Feminine energy: disclosure and development

The fair sex should feel that they are surrounded by love and affection. Unearthly creatures can be compared to plants that develop only on fertile soil. However, the question arises: what conditions are needed for a woman to turn into a flower?
To do this, it is enough to take care of providing her with care and affection. Nevertheless, not every person can boast of being surrounded by the above components. What to do in this case? You need to draw inspiration from within yourself in order to be filled with light energy.

What it is?
Feminine energy is a special substance that provides the fair sex with the desire to live and draw inspiration from the environment. Energy force makes it possible to keep the inner state at a height and significantly raises self-esteem.
The Vedas say: female energy is very similar to angelic. However, these same Vedas say that a woman cannot always be associated with a beautiful creature. In their opinion, in addition to benefits, it can also bring destruction. Why? Because the feminine energy field originates from three components:
- from the Goddess of Knowledge - Saraswati;
- from the Goddess of Destruction - Durga;
- from the Goddess of Prosperity - Lakshmi.
People very often remember the goddess Saraswati, since today it is fashionable to be creative and have a lot of knowledge. Also, all people strive for love and fidelity. Therefore, the goddess Lakshmi is also often mentioned when it comes to family unity. However, Durga is often left on the sidelines.Why it happens? Because any normal woman tries to suppress the craving for destruction, although it is believed that it is the energy of a warrior that is very close to a woman. By the way, this energy is very often confused with masculine.
Any lady definitely needs to know: without the energy of Durga, she will not be able to protect herself or her house, she will not be able to properly control a man. Only when a woman learns to properly use the energy of Durga will she become a real feminine lady. Conclusion: female energy consists of three parts. Each of these parts plays a specific role in the life of every woman. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in three directions in order to become happy.
In addition, any person should be able to use her personality correctly for her own purposes. Then she will become very seductive and stop feeling lonely and unnecessary.

Signs of shortage
Sometimes the feminine energy for some individuals has a very weak impulse since childhood. There are reasons for this. For example, some parents really want a boy, but a girl is born, as a result of which they initially try to give her the wrong upbringing that she should receive.
If just such a situation has occurred in your life, or you have lost some of your energy for another reason, then you need to try to restore your feminine strength. Otherwise, you will live in the wrong way. So, let's list the signs by which you can determine the low level of female energy.
- If we talk about the level of the 1st chakra - Muladhara, then a woman will always act as follows: "I myself will take care of this business and I will not trust him to anyone." Thus, the woman begins to think like a man. As a result, the work of the above chakra is disrupted, and the person's libido is blocked. This is where problems begin in the family or in relationships with the opposite sex.
- Those women who cannot please either the man or herself have flaw in the 2nd chakra - Svadhisthana... As a result, such women gradually lose their energy. This leads to complexes, reproductive problems, etc.
- Disturbances in the 3rd chakra - Manipura - lead to the fact that a woman cannot receive material benefits from a man. Why it happens? A man either temporarily stops cash flow, or he becomes a gigolo.
- If the energy flow stops in the 4th chakra - Anahatathen the woman blocks self-love. Feminine charm leaves her, and her external data loses her attractiveness. She closes in herself and does not want to communicate with the opposite sex.
- 5th chakra - Vishuddha - is responsible for the communication center. If an energy imbalance occurs in this chakra, then the person becomes too active. As a result, she takes over male behavior with all the ensuing consequences. In fact, she completely takes his position from the man and takes his place. As a rule, such a representative of the fair sex subsequently becomes very irritable and angry.
- Ajna or the Third Eye enables a woman to use intuition. If the energy background at this point falls, then the woman turns into a very inert creature.

However, the above factors can be understood only by those individuals who are at least a little bit privy to certain knowledge. Other women need to pay attention to the following points to identify the lack of female energy.
- If it's easier for you to be socially active than to deal with your family. For example, a woman, instead of devoting most of her time to her family, disappears at work. Thus, she replaces her femininity with masculine duties.
- A woman wants to sleep all the time, and there is no strength to take care of her children and her husband.
- An excess of communication outside the family hearth takes away not only the lady's energy, but also makes her whole family more vulnerable.
- Often, a woman who has lost her femininity and corresponding energy has only trousers, jackets and jeans in her wardrobe. In this case, the energy of fertility, which the fair sex draws from the Earth, disappears.
- A woman ceases to experience warm feelings for her “I” and for her body.
- A woman is engaged in men's work: dragging stones, hammering nails, etc.
- A woman prefers to go in for men's sports (wrestling, boxing, etc.) or the spirit of competition awakens in her, as in a man.
Attention: if you find the above factors in yourself or your close friend, immediately start taking action to eliminate the negative situation.

Recovery methods
What is a woman meant for? To save energy and then give it to loved ones. Such energy works wonders and makes the world more colorful. What if the fairer sex herself lacks strength? You need to scoop them using the following methods.
You can restore the missing part of the energy in the body with the help of sports. You don't have to go to the gym to do this. All you need to do is do the kind of exercises that will keep your body healthy. And if the bodily state improves, then the mental one will also achieve harmony.
Another equally effective way is to read affirmations. They will help you learn how to fill the missing components for your comfortable life. You need to practice them as follows.
- We write affirmative phrases on the sheet, for example, such as: "I am beautiful," "I am strong," "I am happy," etc. Write a phrase that will reflect your innermost desire. Then memorize it well.
- Choose the location where you will be conducting the session. The room should be clean. There should be no children or animals in it. Before starting the actual practice, ventilate the room.
- Sit in front of the mirror and light a candle. Its color should match your desire. For example, if you want to be loved, then take a red candle. To achieve harmony and happiness, you can take a white or pink candle.
- Next, look closely at your reflection. Concentrate on your gaze. Look yourself straight in the eyes and say the affirmation. You need to repeat it at least 30-40 times, and more is possible.
- After the session is over, sit in silence with your eyes closed and imagine what you have in mind.

Pay attention to the following points.
- For you to succeed, focus very strongly on your desire.
- Look yourself directly in the eyes.
- Don't be distracted by other thoughts.
- Visualize your desire.
- Affirmations work best before bed. After the session, go to bed. Then your consciousness will definitely remember what you "impose" on it.
Now let's look at how this practice works.
- So, when you constantly and every day say the same phrase (and at the same time put meaning and your energy into it), then it gradually begins to materialize. How? The human brain is directly related to the Cosmos. It is not without reason that it is believed that the crown on the head is a certain point for the release and reception of energies from the Higher Forces.
- After reading the same phrase for a long time, your brain will start to “overflow”. In order to free up space even a little, he will need to make an ejection into Space. This means that your desire will reach the goal, and the Cosmos will replenish your energy. This way you can get what you have in mind.

An equally effective way to get energized is meditation. You will need a quiet and clean room, where there will be a cozy sofa (chair) with pillows or a meditation mat. There should be no animals or strangers. Also, the room should be very quiet.
Meditation technique.
- Sit on a sofa or rug. Get into a pose. If you are sitting on the couch, place a pillow under your back.If you used a rug, then sit in the Lotus or Half-lotus position.
- Close your eyes. Breathe evenly to completely relax.
- Imagine how all the dark energy is gradually leaving you in the Earth.
- Then focus again and visualize a bright column of light that pierces right through you. Thus, you will be filled with energy from the Cosmos.
- Next, trace its movements throughout the body: first, it penetrates into the chest, then a light clot is distributed towards the abdomen and your limbs. Then your head is filled with this energy.
- You are now able to emit light. This light spreads throughout your home. You are full of happiness.
- Sit in this state for several minutes.
- Open your eyes, but don't get up right away. Let your brain be aware of what happened.

Some recommendations.
- Do this practice with clean, loose clothing. Let nothing bother you.
- Your state of mind should also be normal. If you have a fight with someone, then it is better to postpone the lesson for a while until your nerves return to normal.
- To enhance the effect, turn on pleasant music, light aroma candles.
- You should not gorge yourself before meditation, otherwise you will fall asleep.
- If you cannot concentrate because of thoughts that, as luck would have it, come into your head, then do not be discouraged. Just ignore these thoughts. Let them float like clouds, and you watch their movement distantly.
You can take energy from the Cosmos with the help of mantras.
- The text of the mantra must be learned well. From this moment, the replenishment of your forces will begin.
- You need to believe in what you say.
- Before reading, you must take a comfortable one. pose.
- You need to repeat the mantra from 3 to 108 times. This should be done daily.
Now it remains to find out which mantra gives filling with life-giving forces. Let's list them: TOKHI MOHI MOHI TOKHI ANTAR KAYSA or RA MA DA SA SEI SO HANG.

You can also get energized by communicating with helpful people. Surround yourself with such subjects that will teach you to live correctly and draw on a source of well-being even where there is practically none. How? Turn bad events into good ones. For example, suppose your car breaks down on the way to work. Yes, it's a nuisance. But if you look at it from the other side, then maybe not. Perhaps, if your car hadn't broken down, you would have had an accident at the next crossing.
People with positive thinking always and everywhere are doing well. Track their actions and thoughts. They try to constantly keep their state in balance and know how to turn their shortcomings into advantages. How do they do it? Due to the fact that they think positively and try not to get upset over trifles. Therefore, exclude from your circle of close friends those who always whine and complain about life.
Invite people into your life who are always smiling and joking. Remember: success always attracts success.

Rest at nature
A very good option for awakening your vitality. If you get out on a picnic where tall and strong trees will grow, then you can double or triple your strength. How? If you want to get rid of the negativity, lean against the tallest pine tree. If you want to accumulate energy potential, hug a larch. Why do you need to make such a choice? Because each type of plant has certain properties. Thorny plants have the ability to take up bad energy and destroy it. Larch has positive properties that allow you to be filled with energy.
Leaning against a strong aspen, you will receive protection from human vampires, against a birch - you can increase your female capabilities. The oak will give you the strength to accomplish your plans. If you want to pitch a tent and settle in the forest, then such a vacation will give you the opportunity to replenish your strength at the expense of the energy of the Earth.Since you will sleep on the forest floor, your body will be freed from the burden of everyday life and will connect with the forces of nature. Naturally, after that you will become stronger and more enduring. Fresh air and water from a clean reservoir will help calm your soul. You will be able to "take a breath" and tune in to the desired mood.
An open fire, on which you cook and bask, will clear your aura. Your eyes will take a break from the pictures of city life. The brain will receive a significant incentive to reboot.

How to learn to use feminine energy?
It is not enough to have energy. In order for it to work, you must first open it, and then learn how to use it correctly.
Here's what you need to do for this.
- Developing energy is not an easy path. Therefore, prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to face some difficulties. For example, if you do not know how to communicate with people, then you should definitely learn this. How to do it? Stop being complex. To do this, cast aside any doubts from yourself and say to yourself: “Everything that I do, I do right. Nobody can judge me. " And go for it.
- The most important component in female energy is sexuality. So that this part of your personality never fails you, you must first of all love yourself. Understand this: who will love you if you do not love yourself? Therefore, do everything so that your sexual energy attracts the opposite sex, first of all, take care of your appearance. Become a well-groomed woman and start dressing tastefully and fashionably.
- The energy that attracts men is not only external beauty, but also the mind. Therefore, the next step is your self-improvement. The best way is to start learning useful information so that you can keep the conversation going on time. In addition, if you read a lot, then your speech will develop, and you will be able to "talk" to any man, and also make it interesting to him.
- A beautiful woman is a healthy woman. Therefore, always maintain your vitality. Since ancient times, it was believed that viable children are born from a strong woman. Since then, nothing has changed. Men are instinctively drawn to those individuals who can give birth to healthy offspring. Therefore, you need to attract the stronger sex due to your good physical characteristics. For this, it is important to play sports and lead a correct lifestyle.
- Be proud, but don't draw pride into your life. Pride and pride are two different concepts. The pride of a woman lies in the inadmissibility of showing disrespect on the part of men. For example, some people are ready to endure various humiliations from a partner, so long as he does not go to another. And they are doing this in vain. You can't let a man relax and treat you like a thing. Remember: the more you give a man liberties, the more you lower your energy level. Therefore, his interest in you, as a woman, disappears more and more every time. So you need to behave wisely. If you don't like something about your partner's behavior, then don't be silent. Only in this way can you let him know that you will not put up with injustice.
- And if we talk about pride, then you need to know the following. Simple female stupidity hides behind pride. A smart lady will never allow herself to be in vain to show impudence directed towards a man. If you behave defiantly, then the representatives of the stronger sex will not perceive you as a person. In this case, you will not be able to find a common language with them and will be left alone.
- Don't spend all your free time at work. Remember: a woman's destiny lies primarily in raising children and maintaining order in the family.Therefore, you should follow simple steps, which are as follows: try to delegate the problems of good earnings to a man. For the successful execution of this item, create all the conditions for it.
For example, constantly give wise advice on business development and provide it with peace of mind and life. This way, you will maintain your feminine focus and enable your man to reach his full potential.