Shar Pei

How to raise a Shar Pei properly?

How to raise a Shar Pei properly?
  1. Raising and socializing a puppy
  2. At what age is it better to start training?
  3. rules
  4. Rewards and punishments
  5. Tips for Beginners

Shar Pei is an amazing breed of dog. Its representatives look quite harmless and very cute, but they have a strong character. If we turn to the history of this breed, it is worth noting that earlier dogs were quite large and were used mainly in the role of hunters for large animals or guards. Modern Shar Pei inherited the character of their ancestors, so you should pay close attention to their upbringing. Let's consider the nuances of raising this breed in more detail.

(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 1 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Below the average
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Long periods
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Security qualities
(Rated 3 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed "Shar Pei" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

Raising and socializing a puppy

You can hear about the Shar Pei that it is difficult to train, does not lend itself to training, shows waywardness, but today many breeders can boast of perfectly trained pets. It is impossible to properly educate a Shar Pei if you use motivational and power methods to train them. This breed is simply cannot tolerate coercion.

With the right motivation, Shar Pei learn great at home.

Respect for the owner

The main rule of education should be respect for the owner. Shar Pei strive to be leaders, but you need to make them understand their place, where in the pack they are not the main ones. Only in this case will the pet be able to succumb to human influence. Shar Pei are very concerned about their personal safety, so they are under constant tension as a leader, but as a member of a pack, they can calm down as the leader makes a decision.

Important: the role of dominance leads the dog to constant stress, which negatively affects the mental state of the dog, it is necessary to train the puppy well in order to prevent stress in the future.

You must understand that the smaller the puppy, the more he needs his mother, and when he is taken away from her, he experiences severe stress. You can usually buy a puppy between the ages of 2.5 and 4 months. After purchase, it is worth adhering to the usual regimen for the dog for at least the first 2 weeks, which will slightly reduce the stress level for the puppy.

Initially, the puppy is not immune, so it is very important to consider getting vaccinated. All injections should be strictly followed on schedule. If you postpone this procedure for later, then the process of socialization of the puppy will also move away. Some coaches believe that not walking is worse than illness. You should not completely believe this judgment, but it should be understood that the socialization of the pet is very important.

Nickname training

Initially, you need to show affection to the puppy, but do not forget about severity. Already from the first days it is worth teaching him to the nickname. It usually doesn't take long. The owner must address the dog starting with its name. Then the memorization process will take place pretty quickly for the "kid".

Interruption of unwanted actions

You should be strict with your puppy when he does unwanted actions. In other words, this is the "Fu" command. It is worth immediately abandoning softness, indulgences will only harm the upbringing process. If your puppy does something unwanted, don't laugh or bully. You should show your dissatisfaction with the behavior of the dog - lower your voice, take a pose, convey emotions with facial expressions.

Toilet training

Initially, the puppy should be taught to relieve himself on a diaper, since he still cannot use the tray. It is necessary to practice the skill from the first day the puppy got to you. You should be very careful. If you notice that the puppy is looking for somewhere to relieve himself, immediately it should be carried to the diaper. You do not need to be very strict with the "baby", because approximately until 5-6 months, he cannot fully control the urge, so certain situations will happen.

Accustoming to the place

Some owners feel that training in a place is not very important when raising a puppy. Quite often, this skill fades into the background, and then it is quite difficult to "work out" it. Of course, in order for the puppy to start listening to this command, you will need to spend a lot of patience and energy. If the dog returns to its place, then it shows that it agrees that the place of the leader belongs to you, and also shows self-control and restraint. It is worth rewarding your pet for following commands to increase the puppy's motivation.

Important: if the dog is guilty, then you just need to take it to its place. It is strictly forbidden to spank the puppy or stomp his feet.

At what age is it better to start training?

The sooner you start training a Shar Pei, the better. It is necessary to take seriously the education of the pet even on the first day of his stay in your home. You should immediately abandon rudeness, since it will only aggravate the situation, as it introduces representatives of this breed into stress. The dog begins to feel an irresistible desire to oppose the aggressor. The main accents should be put down delicately and softly. Shar Pei puppies can usually be purchased between 10 and 18 weeks of age.


To properly train and educate a Shar Pei, you must adhere to consistency. If a certain action is prohibited today, then the next day you should not give up slack. If you show gentleness, the upbringing process will be reduced to zero, moreover, the dog may get confused, later not understanding what exactly you want from it. She will begin to decide on her own, which is not very good.

Do not use the command to prohibit actions often., since this can lead to the process of inhibition of the nervous system in an immature baby. For example, if you notice that your puppy is chewing on your shoes, do not run to him screaming and pull your shoes out of your mouth. Doing so can shock your puppy and undermine his confidence in you. It is necessary to distract the "kid" with a toy to pick up the shoes.

For a puppy

The optimal training age is 2.5–3 months. In order to properly raise a puppy, treats and games should be used. The "kid" still cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time, he quickly switches attention. You should be patient, because he quickly loses interest in the game, gets tired. Initially, the workout should be 1-2 minutes, but every half hour... It is necessary to smoothly increase the time interval, bringing it to 5 minutes, but the interval between workouts in this case should be at least two hours.

In the first lessons, you need to teach the puppy to follow the owner, while fully trusting him. The owner stands in front of the dog face to face, while holding the treat in his left hand. Then he begins to walk with his back forward, the "kid" reaches for the delicacy.

Initially, the hand with the tasty treat should be at the level of the puppy's nose. Over time, it should be raised higher. Usually, within a month, the dog already perfectly fulfills this command. Further, the position of the owner changes. Now the puppy should sit near the owner's left leg, there is a treat in his hand, and the puppy can get it. You don't have to give a command, just start walking. It is worth keeping a step so that you walk with the dog evenly.

Important: you should seek help from a dog handler, as he will help you adjust the training of the Shar Pei without harming him. If training a Shar Pei puppy is not correct, it can break him.

For an adult dog

If it is necessary to take up the education of an adult dog, then many problems arise here, which requires a lot of effort. An adult Shar Pei is already resisting. If you need to raise an adult dog, go directly to the dog handler, you will not be able to cope with him on your own. If you train her, then there is no guarantee that the dog will not use its teeth when you support the stomach during the "Stand" command or press on the croup to seat it.

Rewards and punishments

The dog always learns from its own experience. If encouraged after performing the right actions, she will repeat them in order to further deserve a treat. If the result turned out to be negative, the pet received a punishment, then he will also remember this experience, while trying not to provoke such situations anymore. To train a Shar Pei, you can use the well-known "carrot and stick" method. But you should be careful to prevent some errors from occurring.

  • The dog usually evaluates the situation differently than the owner. For example, if the pet does not follow the command, the owner begins to push him away, the puppy may regard this as another game. If the dog barks, and the person begins to scream, then for the dog this is an approval.
  • Speed ​​reaction... You can only punish a dog if you catch it hot. For example, a dog tore apart a pillow while in an apartment alone. And when you came, she happily greeted you. If in this case you start scolding her, then she will associate the negative not with damage to the pillow, but with a joyful meeting of the owner. It’s worth doing the same with encouragement.The treat should be given right away when doing the right thing.
  • Provoking. It is worth anticipating situations so as not to leave your pet where he can do dirty tricks. If your Shar Pei loves to chew on shoes, then it is better to hide them away when you are about to leave the house, leaving your pet alone. If the dog relieves on the carpet, it is worth removing it from the floor.
  • The guilty look has nothing to do with dirty tricks. Many owners think that the dog understands what harm it has done, so it hides its eyes, turns its head away, and so on. In general, this is how the dog reacts to the owner's anger, because he is angry and will now punish him for something. This is how the dog shows that it obeys the strongest, mistaking you for its leader.

Tips for Beginners

Training should start with the basics of obedience - you should not constantly squeeze it, take it to your bed to sleep, give it treats all the time. If you are still new to this business, take advantage of the advice of experienced Sharpei breeders.

  • You should refrain from petting, as it should be a reward for the pet. It should be given in dosage, that is, if the dog deserves it, and does not ask for it.
  • The puppy is worth watching, but not interfering with his normal life. If he does nothing wrong, then you should not be forbidden to get acquainted with the objects around him. However, if the actions of the "baby" threaten his health, then this should be prevented.
  • It is strictly forbidden to sleep with a puppy in bed - it must have its own place to sleep, because in the future the dog will grow up, but will continue to sleep with you. If the puppy tries to climb onto the bed, then it should be scolded.

Next, watch a video on how to properly raise Sharpei.

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