Perseverance: what is it and how can you develop it?

As you know, it is almost impossible to sit on two chairs, but some of us find it difficult to stay on one. And it's not at all about the convenience of the interior item, but about ourselves. We just don't have enough perseverance.
What it is?
Perseverance is a person's ability to be concentrated on one task for a long time. Experts say that this quality is one of the most important components of success. The value of this ability can hardly be overestimated. Have you ever wondered why some people easily cope with their goals on time or even earlier than planned, while others do not have enough 24 hours a day to complete their plans?
The definition of a person's capabilities also depends on how long he can do one thing without being distracted by extraneous things. Some people feel that their inability to concentrate is a congenital flaw or even a trait. However, this is not the case. Perseverance can and should be trained. It is advisable to do this from early childhood. But if your loving parents, for some reason, did not develop this habit in you, then it is not too late to do so in adulthood. The main thing is to start. First of all, let's determine the degree of neglect of your "disease".

Reasons for a decrease in perseverance
It is quite possible that deep down in your soul you are quite an assiduous person, but this quality "fell asleep" in you for one of the following reasons:
- you do not have enough desire to do this or that work, or you simply do not like your job;
- you lack the incentive to complete the task at hand;
- you are not interested in the end result;
- you lack physical activity;
- you lack communication.
To the above reasons, others can be added, which often arise as a result of an improper lifestyle. Moreover, in adults and children, they are very different.

In an adult
Often they say about a restless employee - "his energy would go to a peaceful channel." There is always a lot of noise and little sense from such people. They are more likely to be seen making fiery speeches about the need to get everything done on time in the smoking room than in the workplace. And while their colleagues silently complete the assigned tasks, they discuss how to do this with colleagues, friends over the phone. They always have something to do with themselves, just not to stay in one place.
As a result, the efficiency is most often close to zero. If among the above reasons you did not find one that explains why this is happening, you can try to find the root of the problems in childhood.
The child has
Some parents explain the restlessness of their child by his increased interest in everything that is happening around. Indeed, it is difficult to force a very young child to remain in place for a long time. However, this is simply necessary. To do this, you need to find the most interesting activity specifically for your baby.
It is necessary from an early age to instill in him the idea that any business must be brought to an end. Began to collect puzzles - do not drop what you started until you get the full picture. We started modeling from plasticine - be sure to complete the creation of the figurine. And most importantly, do not set a bad example yourself. We took on the vacuum cleaner - do not turn it off until you have cleaned the whole room.
If, in the process of performing a particular task, your hands are itching to go to check your mail or throw a rag as soon as you hear the SMS signal, then it's time to start treatment.

How can you develop?
You can develop perseverance in a person. It's easy enough to learn not to be distracted by extraneous sounds, thoughts and objects.... To do this, first of all, you need to put things in order not even in the head, but around. Remove all distractions from your desktop. Also put the photo of your beloved child away, otherwise the desire to call him and ask how you are can overpower and distract from the goal. Remove all your favorite PC games from your computer. Close all sites not related to work - the news can be viewed later.
To cultivate perseverance, strictly follow the plan. Make a to-do list for the day in advance, preferably the night before. Do not try to embrace the immensity, include in your plan only what is really important to do right now. Cut back on smoke breaks. But you cannot completely refuse to take breaks. Otherwise, sooner or later you will simply "fall out."
Try one of the most popular and simpler time management techniques "A tomato". This way of self-organization gets its name from the subject with which it is performed. You will need a regular kitchen timer. This is exactly what the inventor of the method, an Italian student, used when he realized that he could not bring himself to complete his homework on time. He started his "tomato" for 25 minutes, during which he strictly worked on a single assignment, not being distracted by anything. Soon it became a habit with him, and then Francesco Cirillo, that was the name of the young man, gave the world this idea.

Now, instead of kitchen timers, many people use special applications that can be easily installed on the phone. When making a plan for the day, be sure to leave time for any contingencies.... If you suddenly do not need it, do the work in excess of the norm or spend it on personal needs. Take a walk or go to your favorite cafe for a cup of coffee. Let this be your reward for your patience.
Stimulate yourself often with at least some little things.We submitted the report on time - buy a chocolate bar, even if you are on a diet, or go to a beauty salon. Please yourself every time you have overcome laziness and unwillingness to focus on one lesson. Build healthy new habits. Never exercised - so start doing it right from today. Ten bends and ten squats should be enough to get you started. Just do these exercises. every day at the same time. This will not only help you develop a healthy habit, but it will also enable your brain to work better, as any physical activity reduces the likelihood of hypoxia.
Make it a rule to read a certain number of pages each night. This does not mean Internet pages, but books. Moreover, take a printed book, and not its electronic counterpart. It has been proven that the light emitted by tablets, phones and other gadgets has a detrimental effect on the nervous system and leads to insomnia. And healthy sleep is another important component of good health and, as a result, high performance.
Be outdoors more often, it will also help you to show concentration. Do not overwork, but do not be lazy either. Find a middle ground. If that doesn't work, start doing simple exercises.

Effective exercise
Attention training forms the habit of perseverance. One of the easiest ways is to memorize the text by heart. Start with simple quatrains, then try longer verses, and finally move on to prose. The main thing is to do it daily. On the way to work, for example.
Another effective method is calligraphy. Have you been writing letters by hand for a long time instead of using a keyboard? It's time to get back to basics. Transfer the same to-do list from electronic to paper. And write out each letter very carefully, as in a writing lesson in first grade. Develop perseverance and memory at the same time.
Before leaving the office, take a good look at him and on the way home try to accurately recreate every little detail, even the color of the boss's tie and the shape of his secretary's earrings. Try not to act alone. Involve household members in your activities. Turn your routine work on yourself into a game. Make it a rule to visit exhibitions, theaters, and a zoo with the whole family once a week or at least a month. When you return, be sure to discuss what was especially memorable, and outline where you will go next time.
The main thing is to follow the plan exactly. And then it will be easy for you to stay in place when you need it. And from a fidget you will turn into a responsible employee and will not even notice how you will become the best employee of the month. Does your organization have such a competition? No problem. Assign this title to yourself and do not forget about the reward that you deserve with your hard work - run for a chocolate bar. After all, you have read this article from beginning to end, which means that you have shown perseverance and have taken the first step towards a successful future.