Kubanka hat

What it is?
The Kubanka hat came in our time from the Caucasus. Many Caucasian peoples used a cylindrical hat with a flat bottom made of sheepskin, astrakhan fur, wolf or bear fur as a men's headdress. Then a similar headdress spread to the territory of the Kuban and the Cossacks began to wear it. From here such a hat got its name - Kubanka.

The Kubanka hat entered women's fashion at the end of the 70s of the last century. These hats differed in different heights and designs. At first, Kubanks were sewn exclusively from furs with long pile - arctic fox, fox, marten. The Kubanka hat was very warm and looked gorgeous due to the long pile of fur, interesting colors of natural fur (red, white, brown-yellow, black-brown, gray with natural color transitions and dark awn).

The Kubanka hat favorably emphasized the features of the girls' faces, in combination with the same collar on the coat, it looked harmonious and became a real decoration for many women. Such a hat served for more than one year and remained relevant for a long time.

The modern Kubanka hat has undergone various modifications, while remaining strictly cylindrical in shape with a flat bottom.

Kuban hats began to be sewn not only from long-haired furs, but also from mink, beaver, nutria, astrakhan fur, broadtail and others. Artificial fur, combined combinations of fur and leather, fabrics did not stand aside. Modern technologies for dyeing fur have made it possible to give a Kuban hat different colors, sometimes unusual - bright and juicy.

Modifications of the Kubanka in terms of height, finish, decor favorably expands the model range. Kubanks of shallow planting, small in height from various short-haired furs, for example, from mink, broadtail, have become relevant in fashion.

A Kubanka hat made of rich fox and arctic fox fur began to be decorated at the back with a long tail, a brooch, leather and fur decor, beads, and metal decorative details.

Kuban hats made of fur look interesting in combination with a fabric or leather bottom, trimmed with beads, sequins, embroidery, lace.

Kubanks made of fabric and felted linen also appeared.

Knitted kubanks are not so widely presented and represent budget options.

Of long-haired furs, high kubanks of the type of a papakha are relevant. The cylindrical shape of the Kubanka is not always preserved in modern models, being modified into a trapezoid, with a flat bottom, in the form of a "slide".

The rigidity of the frame of the Kuban hat is not preserved in all models. Increasingly, Kubanks are made in a soft frame, perfectly retaining their shape.

Kubanks look unusual in a combination of furs - the bottom is made of short fur, the top is made of long fur.

Kubanks with folds of mink fur in the form of an accordion or folds look very impressive and stylish.

Fur types
The Kubanka hat is presented in almost all furs, including faux.

In cuban fox, arctic fox, marten, the height of the cylinder is, as a rule, equal to the width of the skin. A beautiful natural pattern of fur looks advantageous and adds volume to the hat.

Kubanka from guard, sable and mink look very noble and laconic. This Kubanka can be worn with any fur coat. Short fur allows you to embody folds, fur assemblies in a kuban, decorate a hat with decor, a brooch.

Modern Kuban hats are equipped with a drawstring drawstring that allows you to adjust the size and density of the fit over the head. The drawstring can be located along the edge of the cap, or it can be in the middle of the cylinder as a decorative element that creates the effect of gathering.

Kubanks made of felted linen have become a new trend in fashion. Such models are unusual and feminine.

There are Kuban hats made of knitted mink, fabric combined with fur, leather.

Who is it for?
The Kubanka hat is versatile and is suitable for literally all women, regardless of the type of face and appearance, age and social status. For each, you can choose the perfect kubanka.

In choosing a Kuban hat, one must also be guided by the general style of outerwear in general, by the color scheme. Some are very much in the face of long fur Kuban - fox, arctic fox. Knitted kubankas, or made of short fur, are also suitable for someone. It all depends on your preference.

A certain role in the selection of a cuban can be played by the height of the cap, shape, decor details, etc.

The owner of the cold color type will go Kubanks from white, dark brown, black, gray fur colors, as well as from the dyed colors of their palette. And for the owners of dark skin and brown eyes to the face of a Kuban woman of brown colors, beige tones, red, etc.

How to care?
Care for a Kuban fur hat should be the same as for fur products in general. You need to store the Kubanka in such a way that it does not lose its shape and does not deform. The storage area for the hat should be dark and dry, with enough room to put pressure on the fur. You can put the hat in a special storage cover for the summer.

Cleaning a Kuban cap at home is possible with the means that are applicable for furs and depending on which fur the hat is from - salt, ammonia, starch, gasoline, etc. After cleaning, it is recommended to dry the hat naturally and store it. You cannot use a hair dryer to dry fur, or dry it on heating batteries.

You can use the services of specialized dry cleaners for fur products.

What to wear with?
The Kubanka hat is a combination of femininity and elegance and requires the right combination with other things, both in style, shape and color.

It is not recommended to wear a Kuban hat made of long fur with voluminous and short sports-style jackets. Sports-style things do not go well with the Kubanka.

Kubanka is worn with a fur coat, sheepskin coat, coat.At the same time, maintaining the proportions is also very important. A kubanka made of polar fox, fox, marten and rabbit will look harmoniously with a coat or sheepskin coat of a straight, semi-fitted silhouette. Kubanks made of short fur (mink, sable, etc.) are perfect for any coats and fur coats, sheepskin coats, long down jackets.

Of the shoes, you should give preference to elegant models of boots and boots with heels and platforms. Should not be paired with coarse, athletic-style shoes.

1. An amazingly feminine model of a lynx-colored Kubanka fur will be a real adornment for any fashionista. A Kubanka hat of a dense and shallow fit on the head attracts attention with its unusual color, a decorative transverse strip in the middle of a Kubanka cylinder made of beige felt looks spectacular. This strip of fabric creates a hoop effect, slightly ruffles the fur and adds piquancy and elegance to the model. A similar color of the Kubanka will suit the owners of any color type, it will look most advantageous on girls with brown eyes. This model can be combined with fur coats, sheepskin coat, coat.

2. Stylish deep black kubanka made of rabbit or arctic fox fur will become a universal item of winter wardrobe for both young ladies and respectable women. Combines with feminine items, adding sophistication and chic. The owners of a fragile figure with such a Kuban will emphasize their sophistication, the owners of magnificent forms will add stateliness. Suitable for everyday wear.

3. Incredibly stylish model of a long fur kubanka, painted in a bright blue color, is suitable for bold and extravagant women. Kubanka with a shallow fit, accent on the decor in the form of a volumetric brooch in silver color with a large spectacular stone. The brooch consists of many filigree patterns and looks like a feather of a fairy bird. You can wear this model of a hat with a brooch in the center or on the side. Due to the bright color, the Kubanka is combined with dark fur coats, sheepskin coats, coats. In the tone of the Kubanka, you can pick up another accessory - shoes, a bag or gloves.

4. The interesting design of the Kubanka model is called "Vladimir" and looks like a headdress of ancient Russian beauties. Kubanka is made of ondantra, which looks like mink fur due to dyeing. The hat is made on a knitted leg, which favorably frames the face, inside there is a fleece cap, which allows you to keep your hair style and gives the effect of insulation. The Kubanka is decorated with a brooch with silver fox fur. Kubanka is ideal for the Russian winter.