What to wear with women's quilts?

Fashion trends from season to season adjust to the needs of modern women of fashion, trying to make new models of clothing and footwear not only stylish and beautiful, but also as comfortable as possible. It is safe to say that one of these items is boots under the catchy name "dutiki", which they received due to their non-standard look. From the side it seems as if the bootlegs are inflated from the inside, although in fact the air in them has been replaced with insulation.
Having acquired such wonderful and comfortable boots, many ask themselves the question: what to wear with such fashionable shoes so that the ensemble turns out to be not only comfortable, but also stylish? Let's try to answer this question together.

Suitable clothing options
Since many today prefer simplicity and spontaneity in clothing, where the emphasis is on convenience, it will not be difficult to combine the rest of the clothes with dutik. For example, the simplest and most affordable option is jeans. Try to choose simple, classic straight cut or tapered skinny models. The volume of shoes will emphasize the slenderness of the legs and make all the curves more noticeable, and the combination of only comfortable and comfortable things in the image will make this ensemble an excellent option for visiting many places and events where strict adherence to any rules is not required and there is no business dress code.

If you prefer trousers to jeans, then it is worth making a reservation that only tight-fitting models should be combined with dutik boots, which will be tucked into the shoes. When choosing a volumetric style of pants, the question will most likely arise how to wear them with ducks - after all, the volume of the bootleg can not always successfully hide behind the width of the leg.Outwardly, such a combination will look, to put it mildly, awkward.

But pants that are part of a ski suit or overalls are a great option to combine with puffy boots. Even by pulling your pants over your shoes, you will not look stupid, but on the contrary, create the most comfortable conditions for your feet, preventing them from getting wet and getting cold air inside through the top.
Ensembles look very stylish and interesting, where there is a sharp contrast in styles. Such a tandem can be created by wearing quilts with a skirt. If you choose the classic straight midi length model, you will get a completely comfortable look in which you can visit the cinema or other entertainment venues.

Lovers of non-standard styles of clothing, for example, majestic boho, can easily combine boots with floor-length skirts decorated with checkered prints, embroidery, fringe and similar distinctive style elements.
The beautiful half of humanity who prefers grunge outfits will appreciate the opportunity to combine quilts with used jeans and leather jackets. Such shoes will not violate the general style of such an image, but will only highlight the anti-glamorous moods of your nature against the general background.

I would like to say a few words about the combination of boots with a puffed bootleg with dresses. Most of the styles will not look very attractive, but this is the secret of creating a modern and fashionable image - combining the incongruous, you can get very interesting and stylish options that have a right to exist.

Combining colors

Surely many people know that to create a harmonious image it is not enough to choose the right style and combine clothes according to style. One of the main aspects of an attractive bow is a competent combination of colors, with the help of which you can combine things of completely different styles in one ensemble, which, it would seem, do not get along at all in one image.
Since dutik boots are quite democratic shoes, the colors of most of its models are appropriate. In such boots, you will definitely not be left without attention, because their bright color will attract the eyes of others. It would be nice to use this for your own fashion purposes, creating a harmonious image by correctly combining shades.

When choosing shades for bright boots (yellow, red purple, light green and the like), keep in mind that the rest of the garments should have the same color. It doesn't have to be a jacket or a jacket, just a small detail will be enough - for example, red boots can be combined with a black jacket that has a red pocket.
White dutik look very feminine. Despite the fact that such shoes require a lot of attention in terms of care, they go well with almost all colors and types of outerwear - be it a jacket. down jacket or ski suit. Moreover, unlike colored shoes, there is no need to select a piece to match with white dutik boots, since such a pair is a self-sufficient wardrobe item. The only thing that should be taken into account when drawing up a color set is the rule of three colors - do not use things of more than three shades at the same time, so as not to seem like a “parrot”. And then you will surely be able to look very lively and modern, even putting on items of clothing in a variety of styles and colors.

How to match with outerwear?
A classic example of a dutik ensemble is the sporty style. This set is most convenient for sports and outdoor activities. In everyday life, quilts and a jacket will be very convenient when you have to move a lot around the city - in them you will feel comfortable enough and look stylish, without losing mobility.
The casual style that is very popular today, which in recent years has found a huge number of fans among young girls, wins fashion catwalks with each new season. Inflated boots fit into it perfectly, because they look quite stylish and meet the needs of customers who value comfort and convenience.

To create a spectacular casual look with dutiki, stylists recommend combining them in an ensemble with an oversized coat. An oversized top with skinny jeans and oversized boots looks quite fresh and unusual, but does not lose its attractiveness.

Many questions concern whether it is possible to combine quilts with a fur coat. Stylists answer unequivocally - yes! Perfectly playing on the contrast of textures and styles, you can create a magical image that will appeal to many fashionistas who prefer not to give up luxury for the sake of convenience.

Choice of accessories
To make the bow with dutik look the most harmonious, do not hesitate to include accessories in it, because as you know, it is they that give direction to the overall style of the image. Scarves, gloves, bags and umbrellas are obligatory attributes of a stylish outfit, which can not only emphasize the sophistication and sense of style of their owner, but also help hide vulnerable spots from prying eyes, focusing on those details that are worth drawing attention to.
Sports ducks with a wide boot, decorated with a contrasting horizontal stripe with a lettering, as if they were not the subject of a different style in this look. Black leggings, a hat and a coat of the same color look amazingly harmonious. A gray fur snood here performs not only an aesthetic function, but also, if necessary, easily insulate this already quite cozy ensemble.

As already mentioned, today there are practically no taboos for combining dutik boots. The presented photo is a vivid example of this. A black fur coat and black trousers do not at all give the impression of bad taste and look quite impressive together with dutik. In such an ensemble, you will feel very comfortable, since a fur coat made of natural fur is one of the warmest types of outerwear. Complemented with practical ducks, this ensemble will become a versatile set for the cold season.