Full leg winter boots

Full leg winter boots are a welcome item for girls and women with curvaceous shapes. They are difficult to find, since the fashion market is mostly filled with ideal-fitting boots with a narrow bootleg. Even having found wide boots, it is not a fact that they will fit perfectly. This article will tell you which models will fit to the fullest, what designers use as decor, what winter shoes are made of, reveal the nuances in choosing boots and illustrate current images.

Even for a full foot, designers design many boot models. Thanks to this, curvy women of fashion, taking into account their characteristics, will be able to choose the best option for themselves. Consider the popular types of boots that will emphasize the beauty of their owner, add elegance and complement the bows.
- A wide boot is a great option for those with full calves. Their design is made in such a way that the boot, gradually expanding, embraces the leg and emphasizes its femininity.
- High boots will become a lifesaver for curvy women of fashion. In length, they usually end just below the knee. This allows you to hide all the imperfections of the leg and correct its shape.
- Boots without a zipper are comfortable under tights with skirts and dresses. They are easy to put on and take off. In this case, the lightning will not catch such a fragile nylon.
- With a zipper, models are also worn under tights, and tucked into leggings, trousers, jeans.
- Cossack boots have a number of advantages: they are wide, high and do not fit the leg. Due to these characteristics, they hide the flaws. They are comfortable, the leg feels comfortable. Cossacks are universal, they are worn with absolutely any clothing.
- The pipes have the same volume along the entire length of the shaft and sit freely. Looks good with any clothes, make the leg thinner.
- Models with heels are classics of the genre. A small heel will immediately change the proportions of the figure, adding grace and femininity.

There are many models, and the main task of magnificent women of fashion is to choose the appropriate option, comfortable, convenient and beautiful.

Material and color
The best and most versatile material for boots is genuine leather. She has undeniable advantages:
- strength. With careful care, leather boots will last up to six seasons. Due to its qualities, the skin adapts to the anatomical features of the leg and does not deform;
- demi-season. The stores feature boots for autumn, winter and spring. The difference is insulation - either a thin bike or a fur lining. The skin is not afraid of cold weather, slush, moisture;
- comfort. Having tried on for the first time, you can leave the store without buying - this is how it will not be comfortable in shoes. But during wearing, everything changes, the skin takes on the shape of the foot, it feels like the shoes are made to order. The skin does not squeeze the leg, does not stretch, does not callus and does not rub;
- protects against temperature changes. Leather is a breathable material; it cools in summer and warms in winter.

The second most popular natural material is suede. This is the same leather, only produced using a special technology. The disadvantages of the material include careful and constant care. But the pros still outweigh:
- sophisticated and stylish look;
- compatibility with any clothing;
- convenience;
- the manufacturer can paint suede in any color.
And finally, artificial leather. At first glance, it may not differ from natural, but inferior in properties. Artificial material quickly deteriorates, does not tolerate wet weather, severe frosts, temperature changes. And the cost is correspondingly lower, which correlates with its qualities.

When it comes to color, it's best to stick to a conservative approach and choose neutral, dark shades. Black, dark gray, brown are favorites for full legs. They will adjust the proportions and visually add harmony.
Deep saturated colors - burgundy, blue, green - also look great on the leg. It is necessary to carefully select clothes for them.

It is better to refuse light shades (beige, white, light gray). They emphasize completeness, and are notable for their impracticality.

Designers offer a huge selection of shoes, decorated with various decorative elements. Women love such models, they look interesting, elegant and unusual. Rhinestones, bows, embroidery, appliques, fringes - all this is found on boots.
Of course, a woman wants something original and beautiful, but still it is better to choose models without any decorative frills in full swing.

Even classic boots can be with metal rivets, decorated with "deceptive" zippers, lacing. The latter play another role - with their help, the volume of the bootleg is regulated.
Each adornment on the shoe makes the foot heavy and heavy. When overweight, it is better to forget about most of the decorative details. Boots should not draw undue attention to the fullness of the legs, they are created in order to make the silhouette more graceful, and the image more restrained and more elegant.

How to choose?
It is difficult for curvy ladies to choose the optimal model of boots. This is due to two factors. The first is a small assortment of similar shoes. The second is a problem leg. But don't despair. Who seeks will always find.

To choose the right option, you should heed the following tips from stylists:
- forget about stocking boots. Yes, they tighten their legs, they are able to make them visually thinner. But on the other hand, such boots, tight-fitting, emphasize the fullness and draw attention to it;
- the length of the bootleg is an indicator that can either emphasize the beauty of the legs, or negate all efforts to create an image. Mid-calf is a dangerous boot length. The legs will simply lose their grace and look like pillars. Win-win length - just below the knee;
- full legs and the absence of a heel are two mutually exclusive circumstances. A flat sole will add volume to your figure. A hairpin is also not a good idea. It will become an indicator of the contrast between a custom figure and calf fullness. It is worth paying attention to heels with a height of 5 centimeters;
- boots with inserts contrasting in texture will make the leg more slender. The principle of correct geometry in clothing also works in shoes;
- don't buy bulky platform shoes. She will add unnecessary completeness;
- boots with bows and other large elements will increase the girth of the bootleg, and shiny leather will visually add extra centimeters;
- boots with lacing in the back will fit perfectly on the leg;
- boots are tried on for the clothes with which they are planned to be worn - nylon tights, trousers, jeans, thick winter tights;
- the main thing in shoes is comfort. Before trying on, you need to walk around the store in boots to get a better feel for their features.

Lush ladies also want to look stylish and elegant. Winter boots will help them with this. Based on the model and its style, you can easily create interesting bows and stay in trend.
Let's take a closer look at which boots in full leg with which clothes you can combine.

Variations on the theme of high-toed boots. Black, brown and chocolate are neutral classic colors that will complement any outfit.
They can be worn with anything. With jeans, you will get a stylish set for every day, add a strict skirt and blouse - the office look is ready, for a walk and visit a movie, you can wear an informal knee-length dress.

Decorative elements - textured inserts and straps make the presented model original and bright, without weighing down the appearance.
- Brown and black trumpet boots have been trending for a long time. They create casual, casual outfits. Jeans, not strict skirts, fluffy dresses - boots are best combined with this.
- Suede always looks chic. Looks with suede boots are smart. Whether to the office in a strict skirt suit, or even to a social event in an evening dress, the versatility of suede shoes lies in the versatility.
- Plain leather black boots on a full leg. Laconic, simple and tasteful. It is allowed to combine with any outfit. But they are more suitable for everyday style than for evening wear.
- Boots for those who like to stand out and wear original things. The dark green color will not leave anyone indifferent. He is pleasant, non-defiant, deep and calm. A high bootleg and a stable heel with a knee-length skirt will make the look seductive and graceful.