How to force yourself to play sports?

Every cloud has a silver lining, and losing weight is easy. In addition to numerous diets, fasting days, there is a proven way - regular physical activity. Many people plan them with enviable consistency, but everyone does not have enough time and energy to go in for sports. In this article, we will try to figure out why this is happening and how to fix it.
What can motivate you?
How many times have we promised ourselves to go in for sports from Monday, next month, from the New Year, but things are still there. But you really wanted to lose weight for vacation, wedding anniversary, anniversary ... Answer yourself honestly to the question, why haven't you made it to the fitness center, even if it's just a stone's throw away? It is likely that there is at least one of the following on the list of probable good reasons.
- My body does not need exercise, it is already beautiful.
- 90-60-90 is just about me (only for women).
- I will overtake Usain Bolt (eight-time Olympic champion in athletics) without training.
- I don't know what shortness of breath is.
- My kids shouldn't even think about going to the gym.
- I get physical activity every day without training (I work as a loader).
- I am afraid of falling off the treadmill (stationary bike).
- The last time I got sick was when there was an outbreak of chickenpox in kindergarten.
- Half of my wardrobe is small for me, but I don't want to throw away expensive (literally and figuratively) things.

But what can motivate us to go in for sports.
- I cannot rise above the second floor without rest.
- I was dumped by my husband (boyfriend) / wife (girl) because he thinks I'm too fat (oops).
- I dream of a beautiful figure.
- I want to lose 5-10 kilograms to make it easier to move.
- I want to find a way to relieve stress from time to time.
- I want my children to be "friends" with sports.
- I'm not lazy (ka).
- I love myself.
- I want to be loved.
So, something makes you go to the gym, but that something has not yet turned from wishful thinking into reality. Do you want to start playing sports, are very tired after work, you have every minute scheduled, children take all the remaining time?
But all this is not at all a reason to deny yourself health and an active lifestyle.

How to overcome laziness?
You probably have time to chat with your girlfriend on the phone. Do you remember what an interesting series you finished watching yesterday, and the fifth level of the new version of your favorite game has already passed? Once you're done with all these things, turn on the washing machine before training and run into the gym. You can only conquer yourself by an effort of will. After physical activity, it will surely relieve your fatigue after mental activity. You will not notice how you begin to breathe more freely, both physically and mentally. You will forget about shortness of breath, attacks of neuralgia, insomnia and headaches.
There is another obstacle that stops people from going to the gym - the cost of the issue. In almost all, even the most elite clubs, there are big discounts on season tickets (watch out for promotions), besides, it is not necessary to visit the clubs that are designed for show business stars - the one that you have across the road is no worse. The money saved on the purchase of medicines and "miracle remedies" for weight loss will be able to pay off the annual subscription.
The main thing is to stop being lazy, to overcome yourself and your habits. Starting from scratch and falling in love with sports is not as hard as it seems. And then you yourself will not notice how you begin to eat right and do at least a little exercise at home every day in the morning.

But if all of the above has not yet set you on the path of sports, here are some more tips.
Find a partner
It's fun to walk together, not only across the open spaces, but also on the treadmill... At the same time, discuss the latest gossip, sales news, and why your mutual friend still hasn't gone to the gym. Besides, as soon as laziness overcomes you again, your friend will immediately force you to get up from the couch, well, do not leave your friend alone with the exercise bike, and next time you will save her from a fit of laziness.

Find a coach
If there is no suitable candidate for like-minded people among friends and acquaintances, have a coach as your partner. If this is your first time in the gym, then you just need the help of a specialist, otherwise the likelihood of injury and other unpleasant health consequences is high. Usually, the services of an individual trainer are paid separately, and what the money was given for becomes even more expensive and valuable for us.
The coach not only provides assistance with advice, determination of an adequate load, but also monitors the attendance of classes.

Keep a diary
Write there everything that you have managed to achieve. We wrung out 10 times, then 20 and so on. The volume of the waist (hips, arms, legs) decreased by 1 centimeter, then by 2, 3, and so on. We lost weight per kilogram, 2, 3, and so on. You can accompany the numbers with photographs, graphs. At some point, the process of your transformation and improvement may slow down a little, this happens to almost everyone, and then it will seem to you that all further efforts are useless. No, you just need to reconsider how it all began, and refusing to continue the path will seem ridiculous.

Give yourself small gifts for different accomplishments. All places in the Olympic team are occupied, and therefore medals and cups will have to be awarded to yourself (although it is better to ask your husband / wife, boyfriend / girlfriend to do this). Have lost 3 kilograms - what is not a reason to go to the spa, get an expensive manicure, buy a ticket to a concert of your favorite artist or a performance of your favorite theater.We did 50 squats instead of 15 that we barely mastered during the first workout - you can buy a new T-shirt (shorts, blouse, T-shirt, dress, and so on).
After all, you can also afford one not very “correct” dinner a month. By the way, sometimes it is even useful. Our body is distinguished by cunning, as soon as it starts to lose, it immediately tries to preserve the accumulated over the years, and you have not given it sweets for the night already for a week. Deceive him, give him something tasty for dinner, perhaps he will leave his hoarding at least for a while, and the weight will decrease again.

How to get yourself to go to the gym after work?
There are some practical tips to help you organize yourself as a worker. First of all, you should clearly plan the time both at work and after it. This will help you find time to practice.
- To start do not forget your workout suit bag at homereturning home for her, you are unlikely to leave it. Collecting your bags, if well in advance, helps you tune in for a sports evening in the morning.
- remember, that physical exercise relieves emotional and psychological stress, and therefore employees, bosses will certainly note your bright mind.
- You will fall asleep faster after training. which means you better rest before a working day.
- You won't have time between work and look in the refrigerator and eat something you don't need.
- And even more so it is unlikely that the thought will pop into the store for a couple of cans of foam. For this, your tummy will definitely let go of a couple of centimeters. You will also have time to pump it up.

Choose the type of physical activity that is right for you. Now you can find activities for every taste and budget. You can also work out in an ordinary "rocking chair" in a sports and recreation center at the nearest school, and in an elite sports club. The main thing is that you go there with pleasure. So let's get back to the activities that might interest you.
- Step aerobics - Classes are most often carried out in a group, exercises are performed using a special "step" platform, which is why this type of exercise is called in fitness centers. Recommended for strengthening leg muscles for those who have suffered a knee injury, suitable for the treatment and prevention of arthritis and osteoporosis.
- Water aerobics - classes are held in water. During the exercise, almost all muscle groups are affected. Hence the high efficiency of such exercises.
- Fitness yoga Is a mixture of ancient Indian teachings and modern knowledge about healthy lifestyles. You will be taught how to correctly take such positions that will have a positive effect on the condition of your body.
- Fitbox - Thai boxing with elements of aerobics. Beats are applied to music at a high tempo. And don't worry - you won't have any bruises. Your opponents will be a humble punching bag or a coach who will make you move in search of a target for your punch. And what a great way to throw off tension and negativity.
- EMS training suitable for those who have very little free time. Just 45 minutes in a special suit is comparable in efficiency to a three-hour class in a regular gym. This is achieved due to the fact that during exercise your muscles are additionally stimulated by low-power electrical charges. The only drawback is that it is quite expensive.
- If you don't like the fitness room, go to the nearest dance club... Latin, belly dancing and even pole dancing will help you not only tighten your figure, but also learn how to move well. And at the next corporate evening, you will surely surprise your colleagues.
- Crossfit - the lesson includes a kind of "coupling" of various exercises, which is performed at a fairly high pace a certain number of times.

And this is not all that you will be offered if you nevertheless decide to overcome laziness physically. This can of course be done at home as well.But as practice proves, a simulator, once bought, sooner or later becomes a clothes hanger. And the exercise mat on the floor slowly turns into a bath mat. Therefore, it is better to go to the gym after all. But if for some reason you prefer to stay at home, then still find yourself a personal trainer. Now on the Internet there are many online courses and classes for every taste. They will cost you either quite inexpensively, or even for nothing.
But there is a danger here. We don't really appreciate what we get for no reason. Agree, having paid money for a lesson or purchasing a subscription, it will be simply a pity to miss a workout. Another powerful motivator for going to the gym can be the most commonplace argument. Make a bet with someone that you will not miss a workout a certain number of times or lose weight by a certain number of kilograms in a month... The chance to be winners and winnings will also spur you on to exercise regularly.
Regularly look at yourself in a full-length mirror, preferably before pulling on your favorite hoodie. Take jeans out of the chiffonier that have not fit for a year and hang them in a prominent place, let them become an incentive.
Before deciding to visit the gym, you should consult with your doctor - the medical specialist will assess the initial state of health and choose the type of physical activity that will not only help you lose weight, but will also be beneficial to your health.