Self-sufficiency: what is it and how to develop in yourself?

There are people who are guided by their own opinion, and not by the advice of others. They take full responsibility for the decisions they make, they can independently provide for their life. It's about self-sufficiency.
What it is?
The word "self-sufficiency" is closely related to concepts such as "independence" and "self-sufficiency." In psychology, there is such a definition: a self-sufficient person is sufficient in everything that makes up his Ego, and is independent of the surrounding world in the material and spiritual planes. In contrast to independence, which has the meaning of "standing by myself," self-sufficiency means that a person is "enough of himself." An individual with such a quality is able to arrange his life and leisure in the absence of the support of relatives and friends. He is confident in himself, his feelings and can independently make any decisions.
In philosophy, this quality is defined as the emergence of self-sufficiency in a natural way and the possibility of further existence without external influence. Self-sufficient person independent in all areas. He thinks out of the ordinary. Thanks to this quality, an integral multifaceted personality is being formed who is not afraid to speak out against public opinion. Such an individual has inner freedom. He doesn't care about conformity to a certain image. The pursuit of fashion is not for him, since a person who does not depend on receiving the approval of others, wears only clothes that are comfortable for himself.
Hard work and the development of one's own abilities lead a person to independence and self-realization. It is comfortable for him to be in a company with himself.

A self-sufficient person feels responsible for his actions, does not like control from other people. Such a person does not depend on the opinions of others, but respects their worldview. He has no morbid attachment to habits, work, place of residence and people. Failure does not frighten him. He is not afraid of disappointment. The inner world brings a free personality self-satisfaction, the ability to define their needs and provide them. Self-sufficiency is not synonymous with wealth and influence, which is why such people are not chasing expensive purchases. They do not become victims of the advertising business, but asceticism is not always their lot. The self-sufficient individual is free from illusions and infantilism. He has his own opinion in every situation.
A self-sufficient subject able to understand another person and show respect to him... He is not inclined to reeducate loved ones and relatives. Such a person adequately perceives those around him, does not try to remake them for himself. He lives without anger, envy, jealousy, malevolence and vindictiveness. He never looks to blame for his own failures, and takes on the negative consequences of his actions. He does not have the habit of condemning the actions of people, comparing himself with those around him. He usually draws a parallel between the present development of events and past situations and seeks to eliminate the deficiencies that have arisen. He has an inherent ability to help those in need, but he does not always run at the first call, because he is used to solving his problems on his own and expects the same actions from others.

Psychologists identify the main features of such a personality:
- dedication (the ability to achieve a positive result);
- inner strength (responsibility for their actions and decisions);
- emotional stability;
- self-acceptance, awareness of their strengths and weaknesses;
- self confidence;
- active personality development;
- striving for positive, harmony with oneself and the world around;
- the ability to earn money in the required amount;
- the ability to provide themselves with their own housing;
- the ability to keep your home in proper order;
- no fear of losing any support.

What happens?
An individual who is able to solve problems on his own is devoid of fear of loneliness. He is able to provide for himself. Lack of anxiety, confident overcoming it leads to emotional liberation. Internal freedom gets rid of unnecessary conventions, frees one from financial dependence and guarantees a decent life. In psychology, there are 3 types of self-sufficiency.
A person's ability to adapt to the existing rules of society provides him with an optimal standard of living. A self-sufficient person does his favorite job, intensively develops his talents, improves his hobby. This direction can be traced in people who have achieved a significant position in society and have a leading position in the team. You don't have to be in a leadership position - it is enough to have your own niche in the social hierarchy and not be afraid of difficulties.
An individual who is able to develop himself without the intervention of society has a rich inner world. Psychologically, he does not depend on anyone and is able to spiritually enrich himself in complete solitude. There is no painful attachment to parents, children, or a significant other. A person experiences difficult life periods independently, without needing outside support and advice from others.
In the modern world, it is difficult not to depend on other people's opinions, because the fear of ridicule and condemnation of people does not allow a massive person to dance or go to the pool, a pensioner - to get carried away by a new sport, the owner of a strict way of thinking - to try himself in creativity.Independence from other people's opinions allows a person to be responsible for making decisions with a complete lack of reaction to the approval or censure of other people.
A self-sufficient person always seeks to find a solution based on his own conclusions and desires.

The ability to provide for their daily life, earn money, the ability to properly conduct business affairs, the availability of cooking and cleaning skills testify to household self-sufficiency. These qualities allow the subject to independently organize his life. Household self-sufficiency is usually characteristic of men, since they are able to tighten a leaking mixer with a wrench, nail a shelf, cook a delicious dish, do laundry, wash floors and dishes. Not every woman is subject to male housework, therefore, it is possible to speak about domestic self-sufficiency of female representatives in exceptional cases.
Pros and cons of self-sufficiency
This property manifests itself when a person grows up. It testifies to the qualitative development of a person who can create a decent life for himself. Such an individual has several advantages:
- the ability to fully support oneself;
- own view of the world without relying on someone else's opinion;
- independent decision making;
- the ability to deal with all your life problems yourself;
- manifestation of erudition and stamina;
- independence from other people;
- self-confidence;
- the ability to maintain control over your mental well-being;
- the ability to enjoy life;
- available material wealth;
- regular self-development;
- the presence of harmony with the inner and outer world.

Self-sufficiency is considered to be a positive trait of a person. But sometimes it can have a negative aspect.
- Some people have this problem: after arranging your own life, there is a desire to get rid of any meetings with friends or relatives. People who are accustomed to relying only on their own strength sometimes isolate themselves from society. Ultimately, the subject may be completely alone. Psychologists advise you to always surround yourself with interesting people and keep in touch with them.
- Negative attitude towards idle chatter and idle pastime can alienate other people, which also leads to isolation from society.
- Emotional liberation sometimes leads to excessive courage and self-confidence, sometimes provoking a manifestation of arrogance.

How to develop in yourself?
Small children are completely dependent on parents and other adults, so there can be no question of their self-sufficiency. As a person grows up, they begin to show independence. Self-sufficiency is gradually formed. This process can take a lifetime. In extreme old age, due to the presence of physical weakness, the person loses social and everyday self-sufficiency. Freedom of reason and originality of thinking allow some people to maintain psychological self-sufficiency for the rest of their days.
Any person is capable of becoming a self-sufficient person. To do this, you need to regularly acquire new knowledge, engage in self-education, strive for excellence. Expansion of horizons, training of consciousness, hard work, physical activity contribute to self-realization of the individual. Old skills need to be constantly honed. Correctly set specific goals help to focus on work, to give meaning to the daily routine. You should always strive to improve your own life.
You need to regularly train your willpower. Weak-willed people easily succumb to laziness and apathy. You should not pin your hopes on an influential relative or a chance of fate, therefore, in order not to stay at the bottom of the trough, you must rely on your own strength.Only an adequate acceptance of any criticism allows a person to objectively assess their results.
The self-sufficiency of men and women is slightly different. Psychologists advise taking this fact into account.

A self-sufficient man is able to solve his problems and help his companion cope with difficulties.... He thinks rationally, does not flaunt his achievements, does not allow himself any manifestations of rudeness and the use of obscene words. He knows how to calculate his strength, can make difficult decisions and never justifies himself to anyone. For a man to form self-sufficiency, it is necessary to work to eradicate pettiness, rancor, aggression, and unwanted forms of self-affirmation. He needs to develop in himself magnanimity, the ability to fulfill other people's desires, the ability not to succumb to female provocations and cunning.
You need to provide your soul mate with complete safety and confidence.
A self-sufficient man always shows respect for a woman. He is free from addiction to alcohol and excessive attachment to his mother. Asks for help only in extreme cases.

A self-sufficient lady will never become a burden for her husband. She is able to solve any problem on her own.... Such a woman does not depend on the status and financial condition of the chosen one. It is important for her to receive warmth and build a sincere relationship. For the development of self-sufficiency, the fairer sex needs to correctly prioritize. You should not force yourself to communicate with an unpleasant person for the sake of gaining material well-being. You need to learn how to adequately assess your own abilities and capabilities. We need to get rid of bursting pride in our achievements. But the label of a failure must also be removed from your shoulders.
You should not be jealous of your rivals and look for flaws in them.... You should try to give more positive emotions and love to your partner, but you should not demand material and psychological gifts in return. A woman should take into account the interests of her companion and give him the right to his own life.

Psychological advice
A healthy lifestyle is also important. It means physical activity, proper nutrition, daily walks in the fresh air, which help maintain strength and prolong youth for many years, as well as get satisfaction from life.
Experts recommend throughout life to master new professions, learn foreign languages, try yourself in creativity. You need to constantly improve yourself. Only if you have a load will you be able to maintain mental and physical health until a ripe old age.
Acquire the ability to adequately respond to criticism and praise from outsiders. Learn to properly analyze your own environment and weed out people who waste your time with idle talk.
The development of the qualities of a strong-willed, independent person is the ability to calmly and easily relate to situations when there is no help from friends and relatives.
Be sure to periodically spend time alone with yourself. In these moments, you should turn off the TV, Internet, gadgets. Learn to accept with dignity your own loneliness, which is of particular value to your personal space. This does not mean that you have to become a hermit. You need to learn to get the same pleasure from communicating with people and from being alone.
Psychologists advise when developing responsibility for your own life stop waiting for favorable changes. You need to start planning your actions yourself. Set goals for yourself. Implement them. Instead of asking loved ones to fulfill your desires, fulfill them yourself. Always hold accountable for the unwanted consequences of your actions.