How to become a cheerful person?

There are cheerful people who, just by their presence, cheer up those around them. They, like the sun, illuminate the entire space around them. How do you become such a person?
Fundamental rules
Everyone can become a happy person, only you need to make some efforts to fill your life with positive and joy. Some rules are described in psychology.
- First of all, you need to change your way of thinking. Positive thoughts energize the individual with positive energy. Transform your shortcomings into advantages.
- You need to improve your appearance... Start playing sports, provide yourself with proper nutrition, get rid of bad habits, dress tastefully. Attractive people feel confident and happy.
- Learn to live according to the routine you set.... Make a plan every day, set specific goals for yourself. Do not shift responsibility to others, do not blame circumstances for your failures. Create your own life.
- Start your morning with gratitude for every year, hour, minute, moment you've lived.... Appreciate every moment, do not waste time. When a person feels that he is not living his life in vain, then happiness and joy fill his soul.
- It is necessary to surround yourself with cheerful people, which radiate inner light and fill everyone with positive energy.
- Protect yourself from negative information, instilling in you a sense of frustration and sadness. Arm yourself with the right information that helps you acquire new knowledge.
- Smile more often... A sincere smile helps to relieve your own stress and to please the people around you.
She fills the passers-by with positive emotions, and the reciprocal friendly look sends you a positive charge. And then your soul is saturated with cheerfulness and happiness.

Steps to Joy
You can become a happy and cheerful woman only on condition of finding inner harmony. To do this, you need to accept yourself, find your inner core, tune in to a positive mood. Destroy all your attitudes towards callousness, evil, selfishness. These qualities start the self-destruction program, which manifests itself in scandals, drunkenness and illness. For the mood for love of life, it is necessary to normalize the psychological, physical and emotional state.
Always try to enjoy life, find positive in any situation. It is much easier for an optimistic young lady to find cheerfulness and success, because she is focused on her capabilities, and not on limitations. Such a girl does not allow fears to affect her life. Thanks to her good physical shape, she becomes vigorous and energetic. Find happiness through the construction of a family hearth, motherhood, hobbies, professional activities, communication with friends and relatives. Take care of your loved ones, surprise your chosen one with pleasant surprises. A sociable lady will always find a way to seek out the positive in any situation.
Many ladies believe that they can acquire happiness and joy only in a relationship with their beloved man. Unfortunately, some chosen ones make the life of their companion hell. And then for a long time she cannot decide on a new novel. To force yourself to live after a failed relationship, you have to become an easy and cheerful girl again.
First, you should calm down, study your own reflection in the mirror, improve your appearance. Then you can move on to the next steps.

Find something to do
Interesting things bring great joy to a person. Dedicate more free time favorite activities. Some people enjoy creating things with their own hands. They like the process of knitting, sewing, embroidery, wood carving. Others prefer to look at the world through a camera lens. They love to capture the beauty of the world around them. Still others get great satisfaction from sports. Others devote a lot of time to reading fiction, learning foreign languages or spiritual development.
Don't close your eyes to problems
Unresolved problems weigh heavily on the soul. Their decision should not be postponed. The job you don't like needs to be changed. Family relationships must be improved, existing conflicts must be resolved. To eliminate financial difficulties, it is worth looking for additional income. Overweight people need to balance their diet. In addition, they should exercise daily.
Find joy with friends
Communication with pleasant people brings great happiness to a person. A joint visit to theaters, museums, exhibitions brings new colors to gray everyday life... Even in a very busy work schedule, you can find half an hour to meet with friends. It would be nice to sit with them in a cafe or in a park on a bench. Communication with friends cheers up, relieves irritability, feelings of loneliness and depression.
But do not bring hypocritical and depressed persons close to you. Let sincere and kind people into your life.

Deal with stress
You cannot accumulate negative emotions in your soul that have arisen as a result of a quarrel with loved ones or a conflict situation at work. The stress accumulated over several years takes a lot of energy from the individual. This state does not allow the person to find peace of mind. It creates internal conflict and destroys well-being, because a person is deprived of the opportunity to tune in a positive mood. You need to get out of stressful situations as quickly as possible.For this purpose, you can get a pet, keep a diary, or pour out your soul to your best friend. For some, watching comedies, taking a scented bath, taking a nap or relaxing music helps. In extreme cases, you can make an appointment with a psychologist.
Find your "I"
Learn to defend your opinion, make decisions on your own. Free yourself from illusions and infantilism. Don't let others manipulate you.... Have your own judgments, principles, and morals. Always count on yourself. You should not rely on the help of wealthy relatives or others. Cherish your freedom. Do not drive yourself into dependence on the world around you, materially and spiritually. Do not impose on people, spend time exclusively with those who value friendship with you.
Think positively
Do not under any circumstances be discouraged, do not give up. Always hope for a favorable outcome. Focus on the positive. Thought is material, so don't be afraid to dream. Follow your thoughts. Spiritual enlightenment provides some guidelines to help you embark on the path of finding cheerfulness and happiness. Appreciate your life and everything that happens in it. Positive-minded individuals very often feel that they are happy people.

Useful Positive Phrases
The following affirmations help to achieve a state of cheerfulness, joy and love of life:
- I live in complete peace and tranquility;
- my life is full;
- I stand firmly on the ground;
- I let go of all my grievances and boldly move forward;
- I am pleased with my vital activity;
- I bring joy to people;
- my actions are aimed at bringing happiness to others;
- I always radiate kindness and love;
- my life is filled with joy and happiness;
- I know how to sympathize with all living beings;
- a wonderful world around me;
- I attract love, success and luck into my life.

Psychologist's advice
- Put your life in order. Concentrate on inner happiness. Find activities that bring you joy and health. Believe in your own strengths, goals, and your wisdom.
- Relieve physical and mental stress. Inner happiness can only be acquired by a person whose mind and body are not tense. This is facilitated by the release from fears, stress, aggression and any existing addiction.
- Lead an active lifestyle. Hike daily, breathe fresh air, exercise. Know how to enjoy life.
- Smile at others more often. Never respond to rudeness with the same coin. Don't build up grudges.
- Experts recommend developing a sense of humor. There is no need to take too seriously some of the events that take place. At some point, you need to be able to laugh at yourself. Learn to understand jokes and anecdotes. Laugh at them. Attend comedy concerts, watch comedy films.
- Choose only educational and positive programs and films for viewing on TV. Reflect on the meaning of life.
- Leave your professional problems at work and family concerns at home... Get rid of unnecessary thoughts.
- Learn to maintain a balance of activity and rest. Relaxation helps you see the world in a positive way. Look for the point of your balance, find the golden mean, choose the best option for yourself.
- Do good deeds, do good to others. It is no coincidence that popular wisdom says that giving is much more pleasant than taking.
Thank God for everything you have.

Being able to enjoy life sometimes seems like a difficult skill to learn.
Sometimes it comes from nature!)
You need to eat what you love, not what you are told. And you have to watch what you love.