Top things to do in life

Each of us made a list at least once before going to the store or made a list of things that need to be put in a suitcase before traveling. Agree, it works. After sorting out the bag of groceries, we do not return to the store, because we forgot to buy salt, but immediately start preparing a festive dinner. And after checking into the hotel, we run to the sea, and not to the nearest shopping center to buy a swimsuit at an exorbitant price. It's comfortable. Why not try making a to-do list?
What is a to-do list for?
We have used lists since childhood. Remember the lesson schedule or daily routine, for example? There it was clearly spelled out what to do in order for my mother to let her go for a walk or to allow her to watch the next episode of her favorite movie. Learn Nekrasov's poem, solve problem number five from a mathematics textbook, fill out a diary of observations, and so on. It's so convenient.

But for some reason, having received a certificate, we often forget about this simple way to organize our life, but in vain. It is clear that the list of things to do before the age of 18 and 30 for girls and boys will be different, and everyone has their own top things, depending on age, gender, social and financial status. But anyway the list is needed if you do not want to regret the wasted years when you were in the prime of life and desires in old age.
Why do our desires often remain only desires? Because for most of us, the plan for the day is very primitive - work-home-work. We just get bogged down in the swamp of everyday life, in which there must be a place for a holiday. And then, going to bed, we catch ourselves thinking that life is passing by.
How many times have we promised ourselves to read War and Peace, but now my son graduated from college, and we never got to the bookstore. And when going to the anniversary of the beloved grandmother, we suddenly wonder why she even at 80 goes to the pool three times a week, but we never signed up for the gym.
A friend, by the way, will marry off her daughter in a month, but we never found the one with whom we could start a family. And there was no time to get to know each other. Postponing your desires all the time is bad for your health.... Get away from the sinister work-home-work formula. Take a piece of paper, take your mind off your everyday worries and write down what you once dreamed about and what you are dreaming about now.
As your wishes come true, cross them off the list. Believe me, after a while you will understand that life is getting better.

How to compose it correctly?
To begin with, choose a time, at least half an hour, and preferably more. Remember - you are starting a new rich life.... And so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly spent years, designate these very goals. Grab a pen and paper or create a new file on your computer and get started. Don't be afraid to dream. Ideally, of course, so that not your desires surprise your capabilities, but vice versa. But in any case, remember that life is richer than plans, so go for it.
First of all, answer yourself the following questions.
- What would you do today if you knew that the world would end tomorrow? No, not the one that the Maya Indians allegedly promised in December 2012, but a real apocalypse.
- What have you set out to do more than once, but haven't bothered to?
- What countries have you always wanted to visit, or maybe there are other places that your feet never reached - theaters or museums, for example?
- Think back to your deepest dreams.
- Answer yourself to the question of who you want to become. Not in the sense of a profession (cook, engineer or trainer), but in a broader sense.
- Confess what you don't know yet, but you would certainly like to learn it.
- Imagine what exactly you would like to tell your grandchildren on your 101st birthday.
- List what and whom you lack in life.
Most likely, some of your "Wishlist" will scare you or even make you laugh. The main thing is not to stop. Write down all your even the most secret desires. Ideally, such a list should contain at least 100 items.
Can't imagine such a rich life for yourself? Contact your “fellow sufferers” on the Internet - they will help.

Top wishes
There are tons of to-do lists that everyone needs to do in life. Moreover, they are broken down into different categories. There are 100 things that a teenager under 18 and a girl under 20 must do, and then up to 25, up to 30 and even until the end of her life.
Your task is to create your own unique list. To make it easier for you, here are a number of wishes that are inherent in almost everyone. So let's get started.
- Jump with a parachute (those that raise tourists above sea level are also considered).
- Learn English (German, French, Japanese or any other language).
- Walk in the morning dew, preferably with bare feet.
- Learn to crochet (make crafts from papier-mâché, cross-stitch, draw). Discover your hidden talents.
- Sign up for a gym (pool, fitness club). After all, it's a pity to throw out that beautiful skirt that no longer fits on you. So let him wait in the wings.
- Forgive your offender, with whom you have not spoken for many years and, in fact, no longer remember what the fuss is about.
- Call your parents.
- Confess your feelings to a dear person.
- Spend a day away from civilization. Disable your phone, tablet and other means of communication with the modern world.
- Meet the sunrise with your loved one in a romantic setting.
- Learn to make dumplings.
- Swim with a dolphin.
- Get a bald haircut (dye your hair red, grow long hair).
- Learn at a driving school.
- Say no when you don’t feel like doing what you are asked to do.
- Plant a tree, create a flower bed, create a greenhouse, or grow a flower on a windowsill.
- Learn to dance the waltz (tango, square dance, salsa).
- Memorize your favorite poem (song).
- Read the collected works of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
- Participate in a charity project.
- Quit smoking.
- Stop using foul language.
- Play soccer.
- Win the lottery.
- Find a new job.
- Finish cutting and sewing courses.
- Visit a psychologist.
- Ride a horse.
- Feed the cat at the entrance.
- Take a walk in the woods.
- Get married (get married).
- Give a birth to a baby.
- Participate in military reconstruction.
- Visit an elite restaurant.
- Throw out unnecessary things.
- Forget failures.
- Take a massage course.
- Smile (several times a day).
- To burst into tears with emotion (happiness).
- Eat a basket of exotic fruits.
- Go sailing.
- End a relationship with a married man (married woman).
- Go to the mountains, conquer mountain peaks.
- Attend a secular reception.
- Collect a dinner party.
- Take part in a citywide cleanup.
- Master Photoshop.
- Collect a collection of coins from at least 30 different countries around the world.
- Take a diving lesson.
- Visit your favorite teacher.
- Go to the bathhouse.
- Celebrate the New Year in a "fabulous" country (each has its own).
- Take part in the march of the Immortal Regiment.
- Clean up the graves of relatives.
- Forgive yourself for an indecent act.
- Find a classmate (classmate) with whom (oh) were inseparable at school.
- Say good morning to a stranger.
- Get to know the neighbors.
- Buy a fur coat (or something that you dreamed of, but everyone could not find the required amount).
- Make a gift just like that, for no reason.
- Rearrange the house.
- Install a Jacuzzi in the bathroom.
- Lead a healthy lifestyle for at least a month.
- Spend the whole day alone with your child.
- Spend the whole day alone with yourself.
- Ride an extreme attraction.
- Take an elephant ride.
- Arrange a fasting day.
- Take the grandmother across the road.
- Learn to massage.
- Take a course of facial rejuvenation.
- Lie down in a thermal spring.
- Learn a prayer.
- See the northern lights and the polar night.
- See how bridges are being raised in St. Petersburg.
- Drink the most expensive wine.
- Try foie gras or another delicacy.
- Take a photo with a crocodile in hand.
- Go to the fear room.
- Create a family tree.
- Pass a preventive medical examination, pass all tests.
- Catch a bucket of crayfish and cook them over the fire.
- Win a million.
- Attend a cooking class.
- Start pouring cold water in the morning.
- Dive into the hole.
- Help someone, even if you weren't asked to.
- Learn ten anecdotes.
- Climb the Eiffel Tower.
- Bungee jump.
- Walk across the city.
- Make homemade preparations for the winter.
- See the starfall.
- Catch a huge fish on a saltwater fishing trip.
- Fly in a hot air balloon.
- Teach a child to cook cabbage soup.
- Swim across the river.
- Attend a classical music concert.
- Spend a week in the village.
- Receive a million scarlet roses as a gift.

Your list may be similar to this one, or it may be completely different. The main thing is to have it. And even if some of your desires seem to be absolutely unrealizable. Thoughts are known to materialize. Moreover, you simply do not have enough time for some dreams.
Most likely, it seems so easy to you. And any person has something to strive for, even if it seems to him that he has already achieved everything in this life. And remember - "never say never". Life is much shorter than we think. You should at least try to get everything or almost everything from her. And then on long winter evenings you will have something to tell your grandchildren.
You can teach them to enjoy every day. You will probably even write a book of memoirs that will sell millions of copies. You may even receive a large fee.
It will be enough for you to fulfill a dream that is not yet on the list, but it will surely appear as points are deleted from the list created today. The faster this happens, the more you will be able to do it. So, forward - towards the stars or where have you wanted for a long time?