How to become a strong personality?

Raising a strong personality in oneself requires serious work on oneself. A person who believes in his own strength boldly moves towards the achievement of any goal. He is able to fully realize his potential in various areas of life.
Characteristics of a strong personality
The psychology of a strong-willed individual is based on the ability to withstand any difficulties, the willingness to solve their problems, without shifting them onto other people's shoulders. The strength of the personality lies in the ability to withstand external or internal influences on the way to the implementation of their own plans and aspirations. A self-sufficient person is able to make independent decisions and act in any unfavorable environment.
A serious person does not waste his personal time, controls his life, overcomes all obstacles with dignity. Such an individual is respected by people, reckoned with his opinion.

To gain inner strength, you must fight any doubts. A strong person is distinguished by the following qualities:
- self confidence;
- independence;
- straightforwardness;
- firmness of character;
- persistence;
- reliability;
- purposefulness;
- thinking through actions;
- control over your feelings;
- the ability to admit and correct their own mistakes;
- flexibility;
- charisma;
- the ability to improvise.
Strengths include the ability to seek advice and help from another subject. Self-sufficient people know how to defend their boundaries and say no.

A strong-willed person is not afraid to stumble, does not engage in self-criticism and self-flagellation. A strong person does not wait for the approval of outsiders, because he does not doubt his strength.The disadvantages include constant tension due to control over any situations, inability to relax and recuperate.
To become a serious independent person, it is necessary to develop the qualities inherent in a strong character.
- Good willpower helps the personality calmly overcome internal obstacles on the way to achieving the intended goal... Completing any task increases self-esteem and composure.
- A responsibility is one of the key qualities of a strong individual. Without her, it is impossible to build a successful career and long-term partnerships, create strong friendships and a happy family hearth.
- Organization is to comply with the established daily routine. You need to plan upcoming actions on a daily basis and not deviate from your plan. Only in the event of an emergency situation, it is possible to correct the scheduled events.
- Sociability helps an individual make interesting acquaintances, build a dialogue with any person, get out of the conflict situation with dignity and find a way to resolve any problem.

Effective techniques
Introspection helps a person identify their own preferences and desires. There are various personality tests that allow a person to understand themselves. With their help, a person can get a lot of new information about his own person, discover hidden creativity, learn about his real abilities and inclinations. After passing the tests, you need to use existing techniques to move from a weak nature to a strong personality. First of all, you need to strengthen your inner strength. It represents the emotional, cognitive and physical resources of an individual. First you need to listen to your body and imagination. Inner uncertainty arises from the fear of not coping with some situation, of failing. Revealing one's own fears, eradicating them, solving various problems, life prospects give additional strength to a person, as well as confidence in the future.
To get rid of fears, you need to write down your experiences in a notebook in the opposite sense. The technique of this method is as follows: first, one must acknowledge and experience one's own negative emotions, then transform them into positive statements, and only then fix it in a notebook. Read biographies of famous people who have reached the top thanks to their strong character. It was the charisma and strengths of character that allowed them to gain fame. Carefully study their path in life, pay attention to all the small details of climbing a high step. The following exercise leads to a good result: make eye contact with any passer-by, look him in the eyes for as long as possible. You can try to talk to a stranger on the street. When you happen to be in line, start a conversation with people standing next to you.
Observe your gestures. A mirror can be used for this purpose. Smile at your reflection. Your face and body are gifted to you by nature, therefore they are of special value. Only very strong people are able to realize this fact. They will not create artificial beauty, exhausting themselves with diets and torture with plastic surgery. The Symbol of Victory method helps to build self-confidence. First you need to choose a drawing or geometric figure. Turn it into your symbol of victory over personal weaknesses of character. Keep this talisman with you at all times. Even a quick glance at it will remind you of victory. The talisman of self-confidence can be a certain smell of perfume or cologne, a specific accessory, an item of clothing, a dress or a suit.

There is another technique that helps a person become a strong personality. It is designed for 3 weeks.
- During the first week it is recommended jot down positive statements in a notebook, that make you feel good. After 7 days, you need to read the entire list.
- The next week you need reflect in the records all emerging doubts about one's own abilities... By the end of the week, analyze them, look for the reasons that provoked your indecision, identify the main fears and ways to eradicate them.
- The third week is given to overcome insecurity.... For 7 days, only positive moments and the chosen ways of getting rid of negative feelings and emotions should be recorded in a notebook.
Experts recommend compiling a table consisting of 3 columns to develop self-confidence and inner strength:
- generated quality;
- what needs to be done;
- result.
This table must be constantly updated with appropriate entries. For example, in the first column, enter the phrase "the ability to take a punch." The second column will contain information on how to be able to rise after the next fall. This information relates to a specific person and certain events that happened to him.
An example is an unsuccessful presentation on economic theory to fellow students. It is necessary to set a goal, for example, to direct efforts towards mastering this science. Next, you need to paint step-by-step work in the same column.
After a certain time, an entry may appear in the final column: “I have mastered the main economic terms, studied the necessary topics. I feel confident in my abilities. "

We gain strength of mind
The strength of the spirit is determined by the inner core of the personality. A spiritually strong person does not deviate from his moral and moral principles. He never allows humiliation of others, knows how to forgive. The strength of the spirit can be nurtured in yourself.
- First of all, you should set up your thoughts for victory. Experts recommend waking up with the phrase: "Today I feel much more confident and stronger than yesterday."
- You need to learn to defend your own views. Blind following someone else's opinion indicates disbelief in oneself. Learn to objectively assess the situation, express a personal point of view and adhere to it. Don't give in to pressure from other people.
- A self-sufficient person must correctly formulate his thoughts and clearly convey them to the interlocutor. Speech should be pronounced clearly and without hesitation. To attract others, it is desirable to saturate her with vital energy. It is important to take part in various discussions.
- Self-improvement allows the subject to stock up on a certain store of knowledge. You should devote more time to reading. It improves memory, the development of imagination, the modeling of various situations and the ability to find the best solution to any problem.
- Maintain strict discipline... Create a daily routine for yourself. Control your thoughts and actions. Give up all bad habits, go in for sports, take walks in the fresh air, visit museums and exhibitions, go to concerts and theaters. Schedule your day, celebrate important events and strive to fulfill your plans.
- Accept all failures with dignity... Do not give up under any circumstances. Do not feel sorry for yourself, as self-pity has a destructive effect on personal development. In case of failure, you can return to the starting point and try to hit the road again in order to reach the desired peak.
- An important point is the complete acceptance of oneself as a person.... You need to adequately assess your positive and negative traits, work on yourself and develop good qualities.
- For your failures, do not try to shift the blame onto others. Learn to take responsibility for your own actions. Try to find the causes of the mistakes that have occurred and correct them.Don't blame others for the things that happen in your life. Only you are responsible for them. Make responsible decisions yourself.
- You need to listen to justified criticism, draw appropriate conclusions and look for ways to correct your erroneous actions.... If the criticism of strangers has no basis under it, then you should not worry and dwell on it. Control your emotions and don't stir up conflict with your opponent. It won't help.
- With people who pull you down, you need to limit communication. And also exclude from your environment those who take up a lot of your time with idle talk.
Fight inner anger and anger, fill your heart with kindness and your mind with pure thoughts. Tell people the truth, avoid lying.