Goal setting techniques

People live on Earth for a reason. Each of us has his own goal and invariably goes to it. It doesn't happen that you wake up in the morning and you have no thoughts about what you will do next. In any case, in order to shower and have breakfast, you must first schedule these activities and then complete them. Have you thought about this information? Then continue your study.

What is it for?
A person gets used to setting various life goals and tasks from childhood. The process of setting goals is a familiar process for many of us. Have any of you thought about such questions: "Why do we set goals and can these goals change our life and make it much better?" A person must definitely know the answer to the question of what he wants to get out of life. If he has never thought about such a question, then he will be left with nothing in the end. The life of any person without setting goals will become very boring and meaningless. And no one will argue that the achievement of any goal brings a person joy from this process. It must be remembered that after completing the assigned task, a person receives certain material benefits.
However, goals are also set by the person who lives unconsciously and does not try to make money. For example, he watches TV from morning till night and drinks beer. This subject also has a goal, and it is to do nothing. Other individuals often speculate about what they would like to receive if there were some sudden changes in their lives. Thus, they do not bet on specific goals, but are engaged in theory. A science like psychology argues that you shouldn't be afraid to set precise goals.Moreover, it is necessary to clearly formulate the tasks, and then they will lead to success.
In the same time some people say that setting goals is a useless exercise, since everything in our life depends on the circumstances, and life is full of obstacles. Why set goals when your wish can come true anyway? You just need to wait a little, and you will get everything in full. However, it must be remembered that “you cannot easily take a fish out of the pond”.
If you do nothing, you will get nothing. Depression and negative emotions will be the only result of this expectation.

Remember that a person who sets goals almost never gets depressed, as he is sorry to waste time on empty groans. He perceives his failures not as fatal bad luck, but as an excuse to work a little more on himself and on achieving his intentions. So why should you set goals?
- To control the situation. If you find yourself in an unforeseen story and you do not have a goal, then you will only hope for "maybe". If you have a goal, you can easily quickly find a way out of this situation.
- To have a meaning in life. It is given by goal setting. When you know exactly which direction you are going to go, you can get to the right place pretty quickly. For example, let's say you went to look for a store with fashionable clothes. Before leaving the house, you will find out the exact address of the object. If this is not done, then you can go around a huge number of streets without ever finding the object you need.
- To clearly know what you really want to get. Only then will you stop dreaming and act.
- To correctly calculate your strength. Do not take on those things that you cannot master. In doing so, you must be guided by enthusiasm. This will help you not to stop halfway and move on.
- Not to be afraid. Goals that are considered unrealizable may only appear as such at first glance. If you are afraid that you will not master the set goal, then start with small actions. Perhaps this way you can understand that your goal is quite within reach.
- To self-actualize and reach a certain level. In this way you can get rid of routine existence.

Spheres of human life for goal setting
There can be a large number of them. And most importantly, it all depends on your needs. An individual can set different goals for himself. For example, it will be enough for a sick person to be cured, and he will be happy. Another person needs to build a house, and he too will receive full satisfaction from life. For most graduates, admission to a university for a free department will be a real gift of fate.
However, there will be individuals who will set new goals for themselves each time after reaching old ones. For example, people who work in the financial industry may change their minds every time they want to make even more profits. Therefore, you need to set goals based on your personal desires and needs. In this case, you shouldn't look at other people. If you repeat after those whom you envy, you will not be able to realize and become a very unhappy person.
And remember, it's not good to be jealous. Such a feeling can lead any person to degradation and depression.

Fundamental rules
There are people who think that their life is going in a circle. All this happens due to the fact that they do not have clear goals and objectives. Therefore, the main requirement is the development of principles and tools for the goal to be achieved. So, let's move on to a direct examination of the tools that will allow you to live by certain rules.
- You need to define goals that will motivate you. At the same time, it is important that on the way to them you carry out first priority tasks, and only then all the others.Therefore, write on paper why this particular goal is a priority for you.
- Make your goals specific and measurable. If the goal is unclear and generalized, then it will not be achieved. As a result, you will waste time and sink into depression.
- To solidify your goal, write it down (the most creative people can even draw the final result). Thus, you can significantly bring the time of the fulfillment of your intentions closer. In order for everything to work out, write your goals in an affirmative form, namely, "I will buy a car of such and such a brand and such and such a color." In no case should you write like this: “I wish I could buy a car of such and such a color and brand”.
- Drawing up an action plan - these are the criteria on which you must rely always and everywhere.
- And of course, stick to your plan.

You can also make a checklist. What it is? In simple terms, this is a guide to action. By and large, a checklist is a step-by-step action plan recorded on a dictaphone or smartphone. For example, for a chef, this can be a recipe for preparing a dish. However, the checklist may not contain clear actions. For example, purchasing products may be spontaneous.
The most common type of checklists is one that describes the order of steps that will lead to a goal. There are also emergencies. A special kind of such lists is used for them.
Remember that checklists are discipline-building. Thus, checklists can free up a person's RAM and significantly increase productivity.

The ways
Any goal can be achieved easily when you work out a certain algorithm for setting it. In this case, your dreams and desires can turn into a clear and conscious intention. For greater confidence, namely the confidence that you are moving in the right direction, you need to write down all your intentions in a special notebook. Formulating goals promotes active brain function, and thus the end result is achieved. In this you will be helped by special technologies and techniques that contribute to the separation of goals into short-term and long-term.

Short term
Such goals are needed so that a person has a specific and thoughtful plan that will be implemented in a short time. Short-term plans are easy to fulfill due to their availability, as a person always knows what he will be doing in the near future. By the way, planning your future day is very useful for both career growth and housekeeping. Simply put, housewives and even businessmen need such plans. And here's why: when a person knows in advance what he has to do the next day, he psychologically prepares himself for this. In addition, short-term planning fosters self-discipline in the individual and sets him up for business. With the right planning of his time, a person does not go with the flow, but performs his actions clearly and without mistakes.
How to set short-term goals? For setting them, it is best to use a diary or even a school diary. By the way, the last option is very convenient. Filling out the lines in the diary may not be complete. Everything here will depend on your employment. Short-term goals include those that will help you connect with strangers and find the right connections that will contribute to solving a large number of issues. For example, for a start, you can even create your own website and express your position, as well as share your experience with other users. Short-term goals include meeting a girl or boyfriend.
You can also include items such as sewing a dress or buying fashionable shoes. As you can see, in this case, everything will depend on the desires and needs of the person.

Long term
These goals are set for at least a year. At first glance, it may seem that setting long-term goals is impractical, since they are more like wishes. For example, if you ask a person about the distant future, he can only talk about his dreams. And nevertheless, a person should always have an idea of what he will do in the boundless future. This is necessary in order to properly distribute your efforts and prospects to achieve goals.
For example, a tenth grade student is already planning his life for two years in advance. During this time, in order to achieve his goals, he will need to graduate from school and enter a university. The same can be said for students. Upon entering the university, they will study there for five years. And what will happen next? To this question, any student will answer that he will find a job and will move further up the career ladder. It should be noted that such long-term plans are in most cases of a standard nature.
However, it is important to consider that unforeseen circumstances happen in our life. An example is when plans suddenly change. For example, a girl got married. Others, such as having a child, etc., join her plans to graduate. Sometimes long-term plans may not change at your will. For example, an accident may occur or, conversely, some kind of joyful event. From this we can conclude that long-term plans must be made, but at the same time one importance must be taken into account - to make allowances for unforeseen circumstances. Long-term plans should remind you of what you would like to achieve in life.
Global goals are very attractive. If you set yourself the goal of becoming a millionaire in 10 years, you will go towards that goal and push yourself to work.
Long term plans must be feasible. Then you will know for sure that you can fulfill your condition.