Choosing a name for a Sphynx cat

Stately, graceful, cosmic - all this is about Sphynx cats. Someone is madly in love with them, while others, on the contrary, are repulsed. In any case, they will not leave indifferent any person.
From the history of the breed
This breed originated in Canada in the 1960s. Then, in the litter of the most ordinary cat, a kitten was born with absolutely no hair. Later, the owner sold it to a famous cat breeder, who later was engaged in breeding the breed. It is only known that the absence of hair on the body of cats is the result of a certain gene mutation, which was fixed in the process of breeding.

Sphynx cats are distinguished by their gentle disposition. They are affectionate and reverent towards their master. They love to bask on their knees for a long time, sleep with the owner under a blanket and perfectly perform the function of a "battery". They lend themselves well to training and education. They adore children, play with them with pleasure, but careless handling can harm the cat, because their skin is very fragile and delicate.

Choosing a name
Any owner is faced with the problem of choosing a name for his pet.
Owners of cats of the Egyptian breed need to try especially hard, since such a kitten cannot be called simply Fluff or Masha.
If you recently own a Peterbald cat and are looking for a name, we have prepared some examples for you.
Beautiful names for girls cats
Goddesses have always been the ideal of beauty and grace, so a name can be chosen in honor of one of them.
Below are the names of the Greek and Egyptian goddesses:
- Aglaya;
- Amanta;
- Artemis;
- Athena;
- Aphrodite;
- Bastet;
- Venus;
- Galatea;
- Harmony;
- Hera;
- Daphne;
- Demeter;
- Diana;
- Irida;
- Isis;
- Calypso;
- Calliope;
- Clio;
- Mayan;
- Mut;
- Nemesis;
- Nika;
- Persephone;
- Selena;
- Seshat;
- Soti;
- Waist;
- Urania;
- Themis;
- Flora;
- Hatkor;
- Euterpe;
- Juventa.

Feminine names of various nations can be no less attractive.
Below are some of them:
- Aurora;
- Agatha;
- Adele;
- Azalea;
- Ayna;
- Alfea;
- Amelia (Amalia);
- Anthea;
- Anfisa;
- Appolinaria;
- Beatrice;
- Bella;
- Violetta;
- Gwen;
- Glafira;
- Gloria;
- Dayana;
- Daisy;
- Jesse;
- Diva;
- Dilara;
- Dione;
- Europe;
- Jacqueline;
- Zhami;
- Jasmine;
- Giselle;
- Josie;
- Zhula;
- Isabel;
- Isolde;
- Kapitalina;
- Caroline;
- Cassandra;
- Cassiopeia;
- Cleopatra;
- Lada;
- Lionel;
- Lola;
- Lolita;
- Love;
- Medea;
- Melissa;
- Monica;
- Muse;
- Olivia;
- Penelope;
- A penny;
- Ryan;
- Sabrina;
- Seraphim;
- Stephanie;
- Suzanne;
- Ummah;
- Fanilla;
- Feruza;
- Phoebe;
- Charlotte;
- Eleanor;
- Emily;
- Ena;
- Yuna;
- Yasira.

All people are different and someone wants to give their pet a beautiful and sonorous name, while someone wants to give it a funny and cool name.
Below is a list of interesting and unusual nicknames:
- Quince;
- Barberry;
- Squirrel;
- Bun;
- Fork;
- Glucose;
- Grace;
- Lobule;
- Bunny;
- Cinderella;
- Zest;
- Toffee;
- True;
- Coconut;
- Cinnamon;
- Weasel;
- Legend;
- Matilda;
- Melody;
- Milka;
- Mouse;
- Nymph;
- Note;
- Piper;
- Pikachu;
- Bun;
- Priora;
- Button;
- Sausage;
- Tropicana;
- Rag;
- Fantasy;
- Fiona;
- Pistachio;
- Chip;
- Fresco;
- Tsatsa;
- Blueberry;
- Cherry;
- Cheshire;
- Chica;
- Washer;
- Chanel;
- Shi-shi;
- Skoda;
- Eureka.

It will be interesting to sound as a name various geographical names of objects, natural phenomena:
- Asia;
- Alaska;
- Arizona;
- Africa;
- Barcelona;
- Verona;
- Byzantium;
- Galaxy;
- Mountain;
- Egypt;
- Star;
- Moon;
- Malta;
- Blizzard;
- Lightning;
- Neva;
- Oceania;
- Prague;
- Rainbow;
- Russia;
- Sahara.
In choosing a name, you can build on the color of the color:
- White: Ice, Snowflake, Blonde, Snow White, Pearl, Sour cream, Severin, Blizzard, Zimushka;
- black: Blackie, Night, Bagheera, Naomi, Darkness, Panther, Shakira;
- Gray: Haze, Chrome, Chateau, Smokey, Gray;
- pink, purple: Rosalia, Leelu, Fuchsia.
The following video tells about the Sphynx breed.