How to wake up vigorous in the morning?

If a person wakes up cheerful in the morning, all things are easier for him, he easily copes with any circumstances on his way, his personal efficiency and productivity increase, and his health condition improves. What is needed for awakening to be vigorous, we will consider in more detail in this article.
How to ensure a comfortable sleep?
Our ancestors did not have such a problem, but the pace of modern life is very intense, and therefore the problem of healthy sleep is quite acute. Not everyone succeeds in waking up in the morning vigorous, even if in general they lead a healthy lifestyle, they try to adhere to a certain regimen. The reasons are numerous - a high level of night noise and lighting in cities, stress experienced during the day, excitement and anxiety that a person experiences before falling asleep, an abundance of information flows.
The lack of adequate sleep tends to accumulate, and the result will be delayed in time, but always negative. A person gradually develops a decrease in concentration of attention, distraction appears, health problems begin. And therefore you should clearly know the rules that will help ensure a comfortable sleep even in modern conditions.

Determine the optimal gap
The doctors' recommendations regarding eight hours of sleep are rather arbitrary. Everyone should have their own ideal spacing. Sleep is a cyclical process, each cycle lasts about one and a half hours. Somnologists say that awakening should occur exactly at the end of the cycle. In this case, the person will be more vigorous than the one who woke up in the middle or at the beginning of the next sleep cycle. Calculate your interval of night sleep with the understanding that it must certainly be a multiple of 1.5. In practice, this is one and a half, three, four and a half, six, seven and a half hours, and so on. This is why following the advice of eight hours of sleep makes us feel like we slept worse than after a full six hours of sleep.
Adequate sleep should be 5 full cycles, that is, 7.5 hours... If a person is sick, experiencing physical or mental stress, then you can increase sleep up to 9 hours. If you have circumstances in which it is not possible to sleep in this way, you should temporarily take a different rhythm - sleep for 2 full cycles, that is, for 3 hours, but after a day somnologists recommend returning to 5 cycles in order to restore the shortage.
In terms of hormonal processes in the body the best sleep interval is 22 hours - 2 a.m. When you sleep during daylight hours, the brain suppresses the production of melatonin, namely, its accumulation is important in order to wake up vigorous. Owls produce melatonin later than larks. Having calculated your gap, Get into the habit of going to bed at the same time at all times.
Very soon, the internal biological clock will be fine-tuned, and the quality of sleep will improve markedly. It is important to follow this rule even on weekends.

We all use our comfortable postures to fall asleep. However, sleep experts believe that new habits can be formed fairly quickly by making a conscious effort to fall asleep in the right positions at first. The position on the back is considered correct.... In this position, it is possible to achieve a high degree of muscle relaxation, blood circulation is optimal, and the load on the heart is evenly distributed. But this position is undesirable for those who snore or have respiratory problems, as well as for expectant mothers.
The position on the side is also comfortable, while maintaining the natural curves of the spine. But experts advise against sleeping on the stomach. In this position, the natural position of the head and cervical spine is disturbed, the load on the vertebrae and joints increases.
If you want to sleep soundly and wake up in the morning, pay attention to choosing the right sleep accessories. Today there is a large selection of orthopedic pillows. But if there is no money for this, you can make a choice in the segment of conventional products. The height of the pillow should not be more or less than the 10-14 centimeters range. The width should be chosen according to the width of the shoulders. The product should not be too soft for the head to fall into it. But a pillow that is too hard will not be useful - it will cause excessive tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulders.
Avoid synthetic materials in both your pillow selection and your bedding selection. If it will be hot to sleep, you can not even count on cheerfulness in the morning.

If your bedroom has stale air with a high carbon dioxide content, your brain will experience a lack of oxygen during sleep. This will lead to nightmares, "ragged" dreams, cyclic disturbances. As a result, you will not get enough sleep, even if you take the right intervals for sleep at the right time. Output - ventilate the room before going to bed, and provide fresh air at night.
Create a microclimate in which falling asleep will be easy and awakening will be vigorous. The air temperature should not exceed 21 degrees, and the air humidity should be maintained at 50-60%. Remember to take a walk before bed. It's always easier to fall asleep after a walk.
Regardless of whether you are sticking to the principles of a healthy diet or you will never give up your cake in the evening, stick to the general rule - the last meal should be done 3 hours before the night's rest. Late meals lead to the fact that the body does not rest at night, but diligently digests what you "pushed" into it, spending a colossal amount of energy on it.
If you are on a diet, you are also at risk of not getting enough sleep.... As soon as the daily calorie intake falls below 1,200 kcal, you run the risk of disturbing sleep at night, as there is a deficiency of important substances, for example, folic acid, iron. Those who wish to wake up vigorous should exclude the reception of coffee and tea after 15 hours of the previous day. Tannin and caffeine can have an effect that lasts up to 11-12 hours. It is better to give preference to evening herbal teas, mint broth.
Drinking a glass before bed, contrary to popular belief, does not help you fall asleep quickly. Alcohol processing requires high energy consumption from the body, which also disrupts the cyclicity of sleep processes. This is why, after drinking, we may suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and have difficulty falling asleep after such episodes.

Evening ritual
Certain Evening Rituals Promote Good Sleep... A couple of hours before bedtime, try to reduce the light intensity, exclude watching TV and movies, using a tablet or smartphone. Instead, you can read a couple of chapters of a book, listen to pleasant music, go for an evening walk with your children or your pet.
Eliminate all light sources in the bedroom... Backlit switches, LED alarms, technology indicator lamps - it is better to cover all this with something, for example, cardboard, cloth. At night, this light makes negative adjustments to the processes of melatonin synthesis.
Make it a habit to take action before bed. Observe the sequence - washed, changed clothes, checked whether household appliances were turned off, whether the door was closed. Try not to change the usual order.
Falling asleep
Once in bed try to focus not on the experiences of the day lived or fears for the future, but on your own breath... Breathe in and out slowly, relax all muscle groups in turn. Do not solve problems in your head, do not remember the bad, better imagine a pleasant summer forest, birdsong, the sea, a stunning mountain landscape. Try to maintain this state for at least ten minutes before falling asleep.

How to wake up properly?
To wake up refreshed and vigorous, it is important not only to go to bed correctly, but also to correctly build your awakening. The point is not only whether you went to bed late, sleep little or a lot, but also how you manage to organize your morning awakening. Here are some steps to help you get up properly in the morning.
- "Communication" with an alarm clock. Experts advise you to stop hating alarm clocks. This can be done using a little secret. Set the alarm clock not to the rounded time, but to the “uneven” one - not at 7 am, but at 7 hours 3 minutes, for example. Put on a pleasant melody, it should not "wrench" you out of sleep, as rattling mechanical alarm clocks do.
- "Time of gratitude." Dedicate five minutes after ringing the alarm clock to the rewarding exercise of the same name. Lie down relaxed, think about all the good things in your life - about a child, a loved one, a mother, a hobby, an imminent vacation. Thank yourself for the fact that you know how to appreciate and love it. This will be a great "start" for a good mood and motivation throughout the day.
Good morning habits
A clear ritual of morning actions will help to cheer up.
- Charge and shower. Exercise for at least five minutes. If you are not friends with sports, limit yourself to simple stretching, raising arms and legs, turning your head. Morning jogging was previously considered effective, but recently experts have denied its value, since it forces you to immediately mobilize your strength, as a result, you will get tired sooner. Water treatments will be the next step. The water temperature should be comfortable, not too cold, but not so warm that you feel like going to bed again.
- Breakfast... Add protein and carbohydrates to your morning meal.Cottage cheese, eggs, porridge - this is the best breakfast, not sandwiches or muesli.
At breakfast, try not to be distracted by watching the news, feeds on social networks, work processes, for example, reconciling the plan for the day - all this can wait.