Self-improvement: meaning, motives and methods

If a person considers himself a person, then he must constantly engage in self-improvement. This kind of work has tremendous benefits and can be useful at any age. Young people will prove themselves at work and will significantly advance the career ladder, and elderly people will always be interesting to those around them.
In addition, self-improvement is a rather entertaining activity that can bring any individual out of a depressive state.

What is it in psychology?
Self improvement Is a kind of system. It is a conscious action that allows a person to move in terms of personal growth. Moreover, a characteristic feature of such a process is that a person forms in his character various positive qualities, certain properties and necessary skills.
All people living on earth have a clear individuality... Therefore, their self-assessment may differ. Some believe that they are perfect people who do not need to do anything to change their personal potential. Others, on the contrary, strive for knowledge and believe that they have done very little to achieve a certain perfection. Upbringing, freedom, morality, material values, etc. play an important role in these conclusions.
The modern personality is distinguished by such a characteristic feature as self-awareness... She can afford to reach any heights. This is due to the freedom that certain knowledge and skills give.This means that any modern and intelligent person should not justify himself if he cannot achieve success, but should take the initiative in his hands and begin to act thoughtfully and boldly.
Thus, you can significantly advance further and discern various advantages and talents in yourself. And then you just have to try to develop them. This will begin the process of self-improvement.

What happens?
Self-improvement is not one-sided, and it significantly affects the development and life of a person. So, there is intellectual, moral and physical self-improvement. Which one to choose depends on the personality itself. Perhaps she will be able to move in the following directions.
- One of the most important paths is mental or personal growth. Thanks to the assimilation of new knowledge and skills, a person can reach unprecedented heights. Competence in many areas will allow him to quickly move up the career ladder.
- Self-healing is also quite an essential moment for self-development. A person who has any ailment in his body tries to find out as much information as possible about its elimination.
- Physical condition is also important for personal development. As the saying goes: "A healthy mind is in a healthy body." People who strive to improve their body, overcome a rather difficult path. And this gives them the opportunity for self-realization.
- The professional sphere plays a significant role. The modern world is distinguished by an abundance of various technology and electronic devices. Therefore, in this area, a person must be well versed in order to meet all the requirements that are needed when applying for a job. Thus, the person becomes competitive in the labor market.
- Aesthetic self-improvement definitely affects a person's life. Studying any kind of literature, drawing, etc. give an opportunity for a person to grow spiritually. This is important to become a self-sufficient and well-mannered person.
- Moral education - this is one of the main directions that will move any person to self-improvement.
A person who has highly moral traits in his character evokes admiration and respect.

Human development is a natural process. By and large, any person is engaged in self-regulation and has a specific goal. Self-improvement is a goal and it has typical motivators. Let's consider them.
- The first motive is the attitude towards life. Therefore, a person can improve himself in order to facilitate his existence, increase material well-being, improve his life, or learn to avoid trouble.
- Then comes the motive that affects the attitude towards people. In this case, the person is engaged in self-improvement so that she has good relationships with people, to help them, to enjoy their respect. In addition, a person needs to self-actualize and improve himself. And this cannot be done without the participation of others.
In this matter, it is necessary to take into account the needs that the human body experiences. For example, age and gender factors have been identified that have a significant impact on motivation. For example, a more mature person is less interested in the opposite sex, in contrast to adolescents and young people. And, therefore, the motives associated with age-related issues increase or decrease to one degree or another.

What hinders the desire for self-improvement?
As our life is constantly changing and running forward, so a person should be engaged in self-improvement. If an individual ignores such a process, then he involuntarily follows the path of self-destruction, and this is a big problem. A person cannot stop his development for a while. If this happens, then his life will become uninteresting and boring. Therefore, each of us involuntarily strives for self-improvement.
When life begins to go wrong, as we would like, any person begins to think about the issues of self-improvement. And especially in this process it is necessary to note the role of will. Thanks to strong-willed decisions, the personality begins to change for the better. At the same time, she makes mistakes and draws certain conclusions. Thus, the person reveals the potential of his "I".
There are some people who cannot start the cultivation process. To justify themselves, they begin to look for those to blame for their failures and troubles. Thus, they attract even more negativity into their lives. At the same time, they do not even understand that the root of the problem lies in themselves.
If the problem is not resolved, then the person who is "stuck in place" begins to fall into depression... And this process further pushes him away from the search for a way out of the prevailing circumstances. So, consider situations that prevent people from doing work on themselves.
- Many people are afraid of change, and also fear of the unknown. Stability comes first. But for many, stability brings nothing but suffering. For example, a person lives in a small village where there is no high-paying job. He works somewhere in an office for a penny and lives from pay to pay. He is still far from retirement and he could sell the house to summer residents and buy a modest apartment in the big city.
Then you can find a job with a good salary and live happily ever after. But a person is afraid, because in his small village he has a guarantee that tomorrow will not be worse. He thinks, "If I leave and cannot find a job, then the source of income will quickly dry up and poverty will ensue." This fear moves a person in a circle and does not allow him to decide on a serious step. Once this person copes with his fear, he will change his life for the better.
- The environment plays an important role in our life. Our character and views depend on the habitat in which any of us is located. If a person lives in a place where people drink, walk and do not think about self-development, then he will also lead such a lifestyle.
And, conversely, if the environment in which the personality is based is distinguished by high consciousness, then it will want to develop in order to become one with the environment.

Where to begin?
In order to start the process of self-improvement, you need to have a desire. Willpower is also needed. Here's what needs to be done to overcome this path.
- Take a self-test. To do this, you can proceed as follows. Take a piece of paper and write questions like this: “Who am I? Why do I live in this world? What good did you do? What I want? How would I like to live on? What do I want to get out of life? " Answer these questions for yourself in writing. Then reread them and think about what you wrote. After that, you will understand in which direction you should move on. In addition, you need to calculate the time and energy it will take to realize self-improvement.
- Self-discipline will help you stay on track. If you want to take a break from the cultivation process, then your commitment to yourself will lead you back to making it happen.
- Motivation is equally important. You should know why you need to go through the self-improvement process. And this will give you the strength to take further action.
- Prepare for challenges. You should know that overcoming yourself raises a lot of questions and problems. Strive to overcome them.
- Get ready for the fact that your life will change significantly. It will get better and never get back on track.

Description of techniques
Self improvement Is painstaking work that takes up time and effort. First of all, you need to put in front of you goal, then make up a certain plan and start self-education. And special programs and the methods listed below will help in this. So, consider the following points.
- If you want to fundamentally change your activities, you need to improve your core skills. To do this, you can enroll in refresher courses or engage in making any connections that will inevitably bring success.
- Those who are going to go through life easily and freely can be offered to study foreign languages. This will allow you to expand your range of possibilities and step in a completely new direction.
- Start reading. Make your reading informative. Various books on psychology are especially helpful. Write down the most significant teaching points and be sure to reread them. This way you can get to know yourself better and start correcting the situation.
- Try to think creatively. The technique of the exercise is as follows: in all endeavors, look for unusual moments. For example, you might want to make a refurbishment. Before starting such an event, think about how you will proceed. You can just stick the wallpaper and decorate the room according to the standard, or you can make a completely unusual decoration of the premises, which everyone will admire.
- Find a hobby you love. Sometimes people do not even assume that they are doing the wrong thing that they would like to do. For example, a seamstress sits all day and sews pockets for shirts. She does not even realize that in fact she can sew very fashionable things on a permanent basis. In order for her to succeed, you must at least try, and then everything will go on as usual.
- Be sure to learn how to make a to-do list. Such an event is very disciplined. Practice shows that a disciplined person always succeeds in everything, which means that he has more time for self-improvement.
- Inspire yourself. To do this, you can engage in viewing various photographs, films (both fictional and documentary), as well as read life-affirming articles.
- Particular attention must be paid to proper nutrition. Eat only those foods that are considered healthy for breakfast and dinner. In this case, you should not overeat. Remember that the human body is a delicate substance that requires the best nutrition in the form of healthy vegetables and fruits. Keep in mind that a spiritually poor person is almost always overweight or unwell.
- Travel at least once a year. Of course, if there is such an opportunity, then you can do it more often. Traveling gives a person the opportunity to find happiness and experience a lot of interesting moments. May your wanderings be spiritually rich and give you very valuable knowledge.
- Reading classic literature will expand your horizons. In addition, you can significantly expand your vocabulary and start writing correctly.
- It is very good if you visit museums, theaters and exhibitions. Begin to experience beauty. You will definitely like it. In addition, you will become a highly developed person and learn cultural communication.
- Listening to classical music prompts a person to think. As soon as your brain starts working in a new format, it will require new knowledge and skills. You can intuitively find a hobby or activity that will help you express yourself quickly.
- Go in for sports. You can get down to serious training, or you can just run around the house. Thanks to intense exercise, blood circulation in your body will improve and energy will appear, which will require a certain output. You, unwittingly, will start looking for new opportunities for self-realization.
- Follow your train of thought. If negative thoughts begin to creep into your head, try to get rid of them immediately. Don't think bad. Remember, all thoughts are material.
- If you have bad habits, then be sure to get rid of them. Keep in mind that smoking and drinking will not get you anywhere.Health will deteriorate, and the mental state will improve only for a while, since bad habits destroy the body and lead to complete degradation of the personality.
- Do not make hasty movements towards the target. Haste will not bring the achievement of the result any closer.
Therefore, think over your every step - this way you will improve your thinking potential and learn to make the right decisions.

Helpful hints
Self-improvement is a constant state of a person. Therefore, all recommendations and exercises must be done every day and do not neglect the good advice of experienced people. Some of them recommend good rest. First of all, such the benefit lies in practicing meditation. What needs to be done for this? Read below.
- Choose a cozy, bright and quiet space.
- Sit on a comfortable soft sofa / chair. For more comfort, you can use pillows. Place a rug under your feet.
- There is nothing to eat before meditation.
- Play some soothing music and set a timer for 15 minutes.
- Close your eyes and start breathing deeply and calmly.
- Do not drive the thoughts that will come to your mind, but simply observe them, as if for the clouds flying across the sky.
- Continue to breathe calmly. Imagine a huge ball of light forming over your head. It slowly descends and fills your entire consciousness. This bundle of energy moves downward and penetrates every part of your body. You may even feel a tingling sensation in the tips of your fingers and toes. Don't be alarmed. This is how your body and consciousness are purified.
- Imagine that the arisen energy overwhelms you and bursts into the sky. There she connects with the Cosmos. At this moment, you need to ask the Universe to change your consciousness for the better.
- Sit in a state of nirvana for a while, open your eyes when the alarm clock rings.