How easy is it to wake up in the morning?

Morning is a great time of day. How good it is to get up at this moment and look at the sun! However, before talking about the perfect morning, you must first of all talk about the correct awakening. Only then will the start of the day be truly positive. If you do otherwise, then you may be exposed to the negative effects of the external environment and will not be able to completely resist it.
Better ways
In the morning, you cannot immediately jump out of bed, especially after a sleepless night, and run under a cold shower. In addition, if you wake up in a bustle, then the day will pass in a bustle and with a headache due to vasospasm. It must be borne in mind that the sleeping organism is in a special state, namely, the heart beats in a measured manner, the pulse is slowed down, and the muscles are relaxed. At this moment, in no case should you expose it to any negative influences in the form of a sharp rise.
When a person suddenly jumps out of bed, an imbalance in blood circulation occurs. That is why goosebumps flicker in front of my eyes, my legs give way and I really want to sleep. This means that it is necessary every time to wake up correctly and at a certain time so that the body can adapt and quickly return to normal. What is needed for this?

The right music for your alarm clock
Many people prefer to wake up to an alarm clock. However, not everyone likes it when sleep is interrupted by an unpleasant sound. However, no matter how pleasant the sound of an alarm clock is, it will still irritate a person. Nevertheless, it is difficult to do without such a thing as an alarm clock. This means that it is necessary to use this device so that it does not harm the body.If a person went to bed late and did not get enough sleep, he may not hear the ringing the first time and not wake up in time.
Many people prefer to act in a drastic way in this case. They set a very loud and very harsh sound on the alarm clock. Harsh noise is hard not to hear. However, after such a sudden awakening, a person will not be able to work all day and feel normal. What to do then? First of all, do not act radically in relation to yourself and thereby not harm your health. In the case when you need to wake up, you can set a loud sound, but let it be very melodic and pleasant.
A further it is necessary to approach this issue more thoughtfully. For example, you need to go to bed early and only at a certain time. Such actions must be consistent and methodical. This way, your body will get used to falling asleep and waking up at the same time. Then in the morning you will hear the alarm.
If we talk about a specific sound, then it must be installed on the advice of psychologists, namely: the music should be very calm and quiet. For example, let it be birdsong or a classical melody.

If a person has motivation, he acts consciously and without strain. Therefore, it is always and everywhere necessary to observe this point, including in case of awakening. Being at home, even in the evening, think over your day in advance. You can draw a rough outline on paper. Let it include items such as well-deserved rest. For example, if you complete all the current tasks that you planned earlier, you can go to a cafe or theater. Believe me, you will try to complete the tasks with all your might very quickly and efficiently.
And in the morning you will have no problem waking up because of your goals. Remember that lack of goals is always fraught with negative consequences. Without certain incentives, it is very difficult for a person to move forward. Without incentive, any personality will sooner or later be overcome by laziness. As a rule, such a vice overtakes a person in the morning and does not let go until the evening. And so that he does not become a habit, get rid of him by all available means, including early awakenings, setting goals and pleasant bonuses.
Correct light
Light and human biorhythms are very strongly interconnected. At dawn, people wake up, and at sunset, they go to bed. Before going to bed, the hormone "melatonin" is produced, and in the evening its concentration is quite high. It regulates the rhythms of the body and affects the well-being of a person. In the morning hours, the level of the above hormone is very high, so waking up becomes torture. And nevertheless, the human biorhythms have long gone astray, and therefore artificial light, which must be correct, helps to awaken a person. The light should be neither warm nor cold.
You cannot gather in the semi-darkness, as these actions will cause even greater drowsiness. Therefore, it is best to use light sources that allow you to adjust the lighting: increase the brightness or, conversely, dim.
For example, sconces equipped with a dimmer can solve this problem.

A very important point for a proper awakening. Charge before breakfast. Even simple exercises will significantly lift your spirit and mood. Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend so as not to stretch your muscles too much. Then you can do a few squats and run in place. Charging must be done within 10 minutes.
Thanks to physical movements, you will disperse the blood, and it, in turn, will supply your organs with useful substances and oxygen. The brain will also receive the nourishment it needs and start working to recover from sleep quickly.
Morning routines are just as important for waking up.To help your body transition from sleep to wakefulness without stress, you need to wash your face with water at room temperature.
Water that is too hot or too cold will harm your skin. In addition, such sudden changes in temperature after sleep will be harmful to your overall well-being. Vascular spasms mainly occur due to the rapid change in temperature conditions. Remember this and try not to stress your body in the morning.

Cold and hot shower
This type of water treatment is very beneficial both for the body as a whole and for the skin. Changes in temperature will only benefit you. Therefore, first turn on very warm water, and then put your body and face under a cold stream. To cheer up, it is enough to do such manipulations 5-6 times.
If you have health problems, in particular, the cardiovascular system does not work well, then it is better to refuse this procedure or consult a doctor.
Glass of water
Water is the source of life. Therefore, having drunk 1 glass of water at room temperature without gas in the morning, you can easily invigorate. Only water should be well cleaned of harmful impurities.
Water will be a good stimulus to kickstart your digestive system, and your breakfast will only be good for you. In addition, a glass of pure water drunk in the morning on an empty stomach will help get rid of toxins and problems with the liver and kidneys. Follow this recommendation regularly, and you can also get rid of constipation.

Additional options
There are some tricks that can help you learn how to wake up at the right time without coffee. They will help you fall asleep quickly and quickly wake up to work or school, even in the fall, just when it is very difficult to do it.
Comfortable sleep
The morning will be good if you sleep well. Remember, wise people always start a good morning in the evening. Therefore, it is necessary to go to bed as early as possible. And then it is important for a person not just to sleep, but to get enough sleep. To do this, first of all, your bed should be as comfortable as possible. Bed linen should be non-allergenic. Natural fabrics will help to provide such a condition. Choose a pillow under your head that is not very hard and not very soft.
There should be no lighting in the room where you sleep, so use blackout curtains on the windows. The temperature in the room should not exceed 20 degrees. At high temperatures, the body begins to work with strain. In winter, be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed. In summer and warm seasons, you can sleep with the window open. This will ensure a constant supply of oxygen, and the morning will be good for you.

Correct thoughts
So that your awakening does not cause any problems and you always get up in a good mood, form a positive mindset. Do not think in the evening that something might go wrong in the morning. Believe in destiny and hope for success.
The main impetus for movement is thought. And, as you know, they materialize. If you make plans with an optimistic scenario, then they will get a good continuation. If you constantly think about the bad, you will get a negative outcome in all your affairs.
Healthy breakfast
There is always and everywhere you need only healthy products. Breakfast is no exception. It should be satisfying and light. It is very good to eat porridge in the morning, for example, from oatmeal, supplement it with fruits and vegetables. Drinks such as tea or coffee can invigorate your body. Also, the coffee and tea must be of good quality. Then you will enjoy yourself and your health will not suffer.
For those who are used to eating quite satisfyingly in the morning, boiled meat and cereals are recommended. You can afford a slice of white bread. Remember that the digestive system of the body starts up in the morning. Therefore, you should not eat fried and very fatty foods. However, bread with a small lump of butter is ideal for replenishing your energy balance.
It is also good to eat boiled eggs, cheese, salad and other greens in the morning.

What shouldn't be the morning?
The morning will be wonderful if you get up on the "right foot". However, not always and not everyone succeeds. Therefore, consider the points that must be avoided so as not to spoil your mood for the whole day.
If a person has not been able to prepare for awakening in the evening, then it is quite possible that the morning will not be entirely good for him. For example, in the evening you could not go to bed early for some reason and overslept. If such an unpleasant situation has occurred, do not follow the points listed below.
- It is not necessary to "jump" abruptly out of bed and run to wash. Try to keep your mood "in your hands", lie down for another 1 minute. After that, you can get up.
- To wake up quickly, you do not need to take a cold shower or wash your face with ice water. That kind of stress doesn't come without consequences. You can seriously catch a cold, as the body, which is hot after sleep, will receive a portion of the cold, or you will have vasospasm. In the latter case, you are guaranteed a severe headache for the whole day.
- If you overslept, then accept this nuisance and have a proper breakfast. You should not swallow huge pieces while standing at the table and dancing with impatience.
- Do not wash down your food with cold drinks, especially if you just took them out of the refrigerator. Dairy products must be brought to room temperature. Otherwise, having drunk milk from a bottle, you can sleep with a sore throat the next day.
- Woke up at the wrong time? This is not an excuse to go out in a wrinkled shirt and with an unkempt head. A normal person should always and everywhere look neat. It doesn't take long to find the right clothes, but you will feel comfortable meeting strangers all day.
- You don't have to call work and say that you are two blocks from the office when you just got out of bed. Yes, and do not come up with fables about traffic jams and a broken car. Admit it honestly that you overslept and say that you will be a little late. It is better to immediately obey your boss for your mistake than then blush with shame if he accidentally finds out that you just overslept.
- If an unpleasant story happened to you, then just accept that it happened. Nothing can be done about it and nothing can be fixed. The main thing in a hurry is not to make more troubles. For example, do not turn off the iron or forget the kettle on the stove. If there is a fire, then you will suffer very large losses. So always keep this in mind and take your time. Before leaving the house, once again inspect every corner of your apartment. Walk around the rooms and check all the outlets. Then go to the shower room and examine the taps. Be sure to visit the kitchen. Turn off the gas and tap in the sink. If everything is in order, feel free to leave the house.
- Once outside, you should also take your time. Do not run to a stop, or you may fall and be injured. If you get to work by car, try to comply with all traffic rules and do not exceed the speed limit. Remember that a car is not only a means of transportation, but also a potential hazard. Failure to observe caution may result in a collision with a pedestrian or an accident.