Felt hat

An excursion into history
The beginning of the twentieth century - it was then that the felt hat rose sharply to the peak of popularity and for many years remained at the top of European and American fashion. No self-respecting man could imagine a suit without this element. The hats emphasized the elegance and seriousness of a person, his position in a rapidly developing society.

It has rarely happened that a Hollywood movie has gone without a character (be it a gangster, a senior official with a cigar in his mouth, or a private detective) wearing a stylish felt headdress. Over time, the stamp of traditional American cinema began to be used less and less, new styles of clothing appeared, so that by 1960, ordinary people moved away from hats.

However, such an attractive thing could not remain in the shadows for a long time, and in the twenty-first century it entered the arena again. Now the felt hat serves as an adornment not only for men, but also for the fair sex.

What to wear with
What can I wear with a felt hat? The answer is given depending on the style in which the product is made, and there are a lot of them.
- Bowler hat. The model has a semicircular shape.

- Floppy. Differs in wide fields.

- Cloche. Due to its style it got the name "bell".

- Boater. Comfortable brimmed hat.

- Tribly. Endowed with a longitudinal indentation at the top and tape.

- Slouch. The product is small in size with a rounded crown.

- Tablet. This hat is only suitable for special occasions, because it is fixed exclusively on asymmetrically styled hair.

Each style will give the girl an unprecedented sophistication. A felt hat performs an amazing function: it can visually eliminate any imperfections in appearance and even make your silhouette slimmer.
- Fedor. It is easily recognizable thanks to the three dents on the top.

A luxurious felt hat will look perfect in the atmosphere of a secular evening in an expensive restaurant, theater or at a wedding. The symbiosis of the product with a classic trouser suit and a sheath dress is beyond praise! A dark clutch is suitable as an accessory.

The hat will become a faithful friend in the autumn and winter seasons: the fields are protected from sharp winds and snowstorms. Moreover, cloche is best combined with sweaters and long, strict coats.
The girl who chose this felt hat will have to do makeup every time, because the cloche focuses on the lips and eyes.

Fedora is a unisex hat. It often includes leather, tweed and suede. Also, the felt hat is complemented with decorative elements - rhinestones, bows, straps, sparkles. In the classic versions, these decorations are not available.
Young women of fashion use fedora in combination with black trousers with suspenders and a white shirt. The result is a stunning, daring image.
You can embody a more feminine variation with pumps and a little black dress.
Lovers of a strict look will love a black felt hat paired with a trench coat and a suit coat.

Most often, the model stands out in bright shades: red, blue, purple. Rarely, a boater is found without a variety of decorations in the form of feathers, bows, metal and glass inserts. In a hat, the girl will look like a true lady.
Boaters should be worn with dresses decorated in light colors and a checkered pattern. A fluffy long scarf and high-heeled shoes will be a wonderful addition.

Versatile options
Not all women are adherents of a style that conveys the atmosphere of the twentieth century through the prism of modernity. Sweatshirts, jeans and T-shirts are all popular nowadays - why not create a bold look with a felt hat?
The combination of skinny jeans, a loose sweater with original colors, sneakers and a hat will make the girl irresistible at any party or on a casual walk with friends.

Create a charmingly insolent bow with the help of the union of a felt hat and a leather jacket.

But not all items in demand in the twenty-first century will look spectacular with a felt hat. Experiments with ugg boots, wide "rapper" jeans and sweatshirts will not end well.

For a bath
Felt hats come in handy in the bath, which once again proves their versatility. The advantage of using a hat in this location is that the fabric does not have the unpleasant smell of wool. They are very soft and do not irritate the skin.

The style of felt hats for the bath is notable for its variety. They are colorless, resembling caps, and originally decorated with embroidery, inserts and appliqués.

How to clean?
Constant use under various weather conditions, a long stay on a dusty shelf in the closet - these factors have an extremely negative effect on the fastidious felt, therefore, every owner of an exquisite hat should be aware of how to clean it, so that the thing will please with a presentable appearance for many years.

At the beginning of the cleaning process, it is worth getting rid of the dust. The devices for this need the simplest: an ordinary clothes brush or a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle will do.
- If you need to get rid of shiny scuffs caused by constant wear, you need fine-grained sandpaper, and if it is not at hand, you can replace it with table salt.
- Sweat marks and street dust can be easily removed with a mixture of salt, ammonia and table vinegar. You must act carefully, how to squeeze the rag so that the felt does not get wet and does not lose its shape.

Fighting traces of water
What should I do if my felt hat gets wet when cleaning or due to rainfall? You can save yourself from deformation if you stuff the product with newspapers, magazines or paper, and then leave it in a warm and dry place, but away from the battery.
After this procedure, the rain marks will not disappear, so you will have to perform a number of more steps:
- Hold the hat over a saucepan of boiling water.
- Smooth out the pile with a brush.
- Soak a brush in cool water and sweep over the entire surface of the hat.

How to get rid of grease stains?
If the stain is fresh, there are several proven ways to deal with it:
- Salt keeps any fabric from stains. Suitable for a felt hat too.
- Rubbing your hat with a dry crust of brown bread is an effective option.

In the event that the stain is already old and strongly eaten into the fabric, you will have to use refined gasoline and potato starch. After mixing the simple ingredients, it is necessary to apply the resulting mass to the contaminated areas of the felt hat, wait for the mixture to dry, and gently shake off with a brush. You can eliminate stains with a rag or sponge, after immersing it in a solution of water and citric acid.

Different colors - different cleaning methods
There is a common mistake that has lasting consequences. Some girls use a white felt cleaner when they need to clean a different color. This invariably results in permanent damage to the material of the hat.
To clean white felt, not only a chemical stain remover is suitable, but also a folk remedy - bran. It is necessary to rub them thoroughly into the fabric and shake them off after a few minutes.

Yellowness on the white felt hat? An easy-to-make solution will be required: a liter of water, four tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and two teaspoons of ammonia. It remains to dip a clothes brush into the "potion" and go over the fabric with it.

Felt hats, made in dark shades, are cleaned with tobacco broth. You only need one tablespoon diluted in a liter of cool water. After that, the product will smell as if the owner is a heavy smoker, so it is recommended to ventilate the hat on the balcony for a couple of days.

Optimal storage space
In order not to have to worry about cleaning the felt hat once again, it is worth storing it correctly. The site must be protected from dust, moisture and strong odors. A small cardboard box filled with paper is a good option.

Now you know how to clean and where to store your felt hat. Following the above tips, you will be able to get rid of frequent visits to dry cleaning, because all problems can be solved at home.
The ratings of the owners of felt hats are quite high. Men and women alike are pleased with the hats' effect and the ease of use. Everyone was able to create an image to their liking!