How to develop fortitude?

The innate quality of any living organism is fortitude. Without such a quality, not a single living being, and especially a person, will be able to fully live. Every day we have to overcome some obstacles in order to move on.
Even children must possess the above quality in order to develop and become a full-fledged person. Therefore, we can conclude that the strength of the spirit is of great importance. This is an indisputable fact.

Why is the strength of the spirit weakening?
When human consciousness reaches freedom and rises above all troubles and problems, then such a process is called strength of mind. This property of the human soul is very amazing, therefore it defies logic. Each of us has read various stories about the heroic deeds of people. These stories have attracted people's attention since ancient times. Psychologists also study such a phenomenon that is on a certain edge of consciousness. Besides, specialists are developing various methods to strengthen the fortitude.
It's no secret that everyday life is full of surprises. Often such surprises are rather unpleasant for our perception. Each of us strives for comfort, and when this comfort disappears, the mood deteriorates. At this moment, it is very important not to lose the psychological attitude, which directs the person to further actions. It must be remembered that each personality is individual... Therefore, each individual person has a different potential for the will to act and a different degree of awareness of trouble or grief. The upbringing of the individual and his environment directly affect the fortitude of the spirit.
This means that this or that negative factor can have a different effect on each individual person. Let's give an example.Loss of property will lead one person to a state of shock. He will start to panic and think only about the bad outcome of the case. Ultimately, such a pessimist will become depressed. The other individual, on the other hand, will take action. He will seek justice and, in the end, will come to the goal and put things in order in his affairs.

Summarize. There are three reasons why people can show weakness of spirit.
- When a person is initially never lucky in anything. Constant failures gradually break the psyche, and complete lack of will appears. Usually such subjects show compassion for any living being. This is how self-pity is expressed. Therefore, weak-willed individuals simply cannot say "no" to any negative manifestations in their address. They just go with the flow and do not resist fate.
- Another case when a person, despite the blows of fate, still tries to resist circumstances... He gradually develops a dislike for everything that happens around him. As a result, the subject is abstracted from the outside world and becomes ascetic. Often, these individuals go into their world of illusions, where they feel comfortable. Of course, the psyche of such people is notable for its vulnerability, and life in society seems unbearable and hostile to them. This situation does not always lead to negative consequences. On the contrary, a person can engage in creative activities and achieve certain results in this area.
- In the last version, we will give an example when negative factors constantly put pressure on a person, after which she begins to get embittered. Human behavior becomes aggressive due to weakness of spirit. This case is the most difficult. Due to an aggressive attitude towards the world, the subject may begin to show hostility towards people.
It must be added to the above that a person with a very stable psyche can lose strength of mind due to a serious illness, which will inevitably lead to his death. This situation is very difficult to correct, since in this case the individual loses the meaning of further existence.

How can it be increased and strengthened?
If you feel that you are losing fortitude even when the situation does not seem very difficult, then you should think about your behavior.... Of course, in this case, it is necessary to increase confidence in the future, as well as develop a certain methodology that will lead to motivation. And important recommendations will help with this.
The best option. This method will be useful in all respects.... There are many examples in the books to help you build your fortitude.
Fiction helps to calm the psyche, and this is the first stage in acquiring fortitude. If you start to study scientific literature, then you will not only be distracted from problems, but also learn to think competently and correctly. The mind gives confidence to any person, and if there is confidence in their abilities, then the strength of the spirit will noticeably rise.
Watching films
Good for those who don't like reading. In most feature films, the plots are structured in such a way that the main characters must overcome many obstacles in order to become happy.
That's why watching various films will significantly lift your spirits. In addition, your passion for videos of different directions will give you the opportunity to learn many interesting stories. They will definitely distract from negative thoughts. When the psyche calms down, it will become easier for you to look at the world around you. Believe me, he is not as scary as you imagine.
Just like in films, you can meet very bad and very good people in our society. Know that there are always more of the latter.

A great way to become self-sufficient and happy. To do this, you will not need to communicate with anyone. You just dive into your personal space, and it will help you find a way out of any situation.Why is it necessary to practice meditation to lift the spirit? Because there are many reasons for this. Let's list them:
- meditation will calm your nerves, and the psyche will return to normal;
- you train your will and become spiritually calmer;
- you will learn regulate mental state and even manage it;
- you can relax and be filled with energy;
- breathing exercises are often used when practicing meditation - these techniques allow you saturate your body with oxygen;
- in the end the universe can thus be asked to fulfill any desire - believe me, if you try hard, it will definitely come true.

Change in thinking
Remember that if you change yourself, that is, your thinking, then the world around you will also change.... To do this, you just need to "take your will in hand." In the evening, before going to bed, mentally divide your life into "before" and "after". You need to give yourself the installation that in the morning you will wake up a different person and nothing will remain of your old life... If you have never played sports, then in the morning you need to get up early for a run. Your food must also change. To do this, purchase only healthy and light products in advance.... As your day starts, make your own breakfast with them.
With bouts of bad mood pull yourself back and bring your thoughts back to positive... You should always come to work in a cheerful mood. You should think that everything in your life is good. It cannot be otherwise, because you have started a new life, which will inevitably lead you to happiness and lift your spirit.
In life, not always everything goes smoothly. Therefore, if any bad event happened (the boss expressed dissatisfaction or someone close to him ruined the mood), just abstract from the negative. Stop dwelling on the bad, and try to find a way out in order to correct the situation as soon as possible. Do the job you were assigned to do perfectly, or reassure your relative with gentle words.
Believe me, any negativity will go away if you direct your good feelings against it, and not anger. Remember that evil always only gives rise to evil.

Physical and breathing practices
Know that a person's muscles have the ability to accumulate negative moods. This means that if you have a fight with someone, then your body is completely saturated with bad energy. How can I fix this? Of course, sports activities. After an unpleasant situation has happened to you, gather your strength. Calm down, put on special shoes, clothes and go for a run. If possible, then visit the gym. Do any exercise that will help warm up your muscles. Then the negative energy in them will quickly burn out.
Breathing exercises are very good at helping with depression, which provokes a decline in fortitude. Therefore, do them regularly as soon as you feel the onset of a bad mood. You can use an exercise called 4x4x4. So, first we inhale for 4 seconds, then hold our breath for 4 seconds, and then exhale, counting to 4.

What shouldn't you do?
Usually everyone is looking for advice on how to raise the strength of the spirit. However, first of all, you need to learn how to control your actions. Such control will allow you not to bring the situation to a critical moment. The easiest way is to maintain your correct attitude than to raise the strength of the spirit later.
So, what not to do if you do not want to lose your inner balance.
- You don't need to get depressed if unacceptable or even tragic events have happened in your life. Yes, it is unpleasant, painful, but nothing can be fixed. Moreover, nothing can be fixed if you bring yourself to a critical state. You need to reconcile and live on.
- Let go of your anger. Negativity has never been helpful.
- Fear nothing... Just don't think about your inner fears. Learn to block them, even though it is difficult to do so. However, there are many ways that help get rid of fears - these are affirmations, and various physical exercises, and even cleaning the apartment.
- Stop being jealous of everyone. Disable this brain function in your head.
The more you become jealous of others, the more energy you will waste. Aim her better at something pleasant, such as sleep.