Beautiful and unusual names for chinchillas

The fluffy and soft chinchilla is an unpretentious and cute pet. It is pleasant to stroke him, it is fascinating to observe his habits, and caring for this creature is not difficult. The advantage of the chinchilla is its hypoallergenic fur, so this animal can be started by an asthmatic or allergic person.
Having brought a rodent home for the first time, you need to think about what you can call a furry friend.

Choosing a name
Many do not really think about the name of the animal and call the chinchilla any simple name: Kuzya, Senya, Alisa. But there are owners who love individuality, and they really want to have an animal with an unusual nickname in their house. You can, for example, call your pet a human name: Mitya, Gosha, Pashka, Masha, Katyusha, Vasilisa.
To make the name easy to pronounce, try to avoid complicated and long words. It is believed that chinchillas respond well to their name, but only remember the first two syllables. Therefore, the rodent will like a short nickname more, and it will be easier for the owner to pronounce it. If you still want to call your pet a beautiful foreign name, for example Enrikke, then you can shorten it to Rikki.
You can give your pet the nickname of a famous rodent from a movie or cartoon. Still, cartoons about chinchillas are not filmed, and all rodents are similar in their habits, so the names of famous mice and rats are suitable:
- Mickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse;
- Feivel (American Mouse);
- Jerry (Tom and Jerry);
- Peak ("Mouse Peak", a fairy tale by V. Bianchi);
- Stuart Little;
- Remy (Ratatouille);
- Pikachu ("Pokemon");
- Gadget ("Chip and Dale").
It is not necessary to name a chinchilla after a rodent. You can pick up the name of a famous person.

Let it be the owner's favorite athlete (Schumacher, Dzyuba, Tretyak, Tyson), an idol from the world of music (Kurt, Tsoi, Bilan, Shakira, Zemfira), favorite actor (Bloom, Gomez, Diesel, Smith, Lopez), famous politician (Chubais, Yeltsin, Putin, Trump, Angela).
If the owner considers himself an intelligentsia, then he can be called a chinchilla in memory of the famous composer (Chopin, Schubert, Mozart). If you like Beethoven more, but his surname is too long, then you can give the pet his name - Ludwig. Nicknames are suitable for art lovers' favorites Pablo, Raphael, Rubens. Those who are passionate about classical literature can call a chinchilla in honor of the famous writer (for example: Byron, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Balzac) or a famous book character (Onegin, Hamlet, Sherlock, Tarzan).
Don't forget about superheroes. It is unlikely that someone else will have a chinchilla named Batman, Marvell, Hulk, Genna, Zatara. You can also remember the famous historical figures and name the pet Napoleon, Lincoln, Caesar, Cleopatra. You can choose an interesting and funny name, focusing on the modern stars of Russian show business: Urgant, Dorn, Oleshko, Kravets, Nyusha.
Nicknames on the "sweet" theme are popular:
- Wafer;
- Cookie cookie;
- Donut;
- Marshmallow;
- Plum;
- Plush;
- Toffee;
- Lollipop.

In appearance and character
You can choose a nickname that is suitable for a particular chinchilla. It is difficult to name this animal, starting from the color, since chinchillas do not differ in color variety. Usually these rodents are gray or white, but occasionally brown and black individuals are found. If a typical representative of a gray color has appeared in the house, then you can choose the following name options from the list:
- Smoke;
- Ash;
- Smokey;
- Haze;
- Cinderella;
- Cloud;
- Fog;
- Mouse;
- Serka.
If the chinchilla has black fur, then the following nicknames are suitable for it:
- Black;
- Coal;
- Gypsy;
- Dusk;
- Night;
- Graphite;
- Space.

For snow-white rodents, you can choose a name from the following options:
- Snowball;
- Belek;
- Amur;
- Casper;
- Bella;
- Snowball;
- Icicle;
- Vanilla.
Brown animals can be named like this:
- Loaf;
- Snickers;
- Chocolate;
- Cinnamon;
- Bounty;
- Bruno;
- Coconut;
- Kashtanka.

Chinchillas can differ not only in color, but also in size.
If a little chinchilla girl lives in a cage, then she can be called that: Minnie, Malka, Melly (from the word "small"), Flash drive, Baby. Names are suitable for a miniature boy Kid, Compact, Ruble, Little. If it is a large, well-fed animalwho loves to eat, then the nicknames of Rodent, Obzhorka, Bun, Stew, Muscle, Chest can become options. For such plump animals, you can pick up a funny name., creating a contrast with the appearance: Macho, Glamor, Grace, Ballerina, Waist.
Pay attention to the character of the pet. If this is an active energetic guy, then you can call him Whirlwind, Wind, Crazy, Shustrik, Hurricane. For a mobile girl, the names Tsunami, Vyushka, Tempest, Rocket, Bullet, Yulka (from the word "whirligig") are suitable. If a pet leads a measured life, has a calm and thoughtful disposition, then you can call it Lapot, Pate, Rokhlya, Mattress, Dumka, Sonya, Dushka.
For always offended animals, who are angry for any reason and still strive to grab the owner by the finger, the names of Bully, Besik, Gryzlik, Cactus, Crook, Dembel, Zlyuk, Yabed, Resentment, Splinter, Byaka are suitable. Chinchillas-cowards who are afraid of every rustle and at the slightest change in the usual conditions, they hide deeper into the house, one can call Shukher, Fright, Bunny, Panic, Phobia, Murashka. Affectionate chinchillas who like to sit on the arms of the owner, you can give the nickname Nezhik, Laskun, Nezhka, Nega, Laska.

Paired nicknames
If chinchillas are bought in pairs, then both individuals can be named after famous characters. For two guys, names are suitable: Chip and Dale, Chuk and Gek, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, Timon and Pumbaa, Bolek and Lelek, Vintik and Shpuntik. For girls, you can choose one of the following options: Clara and Rosa, Belka and Strelka, Button and Mushka (from The Adventures of Dunno), Alpha and Betta, Olya and Yalo, Flora and Fauna, Zita and Gita.
For a traditional boy and girl couple, it's pretty easy to find a name. One has only to remember the famous lovers: Romeo and Juliet, Ken and Barbie, Tristan and Isolde, Bonnie and Clyde, Kai and Gerda, Shrek and Fiona.
Try not to choose complicated names like Napoleon and Josephine, as it is difficult and time consuming to pronounce, and it will be much more difficult for pets to remember.

Alphabetical names
Sometimes, for some reason, the owner wants to name the chinchilla for a specific letter of the alphabet. For example, an animal lover named the cat Kuzey, the dog Knopka and the parrot Kesha, so he will try to find a name for the new pet with the letter "K". Below is an alphabetical list of beautiful and fun possible nicknames for a chinchilla.
For boys:
- Ike, Arthur, Arnold, Albert, Angel;
- Bonjour, Bike, Bond, Bingo, Boss, Baron;
- Venya, Valka, Victor, Vermouth, Vizbor, Jack;
- Georg, Gosha, Gena, Hoffman, Gnome, Graf;
- Denis, Daniel, Danko, Demon, Dobrynya, Dollar;
- Emelya, Efim, Euro, Epifan, Eroshka;
- Joseph, Zheka, Julien, Jules Verne, Zhorik;
- Zinovy, Zorro, Call, Zyova, Znayka;
- Iris, Ilya, X, Ippolit, Hindu;
- Cyril, Case, Key, Knopik, Kostik;
- Burdock, Leader, Gloss, Scooper, Leonard, Lord;
- Murzik, Marquis, Maurice, Malcolm, Monster;
- Ninja, Norik, Nils, Nolik, Nemo, Nafanya;
- Oliver, Olivier, Oscar, Onyx, Olympus;
- Gingerbread, Pascal, Punch, Peter, Peach;
- Rum, Romulus, Rostik, Ruslan, Reebok;
- Semyon, Stefan, Soup, Silver, Syrup;
- Fog, Timur, Tom, Tuzik, Tolik;
- Wales, William, White, Ulrich, Clever Man;
- Thomas, Philip, Finance, Focus, Fufel;
- Khrustik, Ponytail, Houston, Whip, Hottabych;
- Circus performer, Tsylia, Candied fruit, Cicero, Cent;
- Chicha, Chukcha, Cheburek, Chumazik, Chmok, Chipka;
- Charm, Mischief, Whisper, Rustle, Shermon;
- Chip, Sorrel, Chipun, Sherbet;
- Edik, Erdman, Erast, Ernest, Einstein;
- Julius, Yurik, Junga, Yuppi, Jupiter;
- Yashka, Yarik, Yamal, Yakut, Amber.

For girls:
- Harp, Aria, Amanda, Arina, Anlana;
- Buffy, Berta, Bucha, Bali, Busya;
- Victoria, Violet, Venus, Vera, Viagra, Wendy;
- Gloria, Gamma, Gabi, Gucci, Graphics;
- Dolce, Donya, Duska, Lady, Dasha;
- Eva, Blackberry, Erosha, Egoza, Esya;
- Zhanka, Zhulka, Geneva, Julie, Jacqueline, Jasmine;
- Fun, Riddle, Zumba, Zinka, Zulya;
- Inga, Iya, Inessa, Isabella, Illusion, Raisin;
- Clepa, Button, Pussy, Carrie, Copy;
- Linda, Sweetheart, Lyuska, Lariska, Lime;
- Mafia, Masha, Miranda, Masyanya, Molly;
- Mink, Nellie, Naina, Notka, Nicole;
- Olivia, Olive, Olga, Omega, Omelia;
- Penny, Pusya, Button, Bullet, Prosh;
- Riga, Rybka, Shot, Tails, Ryska;
- Stesha, Sally, Simka, Sunny, Sambuca;
- Tina, Tango, Tusya, Tosya, Taira, Mystery;
- Smile, Umka, Ulyana, Urma, Ulfina;
- Fanta, Faina, Fanya, Fishka, Frosya, Fenya, Fortuna;
- Chloe, Helga, Khrustya, Hannah, Khrumka;
- Chick, Tsarina, Digit, Cera, Flower;
- Chelsea, Chita, Chunya, Chupa, Chuchundra, Chipsa;
- Chanel, Checker, Shanezhka, Spool, Shusha;
- Ellie, Elizabeth, Elma, Elsa, Ashley;
- Julia, Yushka, Juno, Utah, Judith;
- Yanka, Yaga, Yasya, Java, Jamaica.
In the next video, other beautiful and unusual names for chinchillas are waiting for you.