
Features of silver 84

Features of silver 84
  1. What it is?
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Composition and properties
  4. Application
  5. Antique value
  6. Care of products

People began to use silver in ancient times. The use of beautiful silver metal is still relevant today. Jewelry and cutlery are made of silver with a fineness of at least 800. However, in antique shops you can find items with a fineness of 84, and they are quite expensive.

What it is?

Sample 84 does not mean that we have very low quality silver... The figure refers to the spool system of samples, which was introduced in Tsarist Russia in 1798. Its operation continued until 1927, when it was replaced by the metric one. The system was based on the Russian pound, consisting of 96 spools. The spool was used in those days as a unit of measure for mass, it weighed more than 4 g.

Like any sampling system, spool means the amount of precious metal in the alloy.

Thus, the stamp of the master with the number 84 showed that out of 96 parts of the alloy, 84 parts are silver.

The lowest was 36 spools, the highest was 96, which corresponded to almost pure silver.

Let's find out what silver 84 is. It is not difficult to translate this number into a familiar and convenient metric system of measures. To do this, divide the spool sample by 96 and multiply by 1000. Performing some simple actions, we get the result 875.

Today silver 875 is considered not the most expensive, and it is not made into luxurious jewelry.

But it is an excellent material in the industrial production of cutlery.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you know, silver is a rather soft and flexible metal, therefore material without impurities is not used for the manufacture of products.Material properties depend on the quantitative and qualitative composition of impurities. In Russian silver of 84 samples there was a significant content of copper, which determined both the positive qualities of the products and the negative ones.

There are quite a few pluses.

  • First of all, copper gives strength to silver alloys. The products are strong, which allows the material to be used for items that are used every day.
  • The alloy is highly resistant, does not wear out, which ensures a long service life of the products. They do not lose their attractive appearance for a long time.
  • Things are resistant to mechanical stress, they do not form scratches.
  • Products lend themselves well to washing and cleaning, they are not afraid of tarnishing.

However, there are some disadvantages:

  • the alloy is not suitable for fine jewelry;
  • due to the high copper content, silver has a yellowish tint;
  • the work was not always accurate due to the strength and hardness of the metal.

Composition and properties

Silver is a representative of the group of precious metals. Otherwise, they are called noble, since they do not oxidize or corrode.

Among precious metals, silver is the most common.

Its distinguishing characteristic is its beautiful white-silver color..

However, silver in this group is the most unstable metal. And its other feature is gradual darkening. This happens on contact with certain chemical elements. Nitrogen, oxygen, carbon have no effect on silver. Active yellowing and darkening is caused by sulfur compounds. Their small concentration is always found in the air, as it is a product of the metabolism of living organisms and humans, and sulfur is widely used in industry. Iodine and bromine can cause changes in the appearance of silver.

Due to its high plasticity, pure silver is used as a sputtering using an electrolytic method in order to improve decorative properties and protect products made of other metals and silver alloys from oxidation. To impart certain properties to precious metals, a ligature is introduced into them - additional elements. They help to increase the hardness and wear resistance of the base metal and can also discolor it.

The main ligature for silver is copper.

In silver of 84 samples, its share is 12.5%. This ratio makes silver resistant to mechanical damage and wear, but the metal lends itself well to forging. And also thanks to copper it has a specific shade.

In some cases, the wizards may have added other mixins. For example platinum helps to increase the durability of products, but at the same time makes them more expensive. And also zinc, cadmium, nickel could be added.


In Russia, interest in silver arose under the influence of Peter I. The production of the first service took place in 1711 in accordance with his order. Then talented craftsmen began to appear, and the technology of making products improved. Under the pressure of Peter I, transformations took place in the country, European customs entered the life of the nobility. It has become fashionable and prestigious to have beautiful silver items in everyday life.

Silverware has become commonplace in wealthy homes.... The composition of the services was extensive: spoons, forks and knives, dishes, trays, cup holders, and other items. The services for 6, 12 and more persons were especially highly appreciated. Silverware became a family one, it was inherited.

Except for dinner sets, the use of tea with a samovar, coffee, wine sets became widespread.

The use and collection of silver items determined the status of the family. Buckets for cooling wine, candelabra, vases, cigarette cases and silver snuffboxes, table writing instruments were purchased. Cutlery, accessories and decorative items made in the Faberge workshop were especially highly valued..

Antique value

The price of silver is influenced by many factors, some of which relate to the area of ​​economic processes taking place in the world today. The price can go up and down in a fairly short time. For example, over the past year, the price of 875 silver has fluctuated between 26-36 rubles per 1 g... And in a pawnshop or buying it will be even less. Finished products will cost much more, since the cost of the work will be taken into account.

Although the fineness 84 corresponds to the modern indicator of 875, it would hardly be appropriate to talk about how much a gram of antique silver costs, because the products are of cultural and historical value. They are often judged as works of art and are exhibited as exhibits in museums. Often such things are in private collections. The world antique market highly appreciates Russian silver.

Since the alloy is highly resistant, many products have been well preserved to this day.

Items bearing the stamp "84" today have a high price, as they are antiques.

For example, the cost of a silver dish can reach 50 thousand rubles... In addition to the test, the products have the stamp of the master, which can also increase the cost. The fact is that until 1899 there was no uniform hallmark, each workshop or the master had its own. The stamp could contain information about the name of the master, place and date of manufacture of the product.

Care of products

Valuables require a competent approach to storage and care in order to ensure their good appearance. They will periodically have to be cleaned of the plaque that appears.... This is best done in a jewelry workshop, where cleaning will be done professionally. This is especially true for products that have enamel decor or stone inserts.

Items without inserts can be cleaned independently at home... The use of special agents designed for silver, which are offered in a wide variety by modern manufacturers, will do. It is important to follow the instructions that come with the product.

The item can be washed in hot water using a soapy solution. If there are reliefs on the product, you should use a brush (you can use a toothbrush) with non-rigid bristles. With this method, you must thoroughly dry the product with a napkin or towel to avoid streaks. After washing, it is advisable to polish the surface.

For polishing, you can use special creams or liquids, which are also sold in stores. Special formulations will protect silver from the effects of corrosive substances contained in the air and provide shine.

At the end of the procedure, the product is washed again with soapy water to remove the remaining polishing agent, and wiped dry.

      Items made of antique silver should be stored in a room where there is no excess air humidity, and you must also make sure that they do not fall on the sun's rays.

      There should be no objects made of other metals in the vicinity of silver items.

      You can learn more about the specifics of branding silver in the following video.

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