
Services of the factory "Gardner Manufactory in Verbilki"

Services of the Gardner Manufacturing plant in Verbilki
  1. History
  2. Peculiarities
  3. Dinner sets
  4. Tea Sets
  5. Coffee sets

A service is a set of serving dishes for a certain number of persons. The porcelain service has always been considered an excellent gift and one of the main elements of a festive feast. Even for an everyday meal, it is preferable to set the table with the help of a service, rather than mismatched dishes. There are sets in the assortment of many factories, including the Gardner Manufactory in Verbilki, which has been a leader in the Russian porcelain market for more than two centuries.


Scottish merchant Francis (Franz Yakovlevich) Gardner, who settled in Russia in 1746, was engaged in sugar production and acquired land for this in Little Russia. This region was also rich in clay, and Gardner had long cherished the idea of ​​organizing a porcelain factory. There, in the Glukhovsky district of the Chernigov province, large deposits of kaolin - white "porcelain" clay were discovered.

The Glukhovskoye deposit and the Olonets quartz became the basis of the plant, which Gardner opened in 1766 in the village of Verbilki, Dmitrovsky district, which he bought out.

The first private porcelain production faced a number of difficulties and even specially erected obstacles, but gradually it reached a level of production comparable to the best European samples.

Gardner used the experience of the Grebenshchikov merchants, who found a way to obtain porcelain, and the rich experience of German artisans. He invited the master Johann Miller and the painter Joachim Kestner to work, who painted a tea set dedicated to the victory in the Russian-Turkish war and presented to Catherine I. The queen was conquered by the gift, and the manufactory received an order for four "order" sets for palace cavalry receptions.The largest (for 140 persons) was the Vladimir service. The artist Gavriil Kozlov worked on the series. Today this splendor is kept in the Service Storeroom of the State Hermitage.

Gardner's great merit was the launch of a line of tableware for the mass buyer, and not only for the royal court and aristocrats. After the death of Franz Yakovlevich, the management of the factory fell on his widow, and then passed from sons to grandchildren and other heirs.

Another era of prosperity for the enterprise began when it was sold to the "king" of porcelain Matvey Kuznetsov. Gardner's services were enriched with the artistic skills of the Kuznetsov craftsmen and entered the golden fund of applied arts.

New times brought production a new name: during the years of the USSR it became the Dmitrov state factory in Verbilki. The factory's Soviet products have received international awards more than once.

Loyalty to traditions was expressed in the continuation of the line of "order" services. Kits were released with the names of famous military leaders: Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov, Kutuzov. Notable works were the "fabulous" services: "Goldfish", "Firebird" and "Little Humpbacked Horse". Historical milestones are embodied in the sets "Battle for the Motherland", "Volgo-Don Canal". A constant theme is natural and floral motifs: "Opening buds", "Summer", "Autumn flowers", "Rosehip".


The transformation of Gardner Manufactory in Verbilki into the best private porcelain enterprise in Russia was facilitated by a combination of many factors:

  • convenient location for suppliers of raw materials, fuel and for the sale of products;
  • business acumen and ambitions of the owners;
  • competent personnel policy, which made it possible to raise excellent Russian craftsmen;
  • rich traditions of local folk crafts.

The specific features of the manufactory's style were such characteristic features as:

  • detailing, rich plastic decor, complex reliefs, weaving, openwork;
  • the use of colored backgrounds;
  • many ways of decorating and painting;
  • the use of genre, landscape motives;
  • production of tableware for memorable historical dates.

At present, the company has returned to its original name and is called “Gardner Manufactories in Verbilki”. The factory carried through the years the methods of work laid down by the founder:

  • independent production of mass for porcelain, and not its purchase;
  • firing at a very high temperature (1350 ° C), which makes the products stronger;
  • careful quality control.

Today "Verbilki" continues to produce wonderful service sets of several varieties.

Dinner sets

Such sets are usually designed for 6 people and include dishes for the first and second courses, salads and snacks.

Set "Contessa"

A snow-white service with an elegant decor: pale rose hips and almost monochrome leaves. All items are gilded along the rim. In a set of 27 items:

  • tureen;
  • oval dish;
  • herring women;
  • salad bowls;
  • deep and shallow bowls.


The service for 6 people has the frequently used form "August". Thin-walled porcelain, gilding, hand-painted.

The motif of dark green leaves and golden inflorescences was developed by the artist E.P. Smirnov back in 1954. The catalog also contains a tea set with the same painting.


The distinctive artist Alevtina Gorkova has created a bright, cheerful "Ladushki" service with red and gold flowers. Her work is characterized by the use of folk motives. The set also contains 27 items.

Tea Sets

Tea sets are the pride of the company. The real stars are:

  • "Golden Rose" or "Branch" of 15 or 21 items (with dessert plates);
  • "Turnip" with painting by V. Losev;
  • spectacular "Black viburnum";
  • contrasting "Plum" (in two versions - on a black and burgundy background);
  • "Poppies" with painting by A. Chekulina and after her motives.

Today, the factory's catalog contains over 60 design options for tea sets. Sets for 6 people usually consist of 14-15 items, for 2 people - from seven.There are options with a kettle and bowls.


Thin-walled Empire-shaped pieces are covered with watercolor blue flowers with golden touches on top. In the set:

  • kettle;
  • creamer;
  • sugar bowl;
  • cups;
  • saucers.

A complete set of 12 or 15 pieces is available. On sale you can find vintage sets of the same name with a different decor: a colored (burgundy or dark green) background and pink mallow flowers.


14-piece set. Cups with curved handles, saucers, a sugar bowl and a teapot are painted with red foliage and barberry berries.

Coffee sets

Drinking coffee from miniature cups combined into an elegant service is a special pleasure!

The set "Snow White" looks like a king. It consists of 6 cups and a 750 ml coffee pot.

Intricate shapes of lids and handles are covered with precious gold, against which the whiteness of fine porcelain shines even brighter.

The services for 2 persons "Hyacinth" and "Dawn" with hand-painted flowers and gilding are complemented by convenient trays.

An inexpensive bright service "Poppies" consists of 15 items, on which scarlet flowers, applied using the decal method, have blossomed.

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