them for yourself. Every person is unique. Enjoy the company of people. Treat them the way you would like outsiders to treat you.
Be selfless. Share your love, kindness, warmth and care with others. But stop any attempts to take advantage of your good attitude, do not let anyone sit on your neck. Know how to refuse others in order to save yourself from unnecessary and useless things. Don't make commitments that you can't fulfill. Know how to say "no" in time.
Be realistic, don't compete with others. Achieving what you want should depend on your needs, and not on the desire to prove something to someone. Set realistic goals for yourself, take into account your own skills and abilities.
Don't gossip. Do not collect false information from unverified sources. If you want to know something about a person, ask him directly. Do not listen to various speculations and do not spread them yourself.
Don't judge people... Try to understand their actions. If you disagree with their opinion, offer them an alternative. Forgive yourself and others.By doing this, you free yourself from stress, accumulated negativity, in return for receiving lightness.
Be able to thank, and your life will be filled with harmony and peace. Gratitude strengthens relationships with loved ones.
Thank every day you live, beautiful sunset, wonderful weather, delicious dinner and more.

Smile and laugh often. A sincere smile relieves your stress and makes others happy. She fills passers-by with warm feelings, and their positive response sends a positive counter charge in your direction. Take time to watch comedy films and comedy shows. Treat jokes and anecdotes with humor and understanding. Learn to laugh at them.
Do good and noble deeds... Be good to others. Show mercy to those in need. Do not pass by stray animals. Feed them. Offer your help to people in difficult situations. Giving to others is always more enjoyable than taking. The creation of good deeds brings satisfaction to a person and significantly improves his life.
Do not pursue material goods. A huge number of things do not bring happiness. Buy only the items you need. Donate excess things to charity. Don't depend on wealth.
Don't be overly active. Any work must be alternated with rest. Strength and energy must be restored. Set aside time each day for rest and reflection. You should rid yourself of unnecessary fuss.
Don't make excuses for your failures by circumstances or by the people around you. Don't complain about life, about the government, about your parents. Stop comparing yourself to others. Only a person himself can change his life for the better.