Everything you need to know about black sharpei

Sherpey is a popular breed that attracts attention with its unusual appearance. Experts consider this species to be Chinese exotic. In addition to their original appearance, dogs are good guards who can protect family members from strangers, as well as protect property from ill-wishers.
Such bold, and sometimes even aggressive disposition, contrasts with the harmless appearance... They show these signs when they sense potential danger and other threats. In the article, we will consider such a species as a black Shar Pei.

Based on official data, this breed is native to the Chinese Empire. During the excavations, statuettes of dogs were found, outwardly very similar to Sharpei. It is believed that initially the pets lived with the peasants and played the role of guards and hunters. Some information indicates the participation of Shar-Peis in battles.
Some experts believe that the Chinese Shar Pei are the ancestors of the well-known Chow Chow. Despite the lack of expressive similarity, both pets have blue tongues. According to another version, their ancestors are mastiffs.
The exact data has not been preserved, since the confirmation documents were exterminated during the time of Emperor Shi Huang.

After the revolution that swept the country in the twentieth century, the breed was practically destroyed, as it was a symbol of the aristocracy. Thanks to the Americans, the complete extermination of the species was avoided. They started breeding pets, due to which the breed was preserved. The American breed has a shorter coat than the Chinese breed.
The American species was able to inherit the appearance from its Chinese counterpart. When breeding, experts set the task of raising a dog with an innate privilege for fighting. It was believed that due to the many folds, the dog was more difficult to bite. Recent studies have shown that large folds on the dog's body appeared on their own, due to frequent allergic reactions. The work was carried out by scientists from the USA and Great Britain.

Description and features
The breed has its own characteristics that are inherent in Shar-pei, including black specimens. They are as follows:
- the weight of pets varies from 15 to 25 kilograms;
- black color is evenly distributed throughout the body, a bluish tint is noticeable;
- ears are triangular;
- round and massive head;
- growth - from 49 to 51 centimeters;
- dark eyes set deep;
- deep and numerous folds throughout the body;
- the nose is almond-shaped, wide and large;
- massive paws are set parallel;
- the torso is muscular and square in shape.
A puppy practically does not differ from an adult dog, except in size. Their color is the same rich and uniform. Large folds of skin cover the torso.

Experts note that dogs have a peaceful and calm character. Representatives of this breed are remarkably amenable to the process of socialization and training. It is necessary to train your pet from an early age. As a result of proper upbringing, you will get a wonderful friend for children and every family member.
The species has the following qualities:
- developed intelligence;
- calmness and poise;
- being jealous of other pets in the house;
- caution;
- loyalty;
- manifestation of aggression towards strangers.

If you want to grow a bold and confident defender out of a dog, you need to develop these qualities immediately after buying a puppy. It is necessary to educate the dog for aggressive habits and at the same time, do not turn the pet into a naughty and dangerous animal. If you are going to train your pet on your own, remember a few important rules. Any physical violence and other demonstration of rudeness towards Shar-Pei is unacceptable. Remember that dogs have a complex personality with the traits of a leader. If you are not sure that you can develop good qualities in a dog, then it is better to refuse such a pet, especially when small children live in the house. In certain situations, the actions of the Shar Pei can be unpredictable.
Training with this breed takes a lot of time. If the owner shows excessive softness, the dog will put himself in the place of the head. A person should take a leadership position in a relationship with a pet. It is desirable that each of the family members treat the dog in the same way. The main task is to convince the dog that he is a guard, and his primary goal is to protect the house from unwanted guests. Competent upbringing will help raise a kind, obedient and loyal dog.

Correct care
A distinctive feature of Sharpei is cleanliness. Due to the fact that dogs of this breed do not emit an unpleasant odor and practically do not shed, they can be safely kept in an apartment without discomfort. Also, Shar Pei do not grow to large sizes. For a pet to feel comfortable and confident, it needs to be given personal space. It is desirable that its corner has a large view around. You also need to keep it clean.Be sure to install a lounger or thick rug here.
If the dog lives in a private house, you can install a booth in the yard. It should be spacious enough and reliably insulated so that the pet does not freeze. You can also keep the Shar Pei in the aviary. This breed tolerates both hot and cool weather well. But in especially cold regions, the dog is kept at home in winter. Dogs are unpretentious in grooming. It is necessary to periodically trim the nails, comb out the fur, and also wipe the eyes with napkins.

It is advisable to choose a strong leather collar for your pet. The product must withstand the pressure if the pet twitches sharply or begins to show aggression towards others.
Dog breeders advise you to follow simple guidelines.
- As for walks, Shar-Pei must be taken outside at least 2 times a day. This is best done in the morning and evening. Constant physical activity is required for the pet's excellent health and mood.
- When purchasing a puppy, be sure to buy some rubber toys. Don't forget your veterinary first aid kit.
- Wear special clothing for your dog in wet or cold weather. The kidneys are considered a vulnerable spot in Sharpei. Thick vest will protect you from wind and cold.
- Get your veterinarian checked regularly. If there is a change in the appearance or behavior of the dog, you should immediately consult a specialist.

When keeping Shar Pei, remember that they need a balanced and healthy diet. Be sure to include meat, fresh vegetables and a variety of biological additives in the pet's menu. There should always be clean drinking water. It should be changed every day. Dogs of this species prefer dry food. Choose only high-quality products that use natural ingredients and other healthy ingredients.
Many owners of sharpei choose natural food for their pets. Boiled vegetables, meat and cereals are perfect. You can sometimes please your pet with cheese. Very rarely, a dog is allowed to indulge in sweets, but very carefully, since the breed has a tendency to obesity. Puppies should be fed in small portions, but often, about 5-6 times a day. It is recommended to feed adult dogs no more than 2 times a day so that the dogs do not overeat. Be sure to include minerals and vitamin supplements in the diet. A professional veterinarian will help you find the perfect menu. If the feed is not selected correctly, stomach problems can occur. Do not give your dog bones other than those purchased at the pet store.

Choosing a puppy
In order not to spend money on mestizo, it is recommended to buy a puppy from professional and reliable breeders. You must be familiarized with the pedigree and provide all the necessary documents confirming the belonging of the breed. You are obliged to transfer into your hands a healthy, well-groomed and vaccinated pet, ready to live in a new home. As they grow, breeders should properly feed and monitor their dog's health.
When buying a dog, you have the right to find out all the necessary information about feeding, training and caring for a pet. It is advised to buy puppies that are under 2 months old. At this age, they are as cheerful and playful as possible, it is easier to get used to a new home.

You should pay attention to some of the nuances:
- when choosing a pet, carefully examine it;
- the color of the coat must be uniform;
- also there should be no discharge in the ears and nose;
- if the body is too elongated, it is better to choose another pet;
- a well-developed chest is a good sign.

Checking for congenital diseases is important, especially if you intend to breed. Experts note that this particular species is often born with various inherited defects. One of the most common ailments is kidney failure.
A dog can produce up to 6 puppies in one litter.As soon as the pets grow up a little, they need to be checked by a veterinarian for diseases and abnormalities.
In the next video you will find more information about the Shar Pei dog breed.