Shar Pei

Blue Shar Pei: description and features of the content

Blue Shar Pei: description and features of the content
  1. External signs
  2. Traits
  3. Care

Each breed of dog was originally bred for a specific purpose - to protect something, transport, hunt, and so on. For example, the Shar Pei is one of the ancient guard dog breeds. This breed is rooted in China. During excavations on the territory of the imperial palaces of the ancient Chinese dynasties, figurines of dogs were found, which have many external similarities with Sharpei.

(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 1 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Below the average
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Long periods
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Security qualities
(Rated 3 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed "Shar Pei" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

Researchers suggest that this breed of dog was used as guards and hunters. However, later this breed of dogs became constant participants in dog fights. The folds inherent in this dog saved it from serious injuries. In the 70s of the twentieth century, Shar Pei were officially recognized by the American Kennel Association. Interestingly, back in the late 1970s, this dog breed was in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest dog breed.

External signs

This breed of dog stands out for its unusual appearance, which will help to easily distinguish them from other breeds of dogs. Their striking and specific feature is a large number of folds covering the entire surface of the body, especially a lot of them on the face.

Another characteristic feature is the purple tongue, which can also be found in the Chow Chow breed.

In ancient China, it was believed that it was thanks to the unusual color of the tongue that these dogs, with their barking, guard houses from evil spirits.

There are the following types of sharpei colors:

  • black - in its pure form, it exists extremely rarely, most often the black color is represented by some kind of shade - dark brown, with a tint of brown, as well as olive;
  • golden or sandy - considered the most ancient coat color;
  • Red - there are many shades of this color - from light red to mahogany;
  • cream - there are shades from light beige to soft caramel color;
  • sable - the coat of such a dog has a light grayish dusting;
  • chocolate - from milky to deep dark brown;
  • blue - there are several shades - from light tones to more saturated.

There are also more complex colors that combine several basic color shades - apricot, red deer, isabella, lilac, and so on. Blue Shar Pei can have a unique shade of coat ranging from pale blue to almost asphalt. This breed belongs to medium-sized dogs. Their average height is 42–52 cm, and their weight is 16–38 kg, depending on the sex and physical activity of the dog. The head is rather large, with a flat skull.

The muzzle is characterized by the presence of tightly spaced folds. The eyes are small, almond-shaped, have a dark color, a frown look. The ears are small, dense, triangular in shape, set wide apart. The neck is not long, rather powerful. The body is strong, taut, and puppies are characterized by a large number of folds, which stretch with age, remaining visible only on the face and neck. The coat of blue sharpei is short and thick, rather stiff to the touch.


By their nature, blue Shar Pei are distinguished by a calm and measured character, although they are quite active and energetic. The behavior model is completely dependent on upbringing. Depending on the conditions in which the puppy will grow up, his character will develop - docile, stubborn, sociable or passive to everything that happens.

The main thing is that such a dog will always be loyal to its owner and will become a good watchdog.

All representatives of this breed are distinguished by good intellectual abilities, at the same time they are very proud and wayward. But they get along well with children, they have good endurance and patience.

Only another angry dog ​​can provoke Shar-Pei to aggressive actions. In case of danger, this dog will not only be able to stand up for itself, but also to defend its owner. In everyday life, such a dog is very docile and peaceful.


Those who decide to have a blue Shar Pei puppy should familiarize themselves with the basic rules of caring for this breed and the peculiarities of its feeding. Like any dog, the Shar Pei must be periodically brushed with a stiff-bristled brush to comb out the coat.

When bathing, it is important to ensure that water does not enter the dog's ears, since even a small amount of water that gets into the ear canals can cause the development of various kinds of diseases. When bathing, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse all the folds, while it is better to use shampoos designed specifically for this breed, due to the high sensitivity of the dog's skin.

After bathing with a towel, or better with a hairdryer, thoroughly dry the areas between the folds.

Blue Shar Pei need daily physical activity, long walks in the fresh air and communication with the owner. A dog that has actively spent time outdoors will behave calmly and quietly at home.

Shar Pei are quite sensitive to the sun, therefore, it is better to walk them in the morning and in the evening.

Nutrition should combine meat, various cereals and vegetables.

It is important to know that pork is prohibited, and chicken can cause severe allergies. When feeding dry food, you should give preference to hypoallergenic premium and holistic food. It is best to feed your dog by combining dry mixes and canned foods. Shar Pei nutrition plays a key role in the normal life of the dog.

All about Shar Pei dogs, see the next video.

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