How to determine the gender of a chinchilla?

Breeding animals at home should be taken seriously, even when the animal is small. The most popular pets include the chinchilla. In order to properly maintain this animal, you must be able to determine its gender. These data will help not only when choosing a pair, but also when it is necessary to determine the sex of the offspring.

How to determine gender?
Determination of the sex of such an animal as a chinchilla can be done in several ways. Namely:
- to size;
- by behavior;
- on the genitals.
Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that it is advisable to compare the size of two animals only when they are of the same age. First of all, this concerns the choice during the purchase at the pet store. Often, even the seller cannot confidently distinguish between the age and sex of the animals. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the size only in the case when the age of the compared chinchillas is precisely known. So, from individuals of the same age, the female will have larger dimensions than the male.

It should also be borne in mind that sizes also depend on the diet of individuals, as well as on the state of health. In the case when the animal is sickly, receives an unbalanced diet and insufficient vitamins, its size may be smaller than that of its peers. Age also plays an important role. If there is a male in one cage that is older than the female, then his size can be large.
The behavior of animals of different sexes can also be used to determine sex, since it has certain differences. So, in a pair of chinchillas, females play a dominant role, which can be determined by their greater activity and temperament of behavior.
It is worth emphasizing here that during the mating process, the male is not behind the female for the entire period. Often, female chinchillas provoke the male by imitating his movements during mating.

Females of this species are distinguished by their great curiosity, as well as playfulness. Thanks to this, their behavior is always more interesting to observe. Girls can also be called more frisky and sociable, which can be explained by their dominant role in the pack, be it the natural environment, pet shop or home environment. However, this temperament also has its drawbacks, which include excessive aggression during estrus, as well as low stress resistance of chinchilla girls.
Males, on the other hand, are always calm and affectionate. They are much easier to tame.... Therefore, if you plan to have one chinchilla for a child, then the boy will be the best choice. However, passivity and lack of keen interest in the owner can disappoint the child.

Determining the sex of an animal by its genitals can be called the most difficult method, but at the same time the most accurate. The difficulty of examining the genitals lies in the fact that the animal may decide that it is in a dangerous situation and experience stress. In this case, the chinchillas shed their fur, which does not always please the owners.
In order for the chinchilla not to experience stress, when checking, it is necessary to carry out all actions with the utmost care and delicacy. Taking the chinchilla in your hands, you need to pet the animal. So he will be calmer and more comfortable. Then you need to gently grab the animal by the scruff of the neck and turn it belly up, and the muzzle towards you.
After that, you need to slightly pull back the skin in the place where the genitals are located. This will expose them and allow them to be seen. When self-determining the sex of a chinchilla, you should know that it is quite difficult to do this visually due to the similarity of their appearance. The only difference between a female and a male is the distance from the anus to the urethra. In males of this species, it is larger - about 4 mm. In females, the distance is insignificant - up to 1 mm. After the inspection, the chinchilla can be stroked again. A small treat at the end of the procedure is an excellent solution.

Due to the fact that the genitals of the young of this animal are even smaller than those of adults, sex determination becomes more difficult. However, it is still necessary to fulfill it.
Chinchillas are able to reproduce as early as three months of age, however, this can be very stressful for the female. Therefore, sex determination and resettlement of boys and girls of this species of animals must be carried out before the onset of three months of age.

In order to find out the sex of the animal, there is an alternative option - to show the animal itself or a photo of its genitals to a specialist. This could be:
- professional breeder;
- veterinarian.
In the case of transporting chinchillas to the veterinary clinic, it is necessary to take care of the minimum stress for the animals. To do this, you can cover the cage with a towel, and in winter, pre-place small pieces of fur and wool in it, in which the animals can hide from the cold.

Neighborhood of individuals
An animal such as a chinchilla is considered a gregarious one. Keeping only one individual can lead to the fearfulness of the animal, its apathy. To avoid these consequences, it is recommended to start a pair of chinchillas at once. If breeding offspring is undesirable, then two females can be purchased. However, it is worth remembering about possible conflicts and the struggle for territory and the leading role in the pack.
Negative moments can be minimized if you introduce animals to a neutral territory, without tags and odors. To do this, thoroughly wash the cage from the chinchilla secretions with detergent. Purchasing a new, more spacious cage would also be a good option.

The best option for sharing is the neighborhood of two same-sex individuals that appeared in the same litter. Such animals will easily tolerate the neighborhood and the smell of another secret. Chinchillas are excellent little pets that, with proper sexual combination, will delight their owners with playfulness and tenderness.
How to determine the sex in newborn chinchillas can be found in the following video.