How to Become an Optimist?

Fate periodically brings each of us together with indefatigable and cheerful optimists. Their smile, infectious laughter, excellent mood and positive emotions charge everyone with positive energy. Problems immediately recede into the background. I would like to preserve the emerging state of mind for as long as possible and increase its resource. Is it possible to do this? Let's look at this issue.
How to determine: are you an optimist or a pessimist?
It has been scientifically proven that optimists live longer than pessimists, because they spend less effort and energy on negative emotions and experiences. They are less likely to experience colds. Being caught in the pouring rain, the optimist believes in a successful outcome. A firm conviction in this helps him avoid colds.
A self-confident person is much more successful than a person who constantly doubts himself. He does not notice obstacles and problems on his way. No obstacles can become a stumbling block for him. The difficulties that arise further fuel interest in the case. The optimist perceives them as an opportunity and a chance to win. He has no doubt that he will cope with any troubles.

Unlike a pessimistic person, a life-loving individual lives by his own rules and does not think about what strangers will think of him. He will not give up his dream for the sake of public opinion.
A cheerful person is constantly in a good mood. Difficulties and intractable problems can upset him, but not for a long time. He quickly switches to the positive, overcomes obstacles and continues to live on, enjoying life.
Optimistic people are sociable. They have a huge social circle. Most of those around them are excellent partners for them, because good people are attracted to optimistic individuals like a magnet.

There are some hallmarks that can help you understand who you are.
- Optimistic individuals easily develop interpersonal relationships in society, while pessimists often have relationships with others that are disorganized.
- A positive person seeks to find pluses in everything, a sad person usually sees solid minuses.
- An optimist is always confident in his own abilities, a pessimistic person doubts his capabilities.
- A cheerful person is looking for a way out of any difficult situation, the skeptic gets into a stressful state and loses faith in a favorable outcome.
- A positive person does not pay attention to minor problems, a pessimistic subject, on the contrary, dwells on them.
- A life-loving person looks much better and younger than a dejected person, in whom the aging process begins prematurely, as a result of which the appearance deteriorates.
- An optimistic individual never complains about the injustice of life, a pessimist is offended that he is undeservedly deprived of fate.
- A cheerful person is always full of strength and energy, and a pessimist is characterized by constant fatigue, a decline in physical strength, the development of psychosomatic ailments.
- Optimists usually strive to learn something unknown, have a desire to engage in self-development and increase personal growth, want to realize themselves in some new business. Pessimists have a reduced quality of life.

The rules for restructuring thinking
Experts say that the dreams of positive-minded people come true much more often than skeptical people. Hence, to be a self-confident person who knows how to enjoy life, you need to put your thoughts in the right positive direction. Thinking right helps to become an optimist. Focusing on the positives brings about a change for the better.
Don't tie happiness to success and achieving goals. If you do not have a car or a posh country cottage, this does not mean that you are the most unhappy person on earth. Know how to find pleasure in something else: your adored soul mate, children, your favorite job, friends, your hobbies. Change your train of thought. Happiness is within us.
Self-digging and self-flagellation should be replaced with light self-irony. She possesses a valuable psychotherapeutic resource and exterminates destructive moods. The personality begins to see the negative situation from a different angle. Finding funny moments can bring a smile and even laughter, which is a sure sign of getting rid of depression.
With the help of self-irony and a healthy sense of humor, you will definitely solve all your problems.

Rebuilding your thinking can increase your positive attitude. Here are some of its rules:
- do not feel sorry for yourself;
- have a simpler attitude towards losses and losses;
- do not label other people;
- get rid of feelings of guilt;
- do not complicate an already difficult situation;
- solve problems as they come;
- do not be afraid of future failures;
- always rely on yourself;
- take responsibility for your actions;
- do not watch TV shows and films that carry negativity and spoil the mood;
- choose cognitive programs for viewing, study positive information;
- evaluate your own capabilities objectively.

Best Exercises
First of all, you need to force yourself to think exclusively in a positive way. Optimism can be learned by completing certain tasks.
- Smile at others often. Your smile charges them with positive emotions. The warm, radiant look of a passer-by received in response sends you a positive charge.
- Capture positive moments in a notebook or in notes on your smartphone. Positive writing helps you realize how many good things happen during the day.
- Instead of waiting for transport with a disgruntled face, walk to your destination or to another available vehicle.
- When things are bad, put on some quiet music. Listening to classics improves your mood, helps you shift your focus, and soothes your nerves.
- Give yourself nice gifts every day. This can be watching your favorite movie, going to a cafe or theater with friends, buying something or treats.
- The internal state changes the movement of the muscles of the cheeks, attempts to build different grimaces. Changing your facial expression can help you cope with apathy, anxiety, self-pity, and other negative thoughts.
- Fast, frequent, shallow breathing in a matter of minutes eliminates the overwhelming negativity. Think about how dogs breathe after a long run. Allow yourself to turn into such a dog for a while. Open your mouth and breathe in this way for a minute.
- Pets help to always stay in a good mood.
They are able to distract people from hard thoughts, remove them from a stressful state, take away all the negativity and give positive emotions.

Other exercises can help you get rid of your pessimistic mood.
- "Elastic". If you have negative thoughts, pull the elastic around your hand and release it. All negative emotions immediately switch to the arising pain in the arm. Gradually, in your subconscious mind, a relationship of negativity with this pain is formed. Consciousness resists pain and negative emotions remain in control. If there is no elastic nearby, try pinching yourself.
- Fighting Beliefs. Declare war on the beliefs that limit your thinking. Always remember that thought is material. Any negative thoughts that come to your mind, immediately transform them into positive phrases. For example, they thought that you were once again unlucky in love, which means that a fateful meeting awaits in the near future.
- Analysis of difficult situations. In any difficult situation, you can identify something valuable for yourself. When faced with a difficult situation, analyze it, learn a lesson from it and look for positive moments in the event.
- Communication with positive people. Spend time with pleasant people more often who are only able to tune your thoughts in a positive way by their presence. When you feel bad, call that person. When communicating with him on the phone, imagine that he is next to you. Feel the joy of talking to him. Smile broadly! Save yourself the trouble of dealing with grumpy, irritable, and angry subjects.
- Ideas about the future. Imagine and map your future. To do this, you need to cut pictures from various magazines that correspond to your dreams. Stick them on the poster, place positive text under each illustration.
Hang the collage on your wall to inspire you every day and instill confidence that all your dreams will soon come true.

Psychologist's advice
If you, starting any business, think in advance that it is doomed to failure, then bad luck will surely overtake you. Before starting the next event, you should always give yourself the mindset for success, and not for a negative outcome. Any mistake can be corrected.
Never blame yourself for mistakes and mistakes. Do not engage in self-criticism and criticism. Analyze the situation, draw conclusions and try to bring the matter to its logical conclusion. Remember that failure is another experience that you should learn from.
Engage in activities that bring you pleasure. Over time, a hobby can be turned into a main job that will bring you satisfaction and income.Make a plan for each day. Proper planning involves alternating work with rest. The strict regime contributes to high labor productivity while maintaining physical and mental health.
Professional problems should remain at work, and family troubles should remain at home. Excessive reflections need to be thrown out of your head.

Adequate nutrition relieves a person of irritability, anger, outbursts of anger, so do not exhaust yourself with various diets and starvation. If you want to lose weight, start exercising and slightly reduce your portion during meals. Take a few sips of clean water throughout the day.
Learn to relax properly. Yoga and meditation can lead to spiritual and emotional balance. They will help get rid of physical stress. Gradually, a person is freed from fears, stress, aggression and various negative addictions.
Go in for sports, spend a lot of time outdoors, go for walks, actively spend your leisure time. Learn to enjoy life.
Develop a sense of humor. Some situations should not be taken too seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself too. Learn to understand jokes and jokes. Watch comedy films more often, go to comedy concerts.

Analyze your inner desires, needs and expectations. Set specific goals for yourself and achieve them. When faced with serious life trials, do not drive yourself into a dead end and do not become isolated. Share your problems with your best friends and those you trust. Look for a way out of this situation together.
Never accumulate resentment in yourself, forgive people. Bring good to everyone. Do noble deeds. Show mercy to those in need. Feed the stray animals. Support the upset person and offer help.
If you feel that you cannot change your personal attitudes, seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. A specialist will help you understand everything, draw up an individual program for the development of optimism.