How to choose suede heeled boots and what to wear with them?

Treads are boots that are characterized by a high bootleg. They can be made of leather or suede. Designers have presented many models of these shoes, both low-heeled and stiletto heels. In this article we will look at what boots are and how to wear them correctly.

A bit of history
From the history of the emergence of this shoe, it is known that long wide boots were first worn by men. Only by the middle of the 20th century, such shoes smoothly migrated from the men's wardrobe to the women's. And all thanks to the eminent designer Yves Saint Laurent, it was he who taught the ladies to walk in such boots. But then not all of the fair sex accepted the fashion trend.

The fact is that when such boots were just beginning to appear on the catwalk, they were exclusively leather models with high heels. The splendor looked pretty vulgar, and only the most daring fashionistas could dare to buy.

Over time, women's boots were modernized, their design changed, and the material from which they were made. At the moment, suede boots are at the peak of popularity. In addition to the noble material, such shoes can be completely without a heel, which is convenient for girls who are on their feet all day, but are already tired of their usual leather boots. Suede boots look beautiful and not at all vulgar.

What to wear with?
Before buying, you should determine which boots are best for you: with stiletto heels, with wide heels or without a heel at all. If you feel confident in shoes with high heels, then choose the appropriate boots.But if you are not accustomed to stiletto heels and prefer boots at low speed, then you can safely purchase boots without a heel, they are no worse, and on some ladies they look even more interesting than boots with a thin, "fatal" stiletto heel.

It is very important to choose the right clothes for the boots. If you opt for suede boots with heels, then they will go well with mid-length skirts and knitted warm cardigans. Pay attention to the choice of a headdress - a chunky knit hat or a felt model with wide brim is perfect for such shoes. The latter will also add mystery to the image.
To make the look stylish, you need to carefully combine the boots with the following clothes:
- a short skirt, especially made of leather;

- fishnet or perforated tights;

- asymmetrical skirts;

- fur products or animal colors.

Combinations like these look incredibly cheap and can turn you into either a tastelessly dressed village girl or a lady of easy virtue.
Flat boots look advantageous and emphasize sexuality. Now at the peak of popularity are stocking boots without heels. For this model, a fastener is not needed, they put on such a boot as a stocking, just pulling it on the leg, hence the name. Stocking boots are suitable for slender long-legged girls. It is quite problematic to tuck in jeans in them, so it is recommended to wear such boots with a knitted dress or skirt.

Another plus of flat boots is that they will come in handy in winter. Suede does not tolerate autumn dirt and dampness poorly, so winter boots made of this material are the best choice. A model that is not weighted with a heel will give more freedom of movement on slippery streets. Low-cut treads will complement the look with fur coats and sheepskin coats.

These are casual shoes and will go well with skinny jeans and trousers, pencil skirts and knee-length or lower dresses. If you build your look so that the length of the dress or skirt overlaps the edge of the boot, your legs will seem endless in this case.

How to choose a color?
In the coming season, both conservative black shades of shoes and more playful grays will be popular. First, it is worth deciding what you would like to combine the boots with. If your closet has a lot of things of different colors, then it is better to give preference to black boots, this color is more versatile and will suit everything. On the basis of black boots, you can create both a strict business image and a casual option.

For a business look, you can combine classic shades: add a skirt of the same color and a white shirt to black boots, complement with a jacket to match or a cardigan in bright colors. Now you are completely assembled for work or study, the image turned out to be strict and at the same time sexy, but not at all vulgar.

For a walk, you can combine the same boots with skinny jeans in light colors, complement the top with a sweater under the throat and a fur vest. Faux fur is in trend now. He also looks great with jackboots. For autumn, in tandem with boots, it would be good to choose a light sweater dress, only in this version it is better to choose boots without a heel or on a wedge. It is believed that gray over the knee boots are more suitable for everyday wear, so they are ideally combined with tight trousers and a voluminous jumper. Also, these boots will be perfectly combined with light-colored leggings and elongated sweaters.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that black boots will be more versatile. Choose them of good quality, they have already become classics and can last for more than one year. But as an experiment, you can buy gray boots, just keep in mind that the color scheme changes in every season, and next winter you may no longer be at the height of fashion with such a color scheme. However, over the knee boots of this shade will never look vulgar. They will fit into the wardrobe of romantic natures, where light shades and light fabrics prevail.

Trends for the coming season
Suede over the knee boots have become a part of our wardrobe. The upcoming season will be no exception. In the winter of the coming year, boots with thick soles will be popular, and they should be of the same size and all over the foot - the so-called tractor sole. Designers presented very interesting options by making lace-up boots. The lacing can be located both at the back of the bootleg and at the front.

Fashion designers are experimenting with the material of manufacture. Now more popular are boots that combine the "union" of suede and leather. Such combinations are of a practical nature: if the lower part of the jackboot is made of leather, then they can be safely worn in slush and dirt, delicate suede will not suffer in any way. Another interesting element is the detachable boot. Such boots combine both the elegance of over-the-knee boots and the convenience of ankle boots, and you don't have to spend money on two pairs of shoes.

To summarize, we can say that over the knee boots are rather capricious shoes. One wrong combination, and you can easily turn into an easily accessible girl. Choose your suede over the knee boots carefully, especially the stiletto heels. It's better to wear them in winter, so you won't ruin the suede, but if you don't want to wait until winter, then buy models in combination with leather, so you won't ruin your boots with dirt and water. Treads with and without heels look equally good, so focus only on your convenience. Black models, of course, are more versatile, but they may seem boring, while gray has long been a favorite with all model houses, so this option will be absolutely a win-win for the upcoming season.
For information on how to wear boots, see the next video.