Determination: what is it and how to develop it?

A person with such qualities as decisiveness can overcome any obstacles and difficulties. Determination leads to success due to the fact that the individual can make difficult, bold decisions.
An assertive person must have certain knowledge, skills and abilities, otherwise his decisiveness will not be such, but will be considered recklessness. And this is already a negative personality trait, forcing sometimes to take unjustified risks, and as a result remain "at the bottom of the trough."
What it is?
Benjamin Franklin stated something like this: decisiveness is the implementation of the action that has already been decided to take. The individual must act despite the fact that he cannot guarantee success due to the steps taken. In psychology, the meaning of this word has almost the same interpretation that was given just above. To realize the decisiveness of a person, you need such a character trait as courage. This quality of temperament is maintained with the help of judgment and will.
The definition of the character of a decisive person is as follows: he never doubts before making any decisions, he is always confident that he is right. By and large, this is a person who is ready for any sacrifice in order to achieve his goal. Between action and inaction, the decisive person will definitely choose the former.
Making a decision is the launch of a certain series of events for which you must take full responsibility. Otherwise, the determination of one person can lead to the fact that other people will pay for it.

Advantages and disadvantages
Determination has more strengths than weaknesses.However, there are still disadvantages, and they must be taken very seriously. And that's why.
- A decisive person can do many stupid things if he does not fully calculate the accuracy of his actions. For example, a doctor can harm a patient by taking extreme measures to cure him. Therefore, in medicine, there is one rule, which says: "The main thing - do no harm!"
- A determined person can be overly critical and intolerant of other people's opinions and weaknesses. For example, an individual who cannot control his emotions will offend his interlocutor and hurt him.
- People who are too determined are usually feared and disliked.
However, decisiveness has many advantages. Let's consider them:
- decisive people more often than others achieve their goals due to the fact that they consciously take risks;
- decisive people have firmness in character, so they always try to calculate their actions in advance;
- smart people are always distinguished by decisiveness, since their knowledge makes it possible to act;
- thanks to decisive actions, for example, heroic deeds, people are saved from inevitable death;
- decisiveness is needed when a person is faced with a choice on which a lot depends;
- decisiveness allows a person to make a final decision and not hesitate.
To summarize, it can be said that decisiveness makes anyone bolder. She gives him the ability to act in a difficult environment. This means that from the acquisition of decisiveness in character, the personality becomes mentally stronger.

Manifestations in everyday life
Sometimes people do not even think about such a quality of character as decisiveness. It often happens that a person is forced to face a difficult situation almost every day and be brave. For example, this is a doctor who makes decisions on which the patient's life depends. The surgeon takes the risk and performs the operation so that the patient recovers.
Such a quality as decisiveness manifests itself everywhere and everywhere. On the street and at home, different situations await us, which can be negative. For example, a student crosses the road, and a car rushes across the road. There are many such cases, and decisiveness is required here. The driver must do everything so that his car does not run over a pedestrian, and the student must make a decision that will allow him to escape. A lot also depends on the decisiveness of onlookers. If a man from the crowd rushes to save a schoolboy, rushing across the car, then he will do the right and decisive act. This is how decisiveness affects people's lives.
Determination in women is manifested when it is necessary to cure a child from an illness. They do things that are sometimes incompatible with common sense. Some mothers, in order to save their son or daughter, radically change their character. Even the most indecisive representatives of the fairer sex begin to behave actively. They want the best doctor to see their child and prescribe the right treatment. People in extreme situations can prove themselves as real heroes, although they are not. Human potential is not fully understood. This question is especially acute when it comes to the internal mental state of a person.

How do you become decisive?
Indecision leads to the fact that a person begins to live a life that is not his own, all the time looking back at the opinions of other people. When the decision-making process takes a long time, then the end result may not be encouraging. Therefore, you need to develop or develop determination in your character. And the following actions will help in this.
Work on yourself
This point requires a lot of effort and perseverance. This process can dramatically increase your confidence and you will become a determined person. If you find it difficult to start with big points, then start small. Get up early in the morning at the same time.Admit that you need willpower to do these things. Once you overcome yourself, you become a more determined person.
Make a plan for the month by which you will live and work. Let each item be scheduled by the minute. This way you can control yourself and develop self-discipline. Start exercising. Even if you don't want to go jogging because of bad weather, do it anyway. Willpower and determination will help you with this. Try to keep your emotions under control everywhere and always.
Do not be alarmed by trifles. Don't think ahead about what you have to do. From such thoughts, self-doubt develops, which means that your determination suffers.

Goal setting
Without this point, it is impossible to move forward and learn to make the right decisions. Keep in mind, however, that a huge number of goals you set can be bad for your mental health. Therefore, keep them to a minimum. Let only those remain that will really help you achieve success. However, what you have conceived should be achievable and worthy not only of your attention, but also of the attention of other people.
Another point: you still need to highlight one key goal and confirm the reason why you want to quickly achieve it. Therefore, answer yourself the question - what will this goal give you when you reach it? And then you need to learn how to visualize the result. Let your brain have a clear idea of what you want to get in the end. And the last thing. Morning always looks like one another. This means that a person practically constantly acts in the morning on the “machine”: he has breakfast, drinks tea / coffee, and gets ready for work. Everything passes as if in a fog. Meanwhile, purposeful people try to use this time of day to carefully plan their day.
In addition, it is necessary to get pleasure from waking up and the hours that follow it every time.

Psychological trainings
If you lack determination, then try to educate it in yourself. There are special exercises for this, but it is better to use training. Development of determination is similar to such a procedure as pumping up muscles. As soon as you can overcome a certain level, immediately move on to the next. For example, start showing decisiveness where it is fairly easy to do. Help loved ones and take responsibility for solving any problems. And then you need to act incrementally. Be proactive at work. Think over your actions and invite your boss to implement a new idea.
Don't be afraid to meet new people on the street or on the bus. To fulfill this condition, learn to overcome petty fears. If you talk to a stranger, what might happen? Absolutely nothing to worry about. If an acquaintance attempt is unsuccessful, the person will simply turn away and leave. Such a failure will not have a negative impact on your pride, but, on the contrary, will temper it. The best self-training is the kind of training that does no harm and helps you build determination. An example is the affirmation class. Affirmations are carefully formulated beliefs that must be repeated many times, either silently or aloud.
As soon as a person begins to utter the same phrase every day quite often, it gradually begins to be deposited in the brain. As a result of constant exercise, the brain "overflows" and begins to throw out unnecessary information into the Cosmos. In this way, dreams and desires come true. In addition, there are also practices such as meditation. Meditation is an action of the mind aimed at deeper concentration of the human psyche. The benefit of these classes for fostering determination is that the human brain and psyche first very much relax, get rid of negativity, and then cleanse themselves.It is at this moment, in a completely renewed brain space, that new thinking arises, which makes it possible for a person, for example, to become a decisive person.

A person is born with a certain amount of confidence in himself. Any baby knows when he is hungry and wants to sleep. Also, a small child knows exactly what he likes or what he wants. All this happens because the child trusts himself.
However, with age, this factor almost always disappears. When a person grows up, he begins to look back at others, thinking that it will be better this way. And it acts according to the following rules:
- he lacks determination;
- strives to bring his life to the generally accepted perfection;
- fears and doubts about anything;
- seeking approval from others, looking back all the time.
In an adult, the percentage of self-confidence decreases significantly, and for some it disappears altogether. And this is despite the fact that our well-being directly depends on the level of self-confidence. And that's why - when a person ceases to trust himself, he begins to "mark time" and thereby destroys his true desires.

Therefore, we all need to return to our origins from time to time and start trusting ourselves. Such a right, as already mentioned, is given to a person from birth, and should not be neglected. So, in order to restore this factor, you need to rely on the following points.
- Start to respect your opinion.
- You must always pay attention to your own feelings and thoughts, and only then act.
- Find the good qualities in yourself and write them down on paper. Re-read this entry constantly. When you realize that you are naturally endowed with excellent traits, you will begin to trust yourself.
- Pay attention to your physiological needs.
When you get serious about developing trust in yourself, don't rush things. All difficulties can be overcome when you connect your perseverance to the process. And one more piece of advice: do not act “automatically”, but enjoy the process of execution. Also, always start your day with a focus on yourself and end it that way. Then you will develop healthy egoism in your character.
This character trait will definitely help you and make you decisive. This will happen because you begin to act in your own interests.