How to tie a scarf?

Modern fashion has transformed the scarf from an autumn-winter wardrobe item into a beautiful, stylish accessory that can be worn not only with outerwear. An elegant silk, gauze or chiffon scarf will be a worthy decoration and addition to a trouser suit or evening dress.

Ways to tie a scarf around your neck
It would seem that what is easier - to tie a scarf. Cross the ends together, stretch one end into a loop and tighten. This option is known to everyone from childhood. The simplest, fastest and most uninteresting. Modern fashion offers hundreds of different, simple and complex ways to knit a scarf beautifully.

Choosing the appropriate method, you can safely experiment with the image, because each new version allows you to transform the same bow in a completely different way. Here are some of the most interesting and unusual options:

- "Base". The option is very simple to perform, but a scarf tied in this way looks very impressive. The scarf is folded in half and placed on the shoulders, the ends are pushed into the resulting loop and tightened. The buttonhole can be positioned straight or moved slightly to the side. This option is ideal for a short scarf.

- "New York". One of the varieties of the basic version. Fold the scarf in half and put it on your shoulders. Then push one end of it into the loop, turn the loop over and push the other end into it. The scarf straightens out, you're done!

- Infinity - an option for lovers of voluminous scarves or collars such as a yoke. The ends of the scarf are tied together, the scarf is thrown around the neck and twisted. The resulting loop is again thrown around the neck. The beautifully draped circular collar scarf is ready!

- "Twist". This option looks very nice on a long, airy scarf. First, it is placed on the shoulders so that the ends hang down symmetrically on both sides. The neck is then gently wrapped with the two ends of the scarf in turn. The ends fit nicely in the front, or are secured and hidden under the folds of the scarf.

- "Necklace" - another option for a thin, weightless silk scarf. First, the scarf is folded into a strip and placed over the shoulders so that the ends are the same length. Stepping back a little from the neck, a weak knot is tied. After a few centimeters, the next knot is tied, and so on, until the length of the free hanging ends reaches about 4-5 cm. Now the resulting braid is neatly placed on the shoulder, and the ends of the scarf are tied to its main part. The scarf straightens out, you're done!

An option that is great for jackets, down jackets or coats. The scarf is placed on the shoulders, ends first. Then a double knot is knitted just below the neck. The ends go up, tied together and hide in the folds of the scarf.

These methods are suitable for designing rectangular scarves. However, there are some interesting options for square scarves as well.

- For example, "flower"... For this, the scarf is folded into a triangle, and its lower ends are tied together. Then the knot is put on the hand, and the left edge goes around the loop and is picked up by the hand. The right edge crosses twice with the left edge. Then the edge of the scarf is pulled under the knot so that it is in the middle, and in the hands is on the tip of the scarf.

Now you need to gently pull the ends in different directions so that the knot turns into a lush, beautiful flower. It remains only to fasten the flower on the neck and the stylish accessory is ready! The method is rather complicated, but such a scarf looks very impressive.

- An unusual and very interesting option "Corner"... A wide scarf or kerchief is suitable for this method. The scarf is thrown over the shoulders so that one end is much shorter than the other. Now the left corner of the long section is lifted up to the neck and tucked inward. The scarf is straightened with a corner.

- There are some more simple and quick ways to knit a scarf beautifully and neatly. For example, "Cross-over"... To do this, it is enough to throw one end of the scarf over the other and leave it hanging free. Another variation of this method: throw both ends over each other. A wide, voluminous loop is formed around the neck, and both ends of the scarf hang freely in front. You can tie knots at the ends or leave them like that.

Bulky tying options are perfect for variegated, multi-colored scarves. Solid kerchiefs, shawls, or scarves can be draped in more sophisticated ways.

- For example, "Pigtail"... To do this, the scarf is folded in half and thrown over the shoulders. Both ends are pushed into the loop, twisted and again pushed into a new loop.

In winter, when the time comes for warm knitted scarves, you also want to look no less fashionable and stylish than in summer. For voluminous scarves, many interesting and unusual ways of tying have been invented, which are used with outerwear: down jackets, coats, sheepskin coats or fur coats.

- "Clamp"... The scarf is tied with a loop, twisted with a figure eight and put on the neck. Depending on the length of the scarf, the finished yoke can have one, two or more rings. The scarf can be rolled up tighter if it's cold outside or left hanging loose.

Another very interesting option. The scarf is thrown around the neck; a free, soft knot is knitted at one of its ends. The other end of the scarf is then pulled into this knot.

Scarves can be used not only as part of everyday wear. It is also a must. fan outfit item! Such a scarf must be tied in such a way that it can be quickly and safely removed at the right time and support your favorite team.Therefore, the most common tying option is a loop, when both ends of different lengths are pushed into the loop of a bent scarf.

A fan scarf can be simply tied by weaving the ends together. The knot can be straightened in different ways or moved to its side. The scarf can be tied back to front with the ends at the back and the loop at the front. You can simply throw one end of the scarf over your shoulder and leave it untied.

How to tie a scarf on your head?
A scarf is not only a part of the fall-spring or winter wardrobe. Real fashionistas cannot do without a flowing, airy scarf even in the summer season. It can be draped over the shoulders, used as a necklace, decorated with your hair, etc.

In order for the accessory to become a real decoration of a woman's head, it is necessary to choose a scarf suitable for this. It should be light enough, thin, long and dense. It is best to choose a plain scarf. If a multi-colored scarf is used, then its colors should correspond to the general color scheme of the image.

One of the most beautiful and effective options is the "headband". To do this, the scarf must be folded into a narrow strip or twisted with a tourniquet and knotted at the back under the loose hair.

There can be many variations on this theme: the headband can be located on the hair, above the hairline, on the forehead. The long ends of the scarf can be tied in a knot or left hanging loose. The knot can be on the back or on the side. The headband can be supplemented with a decorative flower or decorated with a brooch.

Another option is reminiscent of the oriental style. For this, the middle of the scarf is placed on the back of the head, and the ends are crossed or tied over the forehead. Further, the ends can be placed on the back of the head and tied there or hidden under a decorative buckle or brooch over the forehead.

Another option that resembles a beautiful bandage. The scarf is put on the forehead, its ends are wound to the back of the head and pulled tightly, twisting into a tourniquet. The knot can be tied at the back of the head, from the side, or the harnesses can be transferred and tightened over the forehead.
The headband can be decorated with a brooch.

One of the most popular options for decorating your hair with a scarf is a turban. To create it, it is enough to place the scarf under the loose hair, and cross the ends with the forehead, lower them to the back of the head and fix. The turban can be left as it is or decorated with a large beautiful brooch.

You can simply cover your head with a gauze scarf, cross the ends and tie them in a free knot at the back of your neck. Alternatively, the ends can not be crossed under the chin, but immediately brought back and tied in a knot.
The scarf can not only completely or partially cover the head. It can also be used as a hair decoration.

Elegant bun: the hair is gathered in a ponytail at the back of the head and pulled together with an elastic band. One end of the scarf is also secured with an elastic band. Hair is disassembled into 2 parts, one of them is wrapped in a scarf. The second section is then intertwined with the first, and the hair is attached in a bun at the back of the head. The result is a very stylish and feminine hairstyle.

Another option: the scarf is rolled up with a thin ribbon, placed on the forehead and attached to the sides with invisibility. A braid is woven from loose hair using a scarf.

Muslim traditions require women to walk with their heads covered. Modern fashion respects this custom and offers different options for tying the hijab beautifully - traditional Muslim clothing.

A hijab is a rather voluminous headdress, so a long and wide scarf is selected for its creation. First, the scarf is thrown over the head in such a way as to completely cover the hair. The ends of the hijab are thrown back and tied at the back of the head. The short end is wrapped around the forehead and attached to the other side of the head. The long end is wrapped around the neck, and the end itself is attached on the opposite side. The free end is stitched at the back of the head so that there is a free wide part in front, covering the neck and chest.

Fashion options
Modern trends do not dictate any clear restrictions on the choice of material for a scarf. Any shawl, scarf or stole can be tied so that it looks spectacular, both with evening and with everyday and even outerwear.

It is important here to combine materials correctly. For example, a scarf made of the finest silk or chiffon is suitable for an elegant evening set or dress. And with a down jacket or jacket, a scarf of rough, embossed knit will look great.

Of the most fashionable and relevant options for tying a scarf on the head or over clothing, several can be noted:
- Turban or turban. Oriental themes have been popular for many years. Asian motives can be traced in the colors of the scarf, and in its colors, and in the stylization of clothing or hairstyle.
- Other current options include all sorts of variations with an asymmetric tying, for example, a corner.
- More elegant and feminine options are suitable for coats, fur coats or sheepskin coats: "rose", voluminous braids, lush knots, twisted plaits, etc.

Beautiful and stylish looks
Stylish and modern. Loosely tied with a corner, a beautiful checkered scarf looks great against the background of a straight sand-colored coat. Ideal for every day.

Turban is the trend of the new season. A very feminine headdress that looks great with a pantsuit, long dress, and an elegant coat.

A warm knitted scarf can be a worthy alternative to today's fashionable snood. Thick, embossed knitting is beautifully combined with a variety of outerwear: down jacket, jacket, coat.

Watch the following video for different ways to tie a scarf.