Jog Dog Boots

The recently created Jog Dog brand has deservedly soared to the top of the fashion Olympus in a short time. And all thanks to the use of modern materials and stylish design in the production.

The production of these high-quality Italian footwear was started by several young professionals who graduated from the design academy in England. Having achieved a contract with one of the factories for the creation of footwear, they launched their own production, the distinctive features of which were the creation of footwear from high-quality materials for active pastime and sports.

For more than one year, the company's benchmark has been comfort - in shoes from Jog Dog, you can comfortably walk in the park or in a wet forest, frolic with children in snowballs and ride a snowman. In addition, in these shoes it will be quite possible to appear at a party - thanks to their design, the boots will definitely not let you down even in this situation.

The most important feature of the Jog Dog shoe is its adaptation from ski and outdoor shoes to a casual model.

The sole, thanks to its anatomical structure and elasticity, allows you to move as dexterously as if you were doing it without shoes at all. The technology, which distributes the load evenly over the entire surface, significantly relieves the condition of the legs, even after a whole day spent in a frantic rhythm and on the legs.

For the upper layer of the shoe, membrane fabric is actively used - it has unique breathable properties: removing the resulting moisture from the shoe, it does not allow it to penetrate from the outside.

The uniqueness of Jog Dog shoes is a reference point for those consumers who are not afraid of bold experiments in everyday life and appreciate luxury and practicality at the same time.

The assortment of the brand includes models designed in neutral and discreet colors. Like all of the brand's boots, the women's boots have a waterproof fabric on the top and an elastic and flexible sole on the bottom.

For lovers of gloss, models that have a lacquer shine are of interest. Despite the fact that they are more suitable for a sporty style, they can quite be included in a glamorous bow. The models are available in black, blue and gold.

Standard quilts are made either with a zipper, which is located in front of the foot to the top, or without it at all. In the second case, an elastic band is used for sealing, which tightly fits the leg in the ankle area and does not allow cold air to penetrate inside.

Interesting models, decorated with fur pom-poms. In such mischievous boots, you can emphasize your individuality and mischievous mood, but at the same time look very stylish and feminine.

Models that use full-length laces as a closure look a little rough and aggressive, but their outsole, cushioning sole and comfortable anatomical insole create incredible wearing comfort. In addition, with such non-feminine shoes, you can create very stylish images in an urban style, where, playing on the sharp contrast of roughness in shoes and clothes and femininity in a silhouette, you get a surprisingly delicate ensemble that demonstrates the fragility of a girl's figure and even naivety.

The company's assortment for men represents a rather narrow line, designed for true lovers of comfort and style. Couples have the same style and characteristics, only their fabrics differ - there are insulated models made of patent leather, fabrics with camouflage print and classic suede boots.

Children's models of boots are not much different in style from adults. In their production, the same membrane fabrics and a unique multi-layer sole are used. But there is still a difference from adult models - this is the decor and color.

So, models for girls have a wide range of shades - white, beige, pink, gray, yellow, silver, gold and others. Boys' boots are presented in more modest colors - gray, blue and black. You can find unisex models that are not subdivided into models for boys and girls by color. An example is boots with various prints in blue tones. Among the girls' boots there is a model with a leopard print.

Material and technology
The Jog Dog brand is known not only for its quality, but also for the use in production of the latest technologies that contribute to a comfortable wearing for several seasons.

One of these innovations is the THINSULATE INSULATION technology. This insulation is used in almost all models of men's, women's and children's assortment. Three layers help create an air cushion that effectively keeps the inside of the shoe warm. During active movements and brisk walking, it perfectly removes fumes to the outside, not allowing moisture to accumulate inside, and eliminates sweating of the legs.

Membrane fabric, as already mentioned, is also actively used in Jog Dog models. To what you have already learned, it is only worth adding that the reliability and durability of this fabric has been personally verified by more than one owner of this shoe. Its advantage can also be considered ease of care - it is enough to wipe a pair of boots with a damp cloth, and they are clean again.

Now let's move on to the outsole. SHOCK ABSORBER is a technology that, as it were, dampens all shocks received by the foot during continuous movement. When you have to move most actively, this property is especially valuable, since it excludes the occurrence of sprains and bruises.

If you need to stay in shoes for a long time and take long walks, for example, when hiking in the mountains, FLEXPOINT technology will be appreciated. Thanks to it, the sole adheres to the leg like a second foot.The footwear is practically not felt, which has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the legs and eliminates fatigue at the end of a long day.

For frosty days, when there is always a risk of falling on a slippery and ice-covered street, SUPERGRIP technology is provided. It is a sole with an anti-slip coating and is made of polyurethane - such a system is resistant to temperature extremes (it does not matter, up or down). Unique is the ability of such a sole to dissipate moisture by walking on wet surfaces in it, which prevents feet from getting wet, and a powerful grip on the ground when it is frozen, so that you will definitely not slip.

In terms of color, the brand's assortment is not too wide, but nevertheless it will find its fans and admirers. First of all, the designers focused on practicality, so it is not surprising that most of the models are made in neutral black, blue, dark gray and brown colors.

A little variety is present in the women's collection - among it you can find excellent options for white, as well as gold and silver, which are quite a fashion trend in the coming season.

Children's shoes are full of variety in comparison with adults.
You can find bright yellow boots, as well as pink, blue, blue, purple. Girls can afford more choice than boys, for whom the space print boots are the brightest.

But I would like to note that regardless of your color preferences, you will definitely be able to choose a pair for yourself that will perfectly fit into your looks and will delight you comfortably for more than one season.

Most of the happy owners of Jog Dog boots note their highest quality and stylish design. According to them, all those declared characteristics that the company itself gave to the boots fully correspond to the purchased shoes. The membrane material works perfectly - the feet never get wet or sweat.
The insulation used in the manufacture of boots does not wrinkle even after two seasons of continuous wear. Many people note that thanks to this, in such shoes, feet do not freeze at all when they are outside for a long time at temperatures up to -25 degrees.

Another important advantage, consumers consider the lightness of each pair - in such shoes it is convenient to walk on uneven surfaces, for example, in a forest or mountains. In general, everyone who once decided to buy Jog Dog boots was satisfied with their choice and now have become regular customers of this brand.

A fashionable and spontaneous image, which contains a combination of deliberate rudeness and undisguised femininity. Stylish skinny jeans with ripped knees are a hot trend of the season and pair well with a camouflage jacket and Jog Dog boots. In such an ensemble, you can easily not only dash through the nearby shops and go to the skating rink, but even go out into nature and walk in the rain. In any of these cases, you will certainly feel comfort and warmth, as this is exactly what the Jog Dog boots are designed for.

At the CPM exhibition in Moscow, the Jog Dog brand organized a show together with designer Ksenia Chilingarova, who presented her Arctic Explorer collection. This tandem turned out to be quite successful, and in the presented photo you can see one of the ensembles of the show. An elongated parka in a bright cool lilac shade, classic skinny and Jog Dog boots with voluminous lacing and leopard print will conquer all lovers of casual looks.

In this photo you can see both male and female shoe models. As you can see, the basic principles of the brand speak for themselves and demonstrate the versatility and practicality of the models. Boots are able to become a companion of their owner in any situation - both in the city and in nature.