How to become a strong woman?

The reaction to the phrase "strong woman" is different. Some pronounce these words with envy, others - with sarcasm and irony. The point is that strong women evoke different associations. How to relate to this concept and how to find healthy feminine strength, the article will tell.
The basics of self-confidence
Psychologists have long been puzzled by the concept of female power. Surveys were carried out, and most of the women were assured that they wanted to be strong, since they would be able to handle any tasks and problems. But the majority of men, when using the phrase "strong woman", described associations with ancient dangerous warriors, Nekrasov's aunts, who will stop their horses at a gallop and easily enter the burning huts. In general, women have positive associations, while men have negative associations.
Most of the stronger sex subconsciously try to stay as far away from warriors with a sword bald.
Nevertheless there is a psychological portrait that describes the image of a strong woman without emotional color, as it is. So, if we are talking about the basics of the concept, it is worth noting that strong is primarily not physically strong, but an adult and independent lady who knows how to make decisions, set goals, act, confident in herself, clearly knowing what she wants from herself and others, from relationships with them.

Self-reliance does not mean carrying logs on your shoulders when men are chilling around. An independent lady just knows perfectly well what she can do and what she cannot cope with. And this is a sign of strength. It is a clear vision of boundaries and limitations that allows such a woman to eventually take her rightful place in life.
A strong woman is more subject to her own emotions, since she lives not with future dreams and not with past sufferings and grievances, but only with the present, here and now. This is what gives the foundation for great self-control and self-control.

The strength of a woman is given by a conscious choice of a profession, education received, albeit a small, but stable social platform, which she is able to provide for herself, without outside help.
How to become psychologically strong?
Female psychological strength formed in childhood, in any case, it was during this period that the foundations of character were laid. Personal characteristics, temperament, family upbringing and traditions also influence. All this "cocktail" of factors partially determines whether a woman becomes independent, strong in spirit, self-confident. But - partially. And this is the main point. The rest is independent work, and if you want to become a strong girl or woman, nothing is impossible. The main thing is to become a morally mature person, and this does not depend either on age, or on religion or culture in which the lady grew up.

In addition to describing the psychological portrait of a strong woman, experts also worked on the distinguishing features of weak women, and a comparison of these two types will help to understand in detail how to stop showing weaknesses and cultivate female strength in oneself in a better understanding of the word.
A strong lady cannot demonstrate addictive behavior. She is more focused on cooperation or mutual dependence, she does not allow herself to be subjugated, to manipulate herself, to violate her personal space, to trample on desires. She will not compromise her interests to please her partner, but will look for a compromise.
Women who are psychologically strong they often remind themselves that they did not come to this world to endure humiliation, but they do not throw tantrums or fights, they think over any situation well and try in every possible way to avoid open conflicts. If it is not possible to avoid, the strong lady does not give in to the enemy, she already has several options to choose from - she managed to think them through in advance.

The opinion of others does not hurt strong women.... The voice of their own intuition is more significant for them, and they listen to it, while the weak are increasingly worried about what others think or say. Due to the insignificance of public opinion, it is almost impossible to impose any beliefs, judgments, views from the outside on the strong representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. A 100% polite refusal will follow, and if the imposition is with pressure, then the refusal will not be too polite.
A strong woman will never put herself above or below others.... She equally recognizes her own right and the rights of others to dissent, personal boundaries and freedoms, feelings and thoughts.
If someone does not meet expectations, she, of course, will be upset, but this will not be a tragedy for sure. And even more so, the "peculiarity" of another person will not become a reason for hysteria, reproaches or aggression against him, which is often the sin of nervous and weak ladies.
Inner feminine strength - this is the ability to confess your feelings, even if the woman does it first... It is the ability to appreciate help and be grateful. Such a woman can easily part with "toxic" people, without regret leaves the relationships that destroy her personality, society, company, she monitors the "environmental friendliness" of her own soul, family, children.
A strong woman knows how to plan, calculates her actions and capabilities... If suddenly she has to provide for her family due to circumstances, there is no doubt that she will cope with it, even if she had no such experience before. Calculation, drafted options for plans, a clear vision of goals will help.

In men, strong women appreciate the ability to respect her personality, reckon with her feelings and desires, honesty... Family and partner relationships with psychologically immature, weak men usually turn out to be unsuccessful, and even strong ladies rarely initially decide on them. Only strong, equal partners are suitable for them, to whom they will become not only wives, but also allies, faithful friends
Helpful hints
For women who intend to gain strength in themselves, psychologists give several useful recommendations.
Eliminate any illusions about others. Do not build fictional images of girlfriends, partners, colleagues. Add up your opinions without unnecessary expectations, take into account not words and promises, but only the real actions of each person. This will help you not to experience bitter disappointments, it will be easier to accept reality.
Get to know yourself better. Talk to yourself honestly, open to yourself your true desires and needs, including the answer, why do you need strength at all. If this is the attitude borrowed from the mother, who supports the family and the alcoholic husband all his life, then there is a high degree of probability that the scenario will repeat itself, and power will not bring happiness in the end. It is necessary to direct power only towards creation, towards good goals, towards which the soul really lies.
Be sensual. Strength is not dryness or callousness. A woman should show her best feelings, love, be grateful, feel free to empathize and compassion. This will help her build honest and lasting relationships with people.
Resolve internal contradictions. This ability will help you not to rush from goal to goal, but to confidently walk along the chosen path, understanding your capabilities and place in life. In order to become confident, morally and psychologically adult and strong, you need to try to get rid of all previous psychological trauma. If there are too many of them, for this it is better to contact a psychotherapist, gestalt therapist or psychologist. These specialists will help you find the reasons for doubts and fears, overcome them, and they will be replaced by real inner strength.