How to stop being late?

There are people who are always and everywhere pathologically late. This demeanor really interferes with life. Due to constant delays, they have to make excuses and deceive. For people doing business, such a character trait is generally an unforgivable minus. This problem in your behavior must be eliminated. Otherwise, pathological lack of punctuality can lead to the loss of trust, work and even family.
What are the types of latecomers?
Perpetually late subjects have always caused and will cause misunderstanding in society... No one will ever take them seriously. Moreover, careless persons will always be treated with hostility and distrust by colleagues and even relatives. Therefore, the bosses will never entrust such employees with an important task. And this means that they will not be able to climb the career ladder either.
Moreover, non-punctual people themselves suffer from such a disadvantage. Every time they have to do everything in a hurry, run after the bus and come up with a plausible excuse along the way.

So let's take a look at the types of people who are prone to the above behavior.
- Mystery man... This subject behaves intriguingly, pretending that he simply forgot about the meeting or meeting. When he appears in the right place 15 minutes after the start of the event, then his behavior is mysterious and independent. It is difficult to call this behavior correct.
- A person who, being very late, lies. Typically, such an individual reports that he is already approaching the meeting place. In fact, the unlucky individual is disingenuous, because at this time he is just going to take a shower.
- Procrastinator... He keeps putting things off for later. Usually his appearance is surprising.A disorderly person presents his lateness as a kind of bohemian behavior.
- Lies after when he was already late. Usually such a person makes excuses all the time. His words are something like this: “I was on the bus, it broke down. Then it was repaired for a long time, etc., etc. " He tells this story regularly. Such an individual realizes that he is lying all the time. However, it cannot do anything about it.
- A person called: "Until you wait, you will die of hunger." He is always late for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Naturally, people gathered for a meal begin to eat without him. If you wait for such a person, then all the food can cool down or even spoil.
- Aborts the process. This individual appears during a discussion of a serious issue. Its appearance distracts from the process and greatly interferes with others.
- Empty place. Usually such people are late, despite the fact that his colleagues are holding a chair for them. This type of lateness is the most unacceptable, since it shows disrespect not only for work colleagues, but also for oneself.
- Genetically attuned person... This type of individual usually blames their ancestors for always being late for important meetings. They passed on this trait by inheritance.
- Unlucky traveler... He always comes at the wrong time. At the same time, he tells fables that he got into a traffic jam due to improperly organized city traffic.
- Sufferer man. He shares his troubles when he is late. Tells whole stories about his poor health. And then the continuation follows: "If I were a little younger, I would definitely come on time."
- Very busy. He always finds a reason to be late because of very urgent and important matters. If you check the accuracy of his words with the help of social networks, you can find out that a person is "sitting" on the Internet all the time.
- Someone who warns in advance. He can name any reason that will become the reason for his future tardiness. For example, he will report to his colleagues in the evening that he will go to the doctor's appointment in the morning.
- Not admitting tardiness... Arriving at work, he greets and always pretends that nothing special has happened.
- Lost in space and time Such an individual can never determine the time it will take him to get from one point to another.

Main reasons
This problem can be sorted out if we consider in detail some of the factors of behavior, which is inherent in people who are always late.
- Lack of assembly. This trait is characteristic of some people who, in principle, do not strive for anything in life. They cannot concentrate on the most important things, so they are late all the time. This behavior is especially characteristic of children. That is why, from early childhood, it is necessary to teach any individual to self-discipline.
- Laziness... Those who do not like to overload their person with various tasks are constantly late. Such subjects always leave everything for later in the hope that everything will resolve by itself. They are late for the same reason. It's just that a person is too lazy to get up a little early in the morning to get to a business meeting.
- A sense of self-worth... Such persons deliberately delay the time in order to appear later, and not as it should be according to etiquette. By these actions, they want to show everyone that they must always and everywhere be waited upon and, most importantly, loved. Basically, those who consider their persona superior to others behave this way. Their motto is: “Let the whole world wait, and I am the bosses. I'm supposed to. "
- The low level of responsibility is also the reason for many delays. Usually disorderly individuals believe that they will always get away with everything. If some sanctions are applied to such people in the form of a fine or a reprimand, then they begin to gradually put their thoughts in order and get used to fulfilling the necessary requirements.
- When a person shows protest or resistance. For example, dissatisfaction with low wages can lead to tardiness. With such behavioral gestures, the individual is trying to say that no one else but him will work for a meager reward. And if his salary is not raised, then he will soon give up his post.
- Determining your status in the team. If a valuable employee is late all the time, then by such behavior he tries to distinguish himself from the crowd. At the behavioral level, the individual says: “I can do anything! I love myself, I am a star. " Often these attacks do not end well. Over time, the bosses get bored with the employee's demarches. He is being held accountable.
- Getting another dose of adrenaline. Some people like it when the drive starts in their life.
The individual deliberately creates problems for himself in order to solve them later safely. And while he is late, let them wait and worry.

Influence of character on being late
Psychology says that a person's character has constant stable properties that are inherent in any personality. These properties affect the behavior of the individual. So, let's look at how temperament affects a person's behavior, including his tardiness.
- Sanguine - this is a person-doer, but only when he is interested in doing the work. If there is no such work, then he becomes boring and lethargic. And this means that a sanguine person will be late for work if he becomes bored and uninteresting. In addition, this type is able to quickly switch attention from one activity to another. And this suggests that, carried away by something, he will forget about other, no less important matters, and will certainly be late.
- Choleric easily irritated, easy-going and uses all his strength to achieve the goal. Therefore, if such an individual becomes interested, he will try not to be late for the meeting, but to come much earlier. If we talk about work, then delays on the part of the choleric are possible. However, they can arise only when this type of personality has completely spent its energy potential and is very tired.
- Phlegmatic person has a stable psyche. He can correctly calculate his emotional and physical strength. This person has perseverance and perseverance. Therefore, such an individual almost always comes to work and other events on time. Moreover, he treats badly those people who are not distinguished by punctuality.
- Melancholic always waiting for a catch from life. He is very dependent on external influences. That is why he may be late for meetings. He will always find a reason for such delays.
There are also mixed character types. This factor also affects human behavior. In this case, negative sides will appear if some circumstances contribute to this.

How to overcome yourself?
This question worries many people who strive to achieve a certain status and improve the quality of life. It takes willpower to be successful. She will help you learn how to properly manage your desires so that you are never late. And you will also need the following.
In order not to be late, you need a goal. If you do not have it, then you either will not go to the meeting at all, or you will be very late. You will be late because at the subconscious level you will hope that the meeting will not take place. In this case, the reasoning will be as follows: “I was late (a) quite a bit, but they did not wait for me. So so be it! This is not my fault. "
But if there is motivation, then any person will come to the meeting ahead of time. Therefore, you must always know why you need to come on time. To never be late, work where you like or where you feel right where you belong. And yet, communicate with those people with whom you enjoy communicating. This is the most important motivation.If such conditions are not always met, then you need to have special techniques that will help you tune in. First, explain to yourself that you need to show up for work on time. Being late will only exacerbate the negative situation, which will continue to develop not in your favor. At the very least, force yourself to always comply with the disciplinary conditions so that you do not get fired from your job while you look for a new one.
Meetings (whether they are business or not) are also different. Try to stop panicking before every unpleasant meeting. Just turn off your dislike and tune in to dialogue.
Of course, this prescription must be fulfilled when a meeting is inevitable. Otherwise, just ignore it.

Reward yourself
Punctuality needs to be developed every day.... Praise yourself if you succeed in fulfilling the condition that you set for yourself. You can even reward yourself with certain sweets. They will come in handy if you are on a diet.
Keep a notebook and write down times when you have been particularly punctual. At the end of the month, re-read the notes, where all your achievements will be recorded. If you have not made any mistakes, then be sure to reward yourself. For example, go to a movie or a restaurant. In this case, you need to invite your close friend or girlfriend. Tell your loved one why you decided to have a party. By the way, the reward is an easy way to train your child to be on time for school and develop the habit of not being late every day.
Get ready in the evening
If you are pathologically late always and everywhere, then start preparing for the day ahead. For a start, try to go to bed early, do not sit up late in front of the computer. Also prepare breakfast in the evening. Make a sandwich or cut a piece of meat pie. Brew tea in a mug, add sugar and cool. Place all ingredients on a small tray and refrigerate. In the morning, all you have to do is put your breakfast in the microwave to warm it up. This procedure will take approximately 5 minutes.
During this time, you will be able to get dressed or take a shower. After which you will have to eat and complete your preparations. Of course, prepare your clothes and shoes in the evening. The bag should also be collected in advance and the elements of the hairstyle (if you are wearing it) think over.
In the morning, however, try to get up early so that you can be sure that you still have some time in case of unforeseen circumstances.

So that you are not expected, if you are still late, Warn co-workers that you will be late. This will help you get out of trouble. The same goes for an appointment that your colleagues or friends have set up for you. Well, if you are a very valuable employee and are going to get a job in a company where they are looking forward to you, then you should immediately warn your superiors that there is one minor sin behind you. Be direct about your pathological lack of punctuality. Perhaps the company's management will not pay special attention to this flaw in your character and will not put much pressure on you in the future.
Don't make excuses
If you are late, then just apologize. Believe me no one needs your excuses. Indistinct speech about the fact that a car broke down on the way will irritate colleagues even more. Also, don't make excuses if you are regularly late for work. Know that you have long been "figured out" - then you look funny and ridiculous.
Instead of making excuses for yourself, practice self-discipline. These actions will help you first of all, and only then will affect the effective work of the entire team. It's very easy to come to work on time, the main thing is to take the first step.