How many Shar Pei live and what does it depend on?

Shar Pei is the original medium-sized dog breed. Hoping for a long life for their pets, breeders are willing to buy puppies. And it depends on what kind of care they organize, what kind of food they choose for feeding, how the requirements for optimal physical activity will be met.

About breed
Sharpei are a figment of the imagination of ancient breeders from China. The Chinese are a people who consider dogs to be food. There are few dog breeds in the country, but one of them, the Shar Pei, appeared for a reason. She was taken out to drive livestock, protect property and the life of the owner.
The dog has a purely working purpose, but it is difficult to believe in it due to its peculiar appearance. Wrinkles cause complaints. They make the pet look vulnerable. The Chinese conceived a skin not in height, like armor: while the enemy pulls the fold over himself, the dog will regroup and fight back.
Shar Pei experienced almost complete extermination and restoration in the second half of the 20th century with the acquisition of a standard and purebred line. Their average weight is from 18 to 25 kg, and their height is from 45 to 50 centimeters.
The dog has a strong build, a hippopotamus-like muzzle, and a square-shaped body.
Life span
Although Shar-Peis are referred to the golden mean, their heavy body structure affects their life. They would be long-livers if they were slim. Sharpei live 10-12 years... Their life is short, but there is a legend about a long-lived dog who lived for 17 years. Scientists do not refute it: the genotype, due to restoration and mixing with other breeds, stores an abundance of hereditary information. Boys live 2-3 years less than girls. How many years a Shar Pei will live depends not only on its gender.
Endurance and life expectancy is lower in purebred Sharpei. Because of the "clean" lines in the genotype, there are many homozygous manifestations. They will live only 10 years, and if there were street mongrels among their distant ancestors, then longer.

The size
Much depends on the weight of the dog. The physiological processes occurring in the body are designed for average height and size. If the dog weighs more, the systems and organs work under stress and strain, respectively, aging faster. If the weight is less than the average, the pet will live longer due to its greater durability resource. Veterinarians take this into account if the breeder is interested in the prognosis of a pet's life.

Conditions of detention
At home, it is important to arrange proper care for Sharpei. Their lifespan depends on what they eat and whether the breeder monitors their activity. With a competent approach to health and attentiveness to diseases, it will grow significantly. The lifespan is not affected by the climate in the place of residence. The animal tolerates cold, heat and frequent temperature changes.
By depriving the pet of the street, the owner harms him. Because of this, his physical activity is reduced to zero.
Therefore, there is a prospect of death before 10-12 years. If you walk the dog, allow it to run, bark, play, swim, then it will live longer. But excessive loads are useless, otherwise the body will not withstand and will quickly wear out.
Sexual activity
Shar Pei girls do not live long if they often give birth to many puppies. If you go to extremes and give up intercourse, the outcome will be the same. Therefore, the breeder must find a "golden mean" in reproduction.

Life extension methods
The main thing is to ensure optimal care of the Shar-Pei. When organizing it, the following recommendations are observed:
- they go to the veterinarian regularly, without missing scheduled examinations and recommended vaccinations;
- nutrition is made balanced and of high quality, including ready-made feed and ordinary food in the diet;
- provide sufficient physical activity for the pet;
- take care of skin folds.
Do not overfeed dogs. If you feed Shar-Pei without controlling the diet, then they are at risk of obesity. This will cause joint and heart problems. Excess weight leads to a reduction in life span by one third.
Shar Pei is a companion dog, hunter and watchman. Caring for him, although important, but the genotype comes to the fore with a lifespan. From what distant ancestors he had, it depends how long he will live. The genotype changes if the diet is complete and physical activity is sufficient... Socialization and training are also important to exclude aggression and deterioration of the general condition of the animal.

For more information on what features Shar Pei have, see the next video.
I love this breed. There is no special care behind the folds - this is a myth.