How should you express your thoughts competently?

The effectiveness of communication with loved ones and strangers depends on the correct formulation of your own arguments. The ability to competently express one's thoughts enables a person to establish and maintain good relations with others, to achieve success in a wide variety of areas. The outcome of a business meeting often depends on the level of speech proficiency.

How to learn to speak correctly?
The ability to express thoughts in words is called speech. To achieve mutual understanding is possible only with the correct transmission of your thoughts to another person. Their competent expression, the correct choice of linguistic means in a particular situation provide the desired effect in achieving communicative tasks.
In communication, it is important to convey your feelings and reasoning to another person, thereby introducing your “I”. There is even an expression “speech is to flow into another”. In other words, speaking is doing work for others. The ability to correctly convey their thoughts to the audience in words is not inherent in everyone. Problems with expressing thoughts can appear due to a violation of diction, lack of the necessary vocabulary, inability to concentrate one's attention.
These qualities must be instilled from childhood. We need to teach kids the ability to clearly express their thoughts.... The peculiarities of upbringing often deprive the child of full-fledged communication. Adults discourage a child from sharing their thoughts with someone. A person who has grown up alone does not know what to talk about when meeting with an acquaintance, what topics are appropriate to touch upon during a conversation. Complexes provoke fear and cause silence.
The challenge for adults is to develop children's ability to put thoughts into words.

First, choose the appropriate text, which should not contain a huge number of events and descriptions. Then they read it slowly, highlighting the most important points in intonation. The child must isolate the main idea.
Then, in a conversation, they find out if the kid understood everything. It is imperative to find out if the child liked the story. After repeated reading, a joint retelling is recommended. To memorize and practice expressing thoughts, the kid must retell the work to someone else.
Good command of the language makes it possible for a mature person to realize himself in the profession and creativity. The ability to communicate competently and confidently contributes to the development of full-fledged relationships and career advancement. You need to be able to interest the interlocutor, influence him, win over to your side, so it is very important to learn how to use your speech. The use of quotations and lyrical digressions in it attracts the attention of listeners, but one must carefully follow the logical chain of the narrative so as not to get lost and come to the desired conclusion in time.
Experts recommend learning to clearly feel your interlocutor.
- If he gets bored, then you should immediately change the subject.
- Before an erudite person, it is advised to demonstrate existing knowledge.
- You need to say goodbye in time to the person who has expressed a desire to leave.

You don't have to strive to please the interlocutor, because flattery and insincerity harm good communication. Compliance with the elementary rules turns an annoying and boring storyteller into a pleasant conversationalist. A short, clear, concise way of expressing thoughts is laconicism. It significantly saves the time of the interlocutors.
- Don't get too carried away with the details. Verbosity makes information difficult to comprehend.
- You need to focus on the interlocutor so as not to lose the outline of the conversation.
- It is necessary to avoid speaking in fragments of phrases, jumping from one subject of conversation to another.
- Before expressing a thought, you need to think it over to the end in order to know exactly how the sentence will end.
An educated person is obliged to observe the basic rules of sounding speech.
It is necessary to get rid of the use of parasitic words, speech errors, colloquial expressions, complex sentence structures. Parasite words do not carry a semantic load, and their frequent repetition clogs speech and makes communication difficult.
The essential components of good, clean speech are intelligibility and clarity. The correct pronunciation allows a person not to go beyond the generally accepted norms and not get into an awkward position. Accuracy of speech presupposes the use of a word in full accordance with the meaning assigned to it in the language, the dictionary. The wrong choice of word distorts the meaning of the statement. For example, there was a case when the announcer made an annoying slip of the tongue: instead of "inventory accountant" he pronounced "accountant-inquisitor".

Expressiveness to the statement is given by speech diversity: epithets, metaphors, comparative phrases, catchphrases, sayings, proverbs. There are interesting techniques that allow a person to learn how to correctly and competently express their thoughts.
- Increasing the volume of linguistic stock. Reading classical literature contributes to the formation of the correct construction of sentences, learning to express the same thought in different ways.
- Expanding vocabulary helps to diversify phrases. Sometimes the lack of words prevents a person from correctly and beautifully describing the situation. It is recommended to constantly introduce new words into speech. Their meaning must be clarified in the explanatory dictionary.
- Training of high-quality memorization of information... It is very important to constantly develop memory, because without the ability to memorize and reproduce important information, one cannot avoid factual errors.Training to improve memory and attention, to clearly express thoughts is memorizing the longest sequence of numbers, learning poems and lyrics. Adequate nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, good sleep, walking in the fresh air increase the quality of memorization of material and a person's working capacity.
- Concentration of attention on a specific thought. You need to learn to focus as much as possible on the information you need. Such concentration helps to pronounce a thought without inaccuracies, to avoid accidental words and erroneous phrases.

To control concentration, an effective way of visualizing an object is used. It is necessary in the imagination to present in detail the details of the desired image. For example, if we are talking about a dog, you need to focus on its breed, color, coat structure, activity, parameters. Then it is advised to try to imagine some actions associated with the image.
It's hard to concentrate in a crowded place, so you need to train at home to do exercises with loud music or the TV turned on. In the future, the noise of the external environment will not interfere with concentration.
Experts advise try to beautifully describe any household item, for example, a coffee table or a kettle, giving things an expressive definition. Vernacular should be excluded. It is recommended that the first word that comes across be given a definition in the form of a complete phrase. Let's say the person first has to ask himself: "What does the greeting mean?" And then a detailed answer follows.

In order to control all speech defects advise to record statements on a dictaphone. Listening to the recording makes it possible to identify all the inaccuracies of speech, notice the use of parasitic words, word repetitions, deviations from the main idea in the narrative, loss of the main thread, an excess of terms or high-flown words, unnecessary pauses, a long search for a suitable word, weak voice, uncertainty.
Monotonous phrases are not perceived by listeners. Change intonation depending on the content... Exercises aimed at the correct placement of intonation accents and the development of pure diction help to cope with poor pronunciation. To improve the quality of the spoken words, it is recommended to alternately sing vowel sounds with a measured transition from one to another. Clear pronunciation is achieved when working on exercises with tongue twisters.
Speech therapists advise working on the mobility of the tongue. First, it must be placed behind one cheek, then behind the other, then it should be moved to the palate and, finally, the tip should be reached as close as possible to the root.
We must not forget about self-control. In a dispute, words need to be chosen softer, and arguments - firmer. A simple manner of speech allows you to achieve good results in communicating with any interlocutors. Erudition, possession of useful information make it possible to conduct interesting conversations.

The desire to reduce and simplify the language means used helps the author of speech in a small form to convey large content. You need to break the story into small paragraphs, focus on important thoughts, supplement the story with interesting stories or anecdotes.
Excessive verbosity, poor vocabulary, violation of the logic of the narrative, excessive sarcasticity and the minimum amount of necessary information lead to difficulties in understanding and perceiving information.

Tempo and volume
Controlling the speed of speech, volume and intonation allows the author of the utterance to place the correct accents and pauses. It is very important to find the right pace for each situation. Measured and unhurried speech is once appropriate. It should be borne in mind that excessive stretching of words annoys the interlocutors.Sluggish and tortured phrases are often associated with poor knowledge of the material submitted for discussion.
For heated debates, a fast pace is more appropriate. Too hasty speech must be skillfully combined with semantic pauses. This makes it easier for the listener to perceive the essence of what has been said, and the speaker will be able to learn how to speak beautifully and correctly gesture. A fast pace is justified when it is necessary to convey maximum information to the listener in a short period of time. But sometimes it leads to annoying reservations.
Hurried speech is often unpleasant for listeners. The material presented at a too fast pace is not always assimilated. An important thought is usually delivered in slow motion.
Logical and psychological pauses are associated with the rate of speech, which give the interlocutors the opportunity to prepare for further perception of the material.

Tempo and loudness emotionally color speech and endow it with a certain rhythm and melody. At some point, you should increase the volume, somewhere you need to lower your voice, and sometime you should stop altogether, pause. Important semantic blocks of the text are highlighted with a sonorous voice. Unimportant parts are pronounced in a low tone. In this case, the articulation of sounds should be distinct. Too quiet speech may not be perceived by the interlocutor.
A squeaky exclamation or scream irritates the listener. Do not overwhelm listeners with too loud speech. The tone and timbre of the voice can dramatically affect the emotional state of the interlocutor, regardless of the content of the message.
Emotional coloring
The emotional background is extremely important. It is created within a person. It is unlikely that effective communication will work out if the face of the interlocutor with a frown and tightly clenched jaws reflects discontent and disapproval. A friendly person in a good mood is always conducive to conversation. A calm and relaxed atmosphere sets you up for a constructive dialogue.
The manner of speaking helps to create a good emotional atmosphere. It is appropriate to use gestures and facial movements, to diversify the intonation tone.

How do I express my thoughts in writing?
The advantage of a written message over a spontaneous oral statement is the ability to ponder the phrase. Working messages assume conciseness and capacity. It is necessary to strictly follow the logic of the presentation of the material. Distraction by lyrical digressions is unacceptable. Each phrase should contain useful information, have its own value and importance.
The reader shouldn't have any problems understanding the text. In conclusion, it is advisable to read the message aloud in order to check it for euphony and correctness.
Experts recommend keeping your own blog or personal diary, in which you need to strive to hone your skills in the field of expressing thoughts and describing events. This is the best way to assess your own thinking and communication.
The training should be carried out in direct correspondence with friends, colleagues, relatives. Before sending a message, you should carefully analyze whether the phrases are correctly constructed, whether there are tautological phrases in the text (repetitions of single-root words). The expression "I dreamed in a dream" should be replaced with the phrase "I saw in a dream" or "I dreamed". Gradually, written language is enriched and improved.

What if it's hard to communicate?
Communication is often hampered by the inability of a person to express their reasoning competently and concisely. The obstacle is sometimes an incomprehensible text replete with scientific terms. Excessive use of neologisms, borrowed foreign words makes communication difficult... Sometimes the used jargon and vulgarisms clog up the spoken phrases so much that it is difficult for listeners to penetrate into the essence, to grasp the main grain of the statement. Primitive speech lags behind the high canons of Russian literature and looks stylistically helpless.Careless, sloppy, imprecise speech is difficult to understand.
The main task of communication is to be heard by the interlocutor. The sense of language is formed throughout life. It is developed over many years in the minutes of listening, reading, speaking and writing. The more literate a person is, the more requirements he makes to his speech. A linguistic sense prompts an individual who is fluent in the language to choose the necessary word. The more a person speaks, the easier it is for him to formulate his thoughts in the future.
Reading aloud several pages of classical literature a day makes it possible to hear beautiful speech every day, to form template blanks in memory. It is useful to retell the content of the read text, since in the process of retelling, the ability to find the main idea of the work, to correctly construct a phrase is developed.

Do not miss the opportunity to debate with others. It is advisable to mentally analyze the words of the opponent and attack him with suitable arguments... Commenting on your actions allows you to develop speech patterns. For example, while cooking, you should try to imagine yourself as the host of the culinary channel, when applying makeup - as a beautician, and while walking around the city - as a guide.
If possible, prepare a speech in advance, it should be taken into account that the necessary background to the atmosphere is given by intrigue, which serves as a kind of hook for attracting the attention of listeners. A trigger phrase can be an aphorism, anecdote, an interesting incident, or a short philosophical argument. Then you need to stake out the main idea and let it float freely: pick up the necessary arguments, arguments, statements. Don't forget about the docking phrases. In conclusion, you need to summarize the narrative.
An upcoming conversation on the phone or skype should be thought over in advance. You can paint all the information on the points on a sheet. Writing a short outline will prevent unnecessary deviations from the topic. It is advisable to ask questions to the interlocutor in order to understand whether he interprets the information he heard correctly.
It is very important to choose the style, manner of communication and words that are suitable for specific interlocutors.... Naturalness inspires confidence. Being relaxed helps you get into the conversation faster. If you accidentally make a mistake in speech, you cannot dwell on it, since the interlocutor forgets about it in a minute. A sense of humor helps defuse the tense atmosphere.
The ability to concisely and accurately express your thoughts, correctly build phrases ensures effective communication.