Reasons for misogyny and how to get rid of it

The contemptuous attitude towards the female sex in science is called misogyny. For the first time this term was used back in antiquity. Scientists insist that this is not a feature of a certain person's character, but a state of his soul caused by certain psychological problems or trauma.
What it is?
Misogyny is a dangerous social phenomenon that justifies the violation of women's rights. It can be completely harmless and caustic jokes, as well as real physical violence that causes injury. In other words, misogyny represents contempt for the female sex. One of the reasons for the origin of this phenomenon is considered sexism and gender discrimination.
It is impossible to protect oneself from the appearance of such a phenomenon in a modern patriarchal society, where a woman, for almost all history, was considered a weak, from a physical point of view, a creature that does not bring any benefit to society.

Most psychologists agree that the origins of this problem are still in the subconscious channel. In modern society, there are few people who can muster the courage and make an open statement that a woman is second class, however, the influence of such attitudes can be found in ordinary things that happen every day everywhere. These can be working moments when the boss refuses to raise his subordinate only because of her gender, or relationships in everyday life.
Scientifically, the main signs of misogyny include the following:
- committing acts or confessions that carry the main goal - humiliate a woman and show your superiority;
- enough strong presentation of the male role, the attitude of men towards representatives of the strong half of humanity and the highest caste;
- humiliating and condescending attitude towards women;
- pursuit in favorite ways avoid sorority, it can be caused not only by hatred towards them, but also by the feeling of awkwardness that appears in such a company;
- lack of any empathy for womenFor example, men very often sympathize with each other because of the loss of their job, and when a woman refuses in the same situation, they believe that nothing terrible has happened and she can find a worthy job for herself;
- confidence that the main purpose of a woman is to take care of the family and raise children, and do everything possible to improve the living conditions of your partner.

In most cases misogyny is caused by grievances caused by women. However, this does not always lead to the fact that the man hates only a certain individual. Usually hatred appears for all members of the fairer sex. With misogyny, a distinctive feature of a person is that he thinks only about his own good. For example, a man can disappear from a woman's life without explaining the reasons for his behavior, and then return as if nothing had happened. In domestic life, such people usually become tyrants, and the woman's living turns into real torture.
A person suffering from misogyny prefers to control all the processes occurring around him, and this brings significant discomfort to another person. Such people never repent of bad behavior or treatment. They can use any circumstance to create a fight in order to get rid of the hatred within themselves. In other words, such people always need to suppress a woman so that she never feels strong and independent enough.
Similar relationships are quite dangerous and can lead to unforeseen results in the future. The fact is that from a psychological point of view, our subconscious is tuned in such a way as to destroy everything that we hate. That is why there can be no question of any well-being of a woman who is next to a person suffering from misogyny. The only thing that becomes possible in this case is the struggle for survival.
A mesogin does not need to look for a reason to show his aggression, he does not need a reason to attack the victim. All this is explained by his internal attitudes, which are focused on hatred of the opposite sex.

Psychologists have long come to the conclusion that Misogyny is a serious medical condition that can be of several types. It is depending on the type that treatment is prescribed. To date, there are two types.
These are men who are not used to hiding their attitude towards the weaker sex in any way and openly express their dissatisfaction. In addition, such people believe that their main goal and mission is to bring their ideas to the masses in order to stop the development of feminism. Men with active misogyny never hide and do not hesitate to negatively relate to the opposite sex in society.
During any feast, they can offend not just a stranger, but also their spouse, daughter, and so on.

Men like this are characterized by their tendency show no true relationship with the opposite sex. Often they don't even know themselves that they consider girls unworthy of certain things. They can behave extremely gallantly and politely, however, in the end they will definitely show their true colors. Psychologists claim that this type of people is considered the most dangerous, because you never know what to expect from them. They can be caring throughout their lives and fail at the most inopportune moment. On a subconscious level, they choose the time when the ladies are most vulnerable and strike.
Recent studies show that misogyny usually appears in rather impulsive men who can boast of a developed imagination and impressionability. Most people tend to believe that a misogynist and a person who suffers from misogyny are no different, however, the main difference is that the former can change, and the latter can never forgive the insult and will always wait for the most appropriate moment to take revenge.

Why does it arise?
Sometimes it is quite difficult to explain why a grown man hates a woman, and where he got such hatred. Most psychologists agree that the main reason for this negative phenomenon is bad experiences from the past. For example, a man may be offended by his classmate or another member of the fairer sex.
As a result, he develops negative memories that constantly evoke feelings of hatred and dislike. Studies show that a person who suffers from misogyny is usually unable to remember what exactly caused the appearance of a negative attitude towards the weaker sex. Sometimes such mental disorders are caused by difficult relationships within the family, with mother, sister or grandmother.
Among the main reasons for the development of such a disease, the following can be distinguished:
- unsuccessful sexual experience, as a result of which the man felt vulnerable and now cannot relate normally to the opposite sex;
- unsuccessful relationship with your girlfriend, which ended in a painful parting;
- constant bullying by a classmate at school;
- difficult relationships in the family, for example, if the mother constantly beat the child or scolded him for any little thing;
- lack of any support or emotional connection with mom.
It should be noted that Misogyny is not just the result of a mental disorder. Very often, the cause of the appearance of such an ailment can be a physical illness, which leads to certain mental disorders. For example, it is neurosis, phobias or depression. Some studies also show that the problem can develop while still in the womb.
Under the influence of hormones that affect sexual behavior, sadism, masochism and hatred of women can manifest.

Among women
Oddly enough, but hostility towards women can manifest itself not only in men, but also in women themselves. Among the distinguishing features of this condition are the following:
- a woman evaluates any actions of the fairer sex from the point of view of a man and adheres to the same principles as the stronger sex;
- constant criticism and humiliation of women, emphasizing their shortcomings and omitting their merits;
- the desire to spend as much time as possible with men and lack of female friends;
- the belief that a woman is on her own unable to achieve serious things and all she has is thanks to men.
It should be noted that the development of misogyny in women is a consequence of life attitudes, the roots of which are in the very childhood of a person. For example, a mother may constantly criticize her daughter's actions and humiliate other sisters in front of her, as a result of which certain patterns are deposited in her head. It should be noted that a bad attitude towards a particular woman is not a sign that the person hates the female gender. If you have a certain mental disorder, you should learn to reflect on your actions and show compassion rather than judging others.

In men
In men, misogyny manifests itself more often, they for the most part are usually active. A distinctive feature of such a person is that all his actions and actions are aimed at humiliating the lady and showing her weaknesses. Moreover, a sick person tries to spread his negative attitude not only to a specific individual, but also to all women who are in his environment.
At the same time, such misogynists extol the male image, emphasize its dignity and argue that without a man, nothing would exist in the modern world. If a woman achieves certain victories and successes, then a man will always find an excuse for this, just to lower her self-esteem and make sure that this is not only her victory. Very often, such people are characterized by the manifestation of strong egocentrism and insolence, so that a lady could never be better than him in anything. If a girl is superior to a man in something, then this enrages him. Such people cannot live without problems in a family where a woman brings home more material income than a man.
In family life, such men never take their soul mate as an equal... In addition, they are clear supporters of polygamy, however, at the same time, they do not recognize cheating on the part of a girl and are capable of physical harm due to such behavior. Most Western scholars agree that misogynists pose a huge threat to society.
First of all, they misbehave as husbands and are able to turn the life of the second half into hell... Moreover, such people never repent of their behavior and do not ask for forgiveness for the psychological or physical damage caused.
It is not uncommon for men with this condition to abuse power at work, offend women and prevent them from seeking a promotion.

How to get rid of?
If misogyny is characterized by a latent form, then it is quite difficult to recognize an explicit misogyny. The situation is also exacerbated by the fact that none of the representatives of the strong half of humanity is able to admit his problem voluntarily. This is why most psychologists insist that the most important step in treatment is to acknowledge the problem itself. If a person believes that he is not sick with anything and there is no need for him to undergo treatment, then there will be no effect even from compulsory therapy.
However, even if you admit the problem, you will not be able to completely get rid of and recover from it, since this psychological disorder is characterized by a severe degree of psychosis... In other words, it is quite difficult to identify the true causes that became the basis for the development of misogyny, and therefore it will be extremely difficult to eliminate them. The only way to identify the degree of the problem and try to eliminate it is to contact a psychotherapist, who will help not only find the primary cause of the disease, but also determine the most effective methods of treatment.
Very often for the treatment of a similar disease medications are used, as well as psychological effects... The latter has established itself as one of the most effective in Western society, where awareness of their problems is at a more developed level than in the domestic space.
Thus, misogyny is a serious psychological disorder that causes men to treat women poorly. They can be beautiful, smart and self-sufficient ladies, however, for a misogine, this does not matter.