Where to start personal self-development?

A person who wants to feel the proper quality of life needs to constantly develop, realizing his inner potential. The process requires revising and re-setting life goals. And where to start self-development of the individual?
How to define the area of self-improvement?
Self-development is an incessant work on oneself. Someone believes that it is important for him to bring his body into the appropriate shape for self-improvement, the second dreams of socialization, the third wants to increase his intellect, the fourth thinks about spiritual development, and the other wants to establish himself in a professional career. The most popular areas of self-development include health, material well-being and relationships with the opposite sex. Creativity is less popular.
You should not fit yourself into a generally accepted standard. The idea of striving upward is individual for everyone. It is best to practice improving your own abilities. If you are currently interested in volunteering, then engage in gratuitous help to people in need of it. Charity contributes to spiritual development.
If you want to travel, then make those dreams come true. Meet new cities and countries. During cruises, you can find your destination, as it becomes possible to get acquainted with different professions.
Any temporary difficulties should be used to build a happy life. Typically, revision is required in several directions at once.A person receives an education, at the same time builds relationships with a soul mate, plays music and sports.
You should carefully study your inclinations, constantly develop them.

How to take the first steps towards personal growth?
Self-development affects the physical, social, intellectual and spiritual spheres of human life. Changes must occur in each of them. It is necessary to start the path to self-development with setting a clear goal. You need to select the area that needs more adjustment than others, and start with it. Identify your main problems, write them down on a piece of paper.
Describe what specifically you want to change in life. Don't try to tackle everything at once. Such an impulse quickly passes, as it leads to a lack of time, the extinction of the initial fuse and energy. As a result, the chances of success are diminished. There are several universal methods of effective self-development that contribute to successful life change.
- The first way provides for the allocation of time for reflection. You need to ask yourself more questions about your own aspirations: where do you intend to go, where you want to come, what result you expect. Think about the activities you are going to do during the day. Convince yourself of a successful outcome of the intended actions. Live as if you know the answers to all questions.
- According to the second method, it is necessary start each day by learning something new. Make learning a good habit. Engage yourself in interesting things, direct your life in a positive direction.
- Take time to rest, do not waste your energy in vain. Don't waste precious moments on useless and meaningless things. Avoid watching TV and surfing the Internet at night. Good sleep is an important factor.
- The next method involves the knowledge of personal desires. Deal with your inner contradictions. Determine what drives you when making specific decisions. Try to objectively analyze your own actions. Answer yourself to the questions: are you prone to frequent changes in your desires, are you looking for excuses for deviating from the goal. For example, why did you strive to stick to the right diet, and change your mind a day later? How strong was your motivation?
- Exercise plays an important role in self-development. It is no coincidence that there is a winged Latin dictum: a healthy mind in a healthy body. The physical condition of a person should be at such a level that one does not have to think about it. Take care of your body. Maintain it with morning exercises, sports, gym, and nutritious meals.
- There is another very effective way of self-improvement. It lies in the correct prioritization. First of all, you need to focus on one area, then gradually you should connect other areas. For example, your first priority is to build a relationship with your loved one. Dive deeply into the question of your personal life, find ways to resolve the brewing conflict. And only then focus your attention on buying healthy food and daily walks in the fresh air. The next stage of self-realization will be career advancement.
Prioritization helps you to properly allocate your own resources and not to overload yourself.

Drawing up a lesson plan
The relevance of self-development remains for all ages of women. Sometimes an attractive girl who is also a great housewife is lonely. The problem lies in a misunderstanding of what kind of man she needs. It can be difficult for a young woman to decide with whom and what kind of relationship she wants to build. A mature lady should also look for ways to continue improving her personality.
Make an individual wish card. It can include such areas: spiritual development, career growth, health, love, family, communication, material well-being, leisure and hobbies. Each item is a collage with beautiful pictures from your dreams. Write down the affirmations in a separate notebook. Repeating positive affirmations daily helps you tune in to the right wave.
Experts offer step-by-step instructions for self-development classes. The primary task is to find a sphere of life that requires dramatic changes. Ask yourself what makes you feel dissatisfied.
If your parents are pushing you to create a family and have children, and you feel unprepared for such a serious and responsible step, then you should not take it to please your loved ones. Find your way.

The next step is to choose and formulate a goal.
- The real goal matches the current possibilities. For example, you have never been involved in cooking. And the ability to create a culinary masterpiece seems fantastic to you. But after six months of searching for interesting recipes and spending a certain time at the stove, you will achieve the desired results.
- A short-term goal involves drawing up a plan for the near future. For example, a list for a week may include visiting a local history museum, reading several chapters from a work of art, restoring a worn book, meeting with distant relatives.
- The motivating goal should not pursue the fulfillment of other people's desires. For example, your parents want you to be a dancer or singer. Striving to please mother and father can lead to wasted time. The pursued goal must motivate. You should think carefully about the importance and necessity of the tasks set for yourself.
After defining the goals, you need to draw up a separate action plan. To make it a reality, create a system that will be the supporting framework for the phased implementation of your actions from day to day. First, you need to fill in the column "My goals for the year by area". Each goal should have clear deadlines. Don't set too many goals in each area - maximum 3 objectives for one area. The next step is to break down your annual goals by quarter and month.
Start implementing the plan right away. Don't wait for the right moment, don't put it off until tomorrow. For example, let's say you decide to learn German. First, you need to think about an additional source of income to pay for language courses. The next step is to enroll in a German study group. This is followed by intensive study of the language, obtaining a certificate. Plan a trip to a country where German speaking people live. Start communicating with native speakers ahead of time. Try to get into a summer camp with a language bias. Make adjustments to your plans as needed.

What helps you not to give up halfway?
Some people fail to achieve their goals due to a lack of patience. At any stage, you may be tempted to abandon the intended action. The subject convinces himself that it is possible to live without the realization of this desire. Or a person begins to mentally refer to a strong employment, time trouble. Some mature people try to convince themselves that they are too old to achieve their intended goal.
Others express concerns about whether their life will get worse after reaching the goal. Suddenly, the abundance of money that has fallen on their head will cause envy among friends, and relations with them will deteriorate. Or even worse: you can become a victim of robbery or extortion. Such reflections appear to justify their own laziness. Age cannot be a hindrance to the fulfillment of dreams. True friends are sincerely glad of your success. Not only millionaires are robbed, but also poor people.
In the fight against such thoughts, drawing up two lists helps.
- The first list can be titled: What will I get if I achieve my goal. All the pluses that await you should be placed in this column. For example: having received a leadership position, I will be able to move in a company car and travel abroad. The quality of life will improve significantly.
- The second list should have the following heading: what will I deprive myself of if I do not achieve the goal. Without the appointment of a chief, you will still have to use public transport, there will be no trips abroad. Low income will affect the quality of life.

Psychologists' advice for self-realization
Thoughts are material. Think positively and all of your intentions will come true. Keep a daily journal. Record your successes and failures. Review the entries periodically. This will empower you and motivate you to follow up. Leave the past behind. Negative experiences should not hinder your further progress. Let go of anxiety, fear, and self-doubt. Past failures should not affect your current state and behavior.
Periodically try to look at yourself from the outside. Celebrate your positive and negative changes. That being said, never draw parallels between your own accomplishments and the successes of others. Learn to love yourself and those around you. Show respect for people, do not focus on their shortcomings. Expand your social circle. Find like-minded people. Spend your leisure time with them. Meet someone who is already successful in your area of interest. Let him advise you, tell you what mistakes should be avoided. Let him be your mentor.
Do not dwell on the achieved results, otherwise the development will stop. In the absence of progress, regression sets in, there is no intermediate state. Share your experience and knowledge gained with friends and acquaintances. Enlist the support of loved ones. Even if there is insufficient strength and resources to achieve the intended goal, do not stop, continue to move forward. Get ready to overcome obstacles. Notice your big and small successes as well. Don't be afraid to take risks.
Self-realization involves getting out of your comfort zone. Without this, personal growth is impossible. Leaving the usual way of life allows you to reach a new level of self-improvement.