What is a shredder and how to choose one?

These days, store shelves are literally overflowing with a lot of kitchen utensils and useful utensils. Modern shredders are very popular and come in many different types. In the article we will look at what a shredder is and how to choose it correctly.

What it is?
The shredder is a safe tool that turns out to be very useful on the farm if you have to cook often, quickly and in large quantities. These devices contain a special knife that does not come into contact with human hands in any way.

The shredder is also one of the functions of modern food processors.
The shredding process itself implies fine grinding of products for the preparation of various dishes or preparations. As a rule, vegetables, fruits, herbs, boiled meat and so on are subjected to shredding.

There are many different types of shredders - from the simplest to multifunctional and ultra-modern. Each variety has its own distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages.
There are many different types of classic shredders. Such devices are found in almost every home. They are cheap and extremely easy to use. Let's take a closer look at products from this category.
The simplest classic shredder is an ordinary board, in which sharp cutters are built. During use, this device must be supported by hand. In other variations of such products, there is a special box located on a wooden base - vegetables are put here for processing.If desired, the blades can be replaced or repositioned here. Unlike plastic graters, these plank-like varieties do not slip on the table surface.

With their help, you can chop food in large quantities.
- There are also special graters with a blade, which are made of plastic. These varieties are more modern and offer a wide range of prices. The buyer can purchase the cheapest disposable model or spend money on a better and more expensive shredder. Many of these varieties are equipped with additional attachments, as well as containers. Instances with different attachments are called "mandolin cutters".

- You can also use a knife with two blades for shredding. Such a shredder knife is equipped with a steel plate, on which there is a double-type blade. The latter is located at a small angle. This is for the convenience of users, especially if the cabbage needs to be chopped across the grain. Often, shredder knives are equipped with plastic handles, also at a slight angle.

- Slicers are supplied with only one knife. In them, the knife is installed perpendicular to the direction of movement of the ingredients in the course of cutting. Thanks to this device, it is possible to make straws or rings from vegetables.

- There are classic disc cutters. In them, the disc part has holes with sharp edges. Discs are removable - each of the attachments has its own properties and features. Models are very popular for cutting products by hand in the form of circles. Such specimens are suitable for processing cheese and sausages.

- A pair of angled cutting surfaces are provided in V-knife graters. This results in better cut quality even if the blades are already dull. Graters make it possible to chop food, they can form sticks, rings or thin slices.

- Not the most popular is the cylindrical grater. It is rarely found on sale. The small demand for such a shredder is due to the fact that it is designed exclusively for chopping vegetables. The model is safe, but not very functional.

Modern electric grinders are the most comfortable, functional and practical. They are in great demand. Large manufacturers produce not only household but also industrial units of this type.
Household electric grinders are divided into the following subspecies.
Drum. If you look at such a model, it will resemble a familiar meat grinder. Most often, such copies are sold complete with special pushers, auxiliary nozzles and other necessary accessories. The cost of drum units varies - they are both cheap and expensive.
Flat. Most often, such devices have a flat, horizontally oriented body in their design. The quality of these options largely depends on how tight and strong the existing tank is. The power of the motor in flat models also plays an important role.

Today, buyers can find other variations of electric shredders on sale.
Standard. Standard type devices were originally designed for chopping fruits, vegetables, herbs, onions and other similar products. These copies are equipped with a large number of convenient attachments that allow you to form cubes, slices, shavings, straws and so on. Usually, such devices demonstrate high performance, work rather quickly, but at the same time they are almost silent.
Electric knife for shredding. Such devices are one of the varieties of food processors. The electric knife cuts food with a sharp disc blade made of quality stainless steel. The cutting thickness in these devices can usually be adjusted.

Multifunctional shredder models are very popular because they allow you to solve many problems. Today this technique is presented in a huge assortment. Often, multifunctional devices are produced not only for household but also for industrial use.
Consider several shredders from this category.
Shredder-meat grinder. Electric multifunctional appliances of this type can serve not only as vegetable cutters, but also as meat grinders. With their help, you can grind a large amount of food - vegetables, fruits, etc. Models are suitable for shredding cabbage, as well as grinding meat.

In the set with these multifunctional options, there are also many attachments; removable glasses with legs can be provided.
- Multi-cuts. The dream of many owners. Such devices can boast of a rich functional "filling" and can work as a full-fledged food processor. Often, multi-cutters are used as productive industrial devices. They can efficiently and very quickly grind both raw and boiled foods.

You need to understand that multifunctional models of shredders are often more expensive than classic options. Professional devices with many functions can be made of metal, not plastic, as standard items. These are more reliable, durable and wear-resistant units that are suitable for cutting carrots, cabbage, apples, preparing slices of French fries, and so on.

The multifunctional category also includes universal models of shredders in the form of graters, assembled from several blades with different-sized notches. Such designs are usually equipped with a handle at the top, are the easiest to use, and are inexpensive.

When using them, a person needs to be careful not to accidentally cut his fingers on the pointed notches.
Top manufacturers
The current market has been conquered by many large manufacturers producing high-quality models of shredders of various types. Let's take a closer look at the top models from the best and most famous brands.
Top Tools WMF. A first-class grater with an ergonomic and very comfortable structure. The product is made of stainless steel, which does not oxidize, does not undergo mechanical damage. This shredder is of excellent quality, good sharpness, dishwasher safe, and has a removable tray. The main disadvantage of this option is the high price.

- CooknCo 2200115 BergHOFF. A universal grater with a very convenient and practical design. The model is equipped with a container, boasts an attractive design and an affordable price. The product is complemented by removable attachments. The grater panels are made of stainless steel and the base is made of dense plastic.

- Opti Grater EMSA. A very original compact grater, the design of which is foldable. The model is equipped with cool non-slip blades, it is convenient and safe in terms of storage. The grater is quite inexpensive, it can be washed in the dishwasher.

- Roma knife. It is a very popular kitchen appliance that copes with many tasks. The cutting surface of the knife is made of practical stainless steel. The item has a very comfortable handle, allows you to cut fruits and vegetables into even and neat pieces, perfect for preparing salads.

- "Hostess". An excellent knife for shredding, which is also made of stainless steel. The device has a plastic and very ergonomic handle with an anti-slip surface. The design provides for a pair of sharp blades at a slight angle.

- Moulinex Fresh Express Cube DJ9058. One of the most bought and high quality models of shredders. The device is equipped with 5 bright colored inserts. A 280 W motor is installed here.

- First Austria 5112-2. An inexpensive but very convenient and practical shredder, it is a great alternative to manual tools. The power is 200 W, the set includes 4 additional attachments. In the case there is a compartment for them and for the power cord.

- Caso CR3X. Another popular electric grinder, in which a 220 W motor is installed. Even hard vegetables can be easily processed. Blocking against accidental launches is provided.

The device is dishwasher safe. Caso CR3X is renowned for its attractive design.
- Redmond RJ-912S. High-quality screw juicer, which allows not only squeezing juices from products, but also shredding components for delicious salads and various snacks. The device has 9 automatic programs. The model is functional, easy to use, has a beautiful appearance.

Selection Tips
Let us find out, based on what basic criteria, the optimal model of a high-quality shredder should be selected.
Device type. Initially, the buyer should decide which type of shredder he wants to buy - manual, in the form of a grater, electric or mechanical model. Each of these types has its own pros and cons, cost and operating features.

- Engine power. If an electric model is selected, then first of all the user needs to take into account its power. If the device is bought for processing soft foods, then the smallest power of 50 watts will be enough.

If, however, the cutting of hard vegetables and other similar components will be carried out, then it is better to take equipment with a power of at least 100 watts.
- Number of attachments. It is recommended to buy such shredders that are equipped with a large number of different attachments. These instances are distinguished by wider functionality and capabilities.

- Blade and body materials. Regardless of the type of shredder, it is important to pay attention to the material from which it is made. The best blades are made of stainless steel, and the bodies are made of metal. There are also plastic body parts that are cheaper, but more prone to scratches and chips. If the devices have containers, they can be plastic or glass. The latter are of better quality and more wear-resistant.

- Ergonomics. Any device should be comfortable and ergonomic. Hand knives, graters, electric shredders, and multi-shredders must comply with this requirement. Initially, it is better to hold all products in your hands, consider the features of their control. It is advisable to buy such devices in which there are anti-slip comfortable surfaces.

- Tank volume. Many shredder models are equipped with plastic or glass containers for shredded products. Their volume is different. Some units are designed for portions of no more than 200 g, while others will hold more than 1 kg of food. The capacity of the tanks depends only on the wishes and requirements of the buyer.

- Brand. It is recommended to buy only high quality branded shredders. You should not save on buying such things, since many of them are already quite inexpensive - this applies to knives, graters, and electrical devices.

Application rules
Any shredder must be used correctly. The set with electrical appliances always comes with detailed operating instructions, which the purchaser should familiarize himself with.
Let's learn about the general principles of use on the example of electric grinders.
It is allowed to start using the device only after a detailed inspection. If the buyer finds faults or breakdowns, he should immediately contact the service center.
The equipment may only be connected to a network with a suitable voltage level.
The shredder must be on a level surface. Only permitted ingredients can be grinded.
The knives can only be changed when the device is disconnected from the mains.
After each use, the equipment is disconnected from the network, and then cleaned of all food debris.