Slides by Adidas

Getting ready for the summer, many people out of habit remember the lightweight shoes of the Adidas sports direction. It's not just about sneakers. Slides from Adidas confidently hold the leading position. The relevance of such shoes is in its convenience and practicality.

The sole does not slip, does not jump off when walking, the shoes are worn for a long time and do not lose their original characteristics. It is safe to go to the beach, to the court or to the pool in such slates - the legs are reliably protected. Plus, Adidas slates are a trendy element of summer wardrobe.

Today you can pick up a wide variety of options for these shoes. The range of models includes discreet, classic, romantic and avant-garde options for summer shoes. There are models for children and adults on sale. Adidas women's flip-flops can be adorned with optional accessories.
Modern models of slates differ in that they are specially designed for the needs of different buyers, taking into account the characteristics and sizes of the foot.

The world famous American brand Adidas is an example of a product for the masses and a quality product at the same time. This explains its incredible popularity among several generations of adherents of a sporty and casual style of clothing.

The Adidas flip flops, like the rest of the brand's footwear line, have been designed with the characteristics of footwear in mind for athletes such as swimmers.

The Adidas brand has long and successfully moved from the category of professional equipment to the consumer niche. This global market giant covers all areas of modern life, including work and leisure. At the same time, the footwear retains its original qualities - comfort, wear, reliability, style.

Adidas slides are more related to modern sports, casual or youth fashion. Today you can find a whole collection of these lightweight shoes. It is designed for summer wear in any weather.At the same time, Adidas slates can be seen on fashionistas both on the beach and on city streets.

Several collections of these shoes are created as a separate line of products. In this regard, Adidas works in several directions. The main feature of slates is their recognition, relevance, relevance and versatility.

Adidas slides, advantages:
- excellent quality footwear using new technologies;
- resistance to external weather influences (rain, dirt);
- strength and impeccable appearance;
- environmental friendliness;
- convenience for people with sensitive skin of the feet;
- no need for special shoe care;
- modern materials and stylish design;
- vibrant hues and neutrals for trendy, sporty looks.

Adidas slides are now on sale in the widest variety for every taste and for every outlet.

Let's note the main lineup of these elements of summer wardrobe.
- The adidas Originals slates are considered favorites among women’s models. They have a stylish look and are suitable for urban outings. They are also incredibly comfortable to wear all season long.

This brand is distinguished by a laconic design of the form with the presence of decorative elements in the form of two classic straps, which are fixed in one place (between the thumb and the second toe). The foot in such shoes is as open as possible, which makes slates an indispensable summer accessory. The outsole is made of durable and elastic materials.

You can buy slates in a variety of colors. The lineup includes a series of black slates with pink lettering and a characteristic shamrock.

- Adidas Neo models can be seen on fashionistas everywhere. Their pronounced design makes them mega-popular in a youthful environment. It is not only the appearance of summer shoes of the brightest shades that is attractive.

Its main advantage is lightness, convenience, the ability to use it for everyday wear, adherence to the rules of combinatorialism, a pronounced sporty and casual style.

- Slides from Adidas Adissage as an example of versatile shoe models for the entire summer season. These slates or flip flops have a characteristic rubber lug that stimulates blood circulation well.
Many people love them for their massage effect while walking. Long walks in such slates are a pleasure.

- The Adidas Performance slate models are a new style direction in the world of sports shoes for the summer season.

It is worth noting the use of advanced technologies and stylish design of goods. The slates themselves are hardly felt on the legs, having a high degree of shock absorption. This allows you to significantly reduce the load on the legs and spine during prolonged movement.

How to choose?
The configuration, shape and dimensions of the product are of great importance in choosing the right sports footwear. There are models that are more romantic in design, and there are models with a touch of light brutality.
Each model is individual. Therefore, it is worth trying on shoes, evaluating their external qualities on the leg, the ability to combine with the rest of the set of clothes and accessories.

Sleek, almost weightless, Adidas slates make the perfect addition to your beach vacation outfit. When traveling, it is worth taking care of the condition of your legs, so slates will become an indispensable element in your wardrobe.
When choosing slates, you should pay attention to the quality of the sole, its relief. The flat sole is suitable for the beach, while the grooved sole is suitable for walking around town. It is also worth examining the quality of the upper materials - the slates should not chafe or tear.

For the correct selection of shoes, Adidas has come up with a special dimensional grid. Now shale can be selected in accordance with Russian and foreign parameters. What matters is the length of the foot (in cm). Slates should also be selected taking into account the bending of the foot. Shoes should follow the anatomical shape of the leg.
What to wear with?
On the catwalks, you can see a wide variety of combinations of clothes and shoes, which are not always applicable in real life.Therefore, when choosing the famous Adidas slates, one should proceed from the purpose of the purchase. You can put on these "slippers" for different occasions that accompany us in the summer:
- in the beach season, combining with a swimsuit and a matching pareo;
- with shorts, jeans and T-shirts;
- with light flowing dresses;
- with a home suit.

Adidas women's flip flops are the perfect shoe for summer travel. You can combine them with any sports clothing models. Before changing your shoes into slates, you should take care of the well-groomed feet.

Stylish looks
Scarlet Adidas slides with a characteristic shamrock and lettering on the lintel are perfect for summer holidays. You can take them with you both to the beach and for a walk to the park or city square.

The shoe has a flat sole, there is practically no corrugation on the sole. However, this does not affect the practical properties of the shoe.
Adidas black slate models have slightly grooved soles and are designed for long walks. The graceful design of summer shoes allows you to combine them with different outfits - with a dress, skirt, jeans. You can pick up a volume bag to match.