How to set goals and achieve them?

Modern people live in order to set goals and achieve them. Some want to reach heights in business, others strive for wealth, and for others it is enough for the sun to shine and have something to eat and drink. Thus, no person can do without setting goals.
What is it for?
This question is rhetorical. A person needs to set goals, since he is actually a reasonable person. If any of us stops setting ourselves any tasks that can solve problems in our future, then he will be left with nothing.... And then it must be said that it is important to be able to set goals correctly. For example, if a person is not able to set a specific goal, then he will receive as a result not what he wanted to receive. It should be noted here that the specific formulation of the problem significantly affects the actions that will be taken to solve it.
In particular, if a future student wants to get a medical education, then he needs to study natural sciences. Studying literature would lead him to eventually become a philosopher. If we clearly understand that we have set a certain goal, then our consciousness will certainly help us take steps that will lead to a positive result. There are also people who live without a plan of action. For example, they act on a home-family-work-home basis. Sometimes in their life there are some indulgences in the form of a vacation. But people who are accustomed to a routine and spend a vacation boring, because they do not plan it.
Such a routine pastime cannot be desired even by an enemy. A boring life can take anyone to an extreme.

From this we can conclude that a person must set goals... Only then will his life be filled with meaning and bring satisfaction and happiness. It should be borne in mind that even very modest achievements bring great joy to a person's life. In addition, goal setting brings material benefits to any of us. Therefore, we can live comfortably and allow ourselves some indulgences in the form of excellent rest and various purchases.
Every person in his head must have an idea of what he wants to get out of life. For example, someone really wants to change their appearance, and someone wants to grow spiritually. There are also individuals seeking travel and a carefree life. This list can be continued indefinitely, since as many people live on earth, there are as many desires. However, in the above cases, it is important not only to formulate a goal, but also to plan the steps that will lead to the goal.
Yet people who do not want to set goals for themselves often have reasons for doing so. They are not serious. For example, some are afraid that others will not approve of their plans, while others set goals, but do not want to do anything to achieve them. Many simply do not have enough time to implement their plans. There are those who quickly fizzle out on the way to their desire.
In addition, they can still be stopped by the fear of change. When this happens, the person begins to experience negative emotions. And if a person nevertheless begins to struggle with his fears, he gets the opportunity to quickly move forward.

Correct goal setting
You need to be able to correctly set a goal in life. This process makes the person calm and confident. Therefore, when a goal appears, a person can take control of the situation. Clarity of purpose makes it possible for any of us to experience enthusiasm.
In addition, we can soberly assess intermediate results and prescribe specific actions. When the goal is achieved, we get the opportunity to self-actualize. And in order to achieve the goal, rely on the implementation of the points below.
Without this point, it is impossible to move forward. A person must clearly understand what he really wants. To do this, you need to visualize your desire. This can be done in a number of ways.
- Draw your wish on a piece of paper. If you want to buy a car, then keep the picture pretty clear. To do this, use colored paints and pencils. In addition, at the very bottom under the image, write the parameters of the car, such as year of manufacture, engine displacement. Frame this sketch and hang it where you can see it.
- Write your wish on a piece of paper... If you want to move up the career ladder, then describe in full detail what you want to get. The information should include the number of working days, salary.
- You can make a wish card... People who have used this method say that it is very effective.

This factor significantly affects the achievement of the result. You must know for sure that you can fulfill the condition you set for yourself. In addition, this condition should express a certain meaning and have boundaries. For example, if you want to fly to the moon by plane or get it from the sky, then this will be such a goal that you will never reach. Therefore, the goal should be reasonable. You must have a clear idea of how you will act to fulfill the condition.
Thanks to the fact that you calculate the energy and time costs in advance, you will be able to understand the amount of work to be done. As soon as you make any decision, immediately start calculating. For example, suppose you wanted to build a house. Let's say that you already have a site, then you need to find out the cost of materials and think about other costs.Some people, realizing that they will not be able to pay for the work of the builders, start building the house themselves. The main thing is to calculate your physical capabilities as well.
Remember that incorrect calculations can lead to the fact that you will not be able to achieve what you want. Then you may start having mental problems. You will feel nervous and panic.

Breaking down into subtasks
Any person experiences a certain fear before starting any business. This is a completely natural phenomenon. A normal person always feels responsible, so he is afraid in advance to do something wrong. When a global task appears on the horizon, then any person involuntarily begins to get nervous, since the question immediately arises before him - where to start? And here the answer will be this - first of all, you need to calm down.
Then you need to think carefully about how you will act. And then break down a large task into subtasks. Compare your target to a giant orange. You can't put it whole in your mouth and eat it right away. In this case, it is best to get rid of the thick skin first. Then divide the fruit into wedges and eat. And it is advisable to eat the slices slowly and with pleasure.
It is necessary to do the same in the case of solving a large-scale problem. It must be divided into stages. This is best done on a piece of paper. Draw a timeline for the work to be done. Be sure to consider their complexity. If the problem is cumbersome, set aside sufficient time to solve it. This should be done so that you are not in a hurry and not nervous if you do not fit into the time frame. After that, you will have to stick to the schedule and work tirelessly.
For example, a student will need to prepare for an exam and learn a lot of information. Of course, such a condition cannot be fulfilled in a few days. And if he divides his task into several parts, which he will master over time, he will easily master the material.

Before setting any goal, you must consider achievability. Why waste time on a goal that will never be achieved? I think the answer is obvious.
You must first it is good to think about the physical, moral and material costs, and only then proceed to the implementation of the task. If you misjudge your capabilities, your goal will remain just a dream. Therefore, there are several steps you need to take.
- Count all your steps. The plan should be as clear as possible.
- Put desire at the forefront, and then gradually transform it. Ultimately, you should see the goal.
- Mentally begin to implement your plan.
- If you do not have enough experience and knowledge, assess the risks.
So that you can fully understand how real your desire is, analyze again all your internal options... To do this, you will need to audit all the resources you have. Next, rate the achievability of the goal on a scale from 1 to 10. Be as honest with yourself as possible. In no case, do not forget that some obstacles may appear on the way to the goal. Remember: they can appear suddenly and significantly spoil the business you have started.
Constantly check yourself for the correctness of actions and try not to go astray. In case something does not go as you would like, develop a plan B.

Features of the achievement
You can achieve anything if you have certain traits in your character that allow you to move forward. Before you start achieving your goal, you need to learn how to be persistent. Remember that this trait is almost the main factor that will allow you to achieve a lot in life. And then involve certain qualities in your actions.
- Confidence in your strength. Always assess your strengths and weaknesses soberly.
- Ingenuity... She will help you find a way out of any adverse situation.
- Self-discipline will help to keep yourself in hand.
- Self-control will support you if you fail.
- Optimism will always tune in the right way.
- Humor will support you when you are scared or sad.
- Striving to be the best will not let you give up.
- Hard work will help when you have to apply a large amount of effort in a very short time.
- Sociability will help when you need advice.
- Kindness will set people up for communication, and by doing so they will support you morally.

Common mistakes
Before setting goals, you need to think about how not to make mistakes. By eliminating errors, you will understand how to get the result and not lose anything at the same time. Think about what the blunders might be.
- In the unreality of fulfillment. You should not dream that you will become a millionaire tomorrow without a penny in your pocket today.
- In narrow focus... You don't need to think about your career all day long if you have set such a goal. It is necessary to think about both rest and friends. Otherwise, you will simply burn out while you "fly" to your goal.
- Incorrect determination of the timing of the goal. Once you've set a goal, be sure to set aside the right amount of time to achieve it. At the same time, decide on the periods that you will need to eliminate force majeure circumstances that will surely arise.
- Very often people get in the way of perfectionism. When a strong desire for order arises, this desire becomes obsessive. Obsessive states always get in the way and you need to get rid of them.
- Fears and concerns. As soon as fear begins to take possession of you, your psychological state will buckle, and this will affect your well-oiled work.
- Imposed goals can also hurt. Ignore the advice of unfamiliar and envious people.