Children's hats with pom-poms

A correctly chosen headgear is very important for a child's health, as it protects the most vulnerable parts of the body.

But at the same time, a baby hat must meet aesthetic requirements, shaping the baby's taste from an early age. In this regard, children's hats with a pompom look charming.

A hat with an original pompom is suitable for a child of any age and gender. In addition, funny soft balls, which kids like so much, fit perfectly into both winter and autumn-spring wardrobes.

This bright decorative element is most often the main accent of a headdress - additional decoration (embroidery, volumetric appliqués, embossed knitting pattern) is not required. However, on girls' models, small decorative elements are allowed - beads, rhinestones, appliqués in the form of graceful flowers or bows. On hats for boys, sometimes there is a decor in the form of embroidery - as a rule, technical themes (cars, airplanes, tanks) or cartoon male characters.

There are also original options for children's hats with a pompom. For example, models depicting glasses on the forehead or containing a funny inscription. Some products are made in the form of a knight's head or popular minions - pompons in such hats imitate a bun of hair.

A children's hat with a pompom, together with outerwear, should first of all protect the child from the vagaries of the weather. And the style of the headdress directly depends on what kind of jacket or overalls the child has.

If the baby's outerwear is equipped with a high collar, then you can purchase a hat with earflaps (option for winter).

For a jacket with a warm hood and additional inserts that cover the head, in principle, any headgear is suitable - including a regular hat with ties under the chin (knitted or warmer fur).

If the jumpsuit or jacket has a wide neck that needs to be covered with a scarf, it is advisable to choose a model that will cover the baby's throat and neck as much as possible. This requirement is fully met by the cap-tube and helmet styles, which successfully replace the scarf and at the same time do not slip. In addition, these styles completely cover the ears and forehead of the child - his vulnerable spots.

Pompon options
Children's hats with a pom-pom are found in various versions. Models for boys are usually equipped with only one volumetric ball, in girls there may be several of them.

This detail is usually sewn on the top of the headdress - in this case, the pompom is large, which looks touching. If there are two of them, which evokes associations with fluffy animal ears, then they have a smaller diameter and are symmetrically attached to the sides of the product.

Fur pom-poms look original. Usually, fluffy natural fox, arctic fox or raccoon fur is used for these purposes.

In addition, fur pom-poms are often used to decorate hat ties. As a rule, this applies to models for girls.

Pom-poms can be made of the same material as a baby hat - knitted, fleece, knitted. In this case, so that the image does not seem rustic, you need to pick up a ball in a contrasting color or decorated with a print. The advantage of such models is that they are easy to care for.

More interesting are fluffy fur pom-poms. It can be either natural or artificial fur. For the first option, as a rule, he uses lush furs of valuable breeds - fox, raccoon or arctic fox. It is clear that such a finish will affect the cost. However, high-quality synthetic fur also looks attractive and can be easily confused with a natural analogue.

Pompons on children's hats can match the tone of the entire product, but sometimes it looks boring, so fluffy balls are often highlighted in a contrasting color.

Such hats for girls usually have a color scheme consisting of pink, red, yellow, white, beige shades in their various combinations.

Boys' options are more subtle in color. In hats with pom-poms, blue, gray, green shades prevail. The classic black color is less common - it is more suitable for adult models. However, if all the boy's clothes are stylized as an adult version, then a black hat is also quite acceptable.

How to choose?
When buying a fashionable hat with a pompom for your child, consider a number of important points.

First of all, the product must be made of natural material and high-quality insulation (if it is a winter model). The material must allow air and moisture to pass through, while retaining heat. Pay attention to the lining - it should be soft and pleasant to the body.

It is important to check the treatment of the seams - if they are made poorly, then they can chafe the delicate skin.

If a hat with a pompom is equipped with strings, they also need to be carefully considered: they should be long enough, strong and elastic so as not to tear at the most unexpected moment and not cut into the baby's skin.

The child should definitely measure the product: after all, it can slide over the eyes, twist when he moves. It is important that the cap securely covers the ear area, where the lymph nodes that cannot be caught from cold are located.

Keep in mind that a hat with a large pompom is unlikely to have a hood. In this regard, if this is a headdress for winter, then it should be warm enough, because in this case you should not count on additional insulation in the form of a hood.

The pom-poms themselves need to be checked for strength - it is undesirable for them to fall off after the first wash.

Consider the rhythm of your child's life when buying a hat. If he attends kindergarten, the option with strings is undesirable - the baby himself is unlikely to cope with them. It is preferable to choose a model with a buckle or in the form of a helmet.

If you buy a winter hat with a lining, then it will no longer stretch, so determine your size correctly.

In general, it will not be possible to fully check such an indicator as the convenience of a hat, even if you buy it with your child. You can finally assess the comfort of the model only while wearing it.

Beautiful images
Charming model for a girl of primary preschool age. A cap of a delicate pink color, decorated with a very voluminous fur pompom of the same color. The headdress is interesting in that it is equipped with double ties: some, thin ones, directly fulfill their role, while others wide, decorated with fur pom-poms (the same as on the crown of the product) perform rather an aesthetic function. The edge of the cap is finished with a neat elastic band. And on the front there is an additional beautiful decor in the form of a graceful snowflake made of rhinestones.

A mischievous girlish model of a pastel beige shade for a girl of 2-3 years old. Two fluffy fur pom-poms mimic the ears of a bear, while a muzzle patch and eyes made from large shiny buttons enhance the animal's likeness. The smooth texture of the dense knitted fabric is ideal for decoration. The cap has long ties of the same color and texture.

A hat with a pompom for a future man. The headpiece of a typically masculine dark blue is made with an interesting knit - a combination of different elastic band options. Since the baby is very small, the hat is prudently equipped with inserts that cover the ears. The large pom-pom is made of fluffy fur, similar in color to the tone of the hat itself. The product is decorated with a small emblem on the side. A scarf of the same color is matched to the hat, and the boy's jacket is in harmony in color with the headdress (it has a slightly different shade of blue). Fur trim on the hood echoes the texture of the pom-pom on the cap.

Woolen hat-helmet for a very little boy. The highlight of the model is a fur pompom of a contrasting light color (the headdress itself has a beautiful gray tint). The child's forehead is framed by a wide knitted elastic band, and the hat itself is tied with a spectacular pattern of braids. The model also features original ties with tassels at the ends. Cozy shirt-front reliably protects the baby's neck from frost.