American Eskimo Spitz: characteristics and subtleties of the content

Pets are an integral part of most apartments and private houses. Birds, fish, animals and even reptiles can become favorites of both adults and children. Despite the wide variety of pets, dogs have taken the lead over the years. Devoted, obedient and intelligent animals become family members and give their owners a sea of love and affection.
The small area of modern apartments often does not allow for large breeds of dogs that need a lot of space and special care. In this situation, dog handlers recommend paying attention to small breeds that will bring no less pleasure and save their owners from loneliness and boredom. The American Eskimo Spitz is a unique animal that has a good-natured and cheerful character, as well as a beautiful and graceful appearance.

Origin story
The roots of this breed go back to the early 1900s and are divided into two theories. According to the first version the breed originated from the snow-white German Spitz. The second theory says that the animal was bred by crossing various European breeds by American breeders, which were represented by white casehond, snow-white German and Italian Spitz.

Beginning in 1925, the breed began to gain popularity and became in demand not only among private breeders, but also among circus workers who were attracted by the snow-white color of animals. Such animals had a high price range and were purchased only by dog breeders with a good financial position. The American Eskimo Spitz received official recognition only at the end of 1995 and was registered in the cynological register.

Description and breed standard
The American Eskimo Spitz is an incredibly beautiful breed that combines the features of the Pomeranian and German Spitz breeds. The maximum adult weight is 15 kg.

The growth of the dog depends on the type of the given breed:
- dwarf (mini-spitz) - up to 38 cm;
- standard - up to 50 cm;
- toy - up to 30 cm.

The body of the Spitz has an elongated shape and a well-developed muscular system. A slightly elongated head is located on a small neck. Convex eyes resemble balls, the nose is painted black. The middle auricles are densely covered with hair and have a triangular, upright shape. The limbs are small and have a thick coat.

The maximum life span of this breed in favorable conditions is at least 15 years. The color in dogs is white, cream or biscuit. The coat is changed twice a year.
A distinctive feature of the Eskimo Spitz is the presence of not only a snow-white color, but also a good-natured, sociable character. Cynologists note the absolute safety of this breed in relation to children of any age. The animal does not show aggression even with excessive attention from babies. The incredible loyalty of the animal to its owners surprises even experienced dog breeders.

Sociable and playful dogs have a negative attitude towards prolonged separation from their owners and cannot tolerate loneliness, which provokes the development of nervousness and irritability in them. To prevent conflicts with neighbors about the sonorous and shrill barking of a dog, dog handlers recommend starting training an animal from the first months of its life.

The main character traits of the Eskimo Spitz:
- high intellectual level;
- good-natured disposition;
- ability to learn commands and tricks;
- mobility and activity;
- devotion;
- lack of aggression towards other animals;
- sociability;
- distrust of strangers;
- composure;
- quick response to a threat that has arisen.

A beautiful and elegant animal is not only a constant participant in exhibitions and competitions, but also often becomes a prize-winner of various competitions.
Selection recommendations
In order to raise a healthy dog with pronounced genetic characteristics, it is necessary to pay special attention to the choice of puppies.
A thoroughbred young pet has the following characteristics:
- fox-shaped muzzle;
- dark spots near the nose and eyes;
- uniform color without spots and color differences;
- the eyes are dark brown or black;
- round tail shape;
- limbs of medium size with a developed muscular system;
- the presence of a wool cover of various lengths;
- snow-white or white-cream color;
- high level of activity;
- sonorous and shrill barking;
- shiny and smooth coat;
- lack of mucus and pus in the eyes and nasal passages.

Puppies with blue or blue eyes often have physical defects and disabilities, and have a short lifespan and low resistance to disease. The most common pathologies are blindness, retinal atrophy and cataracts. Dog handlers do not recommend purchasing such dogs.
To purchase a purebred puppy, you need to contact professional breeders and not buy pets in spontaneous markets. Each puppy must have a personal passport and documents confirming its timely vaccination... Novice dog breeders should also be alerted by the low cost of a pet - purebred animals cannot be cheap.

Despite the kind and peaceful disposition, dogs of this breed are predators, and their main food product remains fresh meat. Cynologists recommend giving preference to cattle meat.In order to diversify the diet, chicken and chicken offal can sometimes be given.

The amount of meat depends on the weight of the animal and is calculated in accordance with the following standards: for 1 kg of the live weight of the animal, there must be 30 grams of meat.
Have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system rice and buckwheat porridge, eggs, milk, cottage cheese and herbs, and stewed zucchini and pumpkin will help to replenish the vitamin balance.

The advantages of natural products:
- availability;
- diversity;
- ease of preparation;
- confidence in quality;
- the opportunity to treat your pet with goodies;
- quick identification of allergenic components.

- the need to purchase a large amount of meat;
- difficulty in independently compiling a complete diet;
- high cost of quality goods;
- the formation of plaque and calculus;
- feeding is possible only with freshly prepared dishes;
- additional purchase of special vitamin complexes.

When choosing ready-made feeds, one should give preference to premium products that are made from natural ingredients and contain a minimum amount of dyes and preservatives. The main advantages of such feeds are their balance, no need for daily cooking, availability and maximum absorption of all nutrients by the body.... The disadvantages of industrial feeds are considered to be their high price range, long selection of the required feed composition and the inability to diversify the menu.

In specialized stores, it is necessary to purchase vitamin and mineral complexes containing vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron and vegetable fiber.
To prevent food poisoning, dog handlers do not recommend feeding dogs from a common table. All food should be freshly prepared and intended exclusively for your beloved pet. It is strictly forbidden to give animals fried and smoked meat, sausage, sweet confectionery and bread, canned foods, fatty fish, peas and beans, beets, mushrooms, potatoes, as well as semolina and millet porridge.
Experienced dog breeders do not recommend giving pets bones, especially those that have voids inside. This product can not only deform a dog's teeth and gums, but also damage its digestive system. For the stable functioning of the digestive system, the dog must be constantly fed with dry food or natural products. The constant change of the feeding system will negatively affect the general condition of your pet.

Puppies under 3 months must be close to their mother and eat only her milk... The first feeding of small pets should be started with cottage cheese and kefir, and then gradually move on to the adult menu.

Feeding your dog an unbalanced diet can lead to rapid weight gain, which can have a negative impact on your pet's health. At the first signs of obesity, it is necessary to revise the animal's diet and increase physical activity.
The American Eskimo Spitz is an unpretentious animal, whose long and dense coat reliably protects it from frost and sudden changes in temperature. In winter, snow-white pets feel comfortable in non-insulated enclosures, but solitary habitation has a negative impact on the psychoemotional state of the animal. Experienced dog breeders recommend finding a place for the dog in a common house or apartment, where it will have constant contact with the owners.

An active and agile animal needs on long daily walks, on which it can spend the maximum amount of energy. A pitiful and shrill barking is a call to your pet for a walk.On the territory of a private house, the animal does not need to be limited by a leash or chain, the pet must independently move across the entire area of the yard. In wet and humid weather, the Pomeranian must be dressed in waterproof suits.

Some breeders limit the number of walks and train the Pomeranian to use the litter box. Dog handlers react negatively to such an event that interferes with the physical development of the dog. Time spent in nature allows the dog to reduce emotional stress, develop muscle mass in him, enrich the body with oxygen, and also gives the pet the opportunity to communicate with his fellows.

To maintain the beautiful appearance of the Spitz it is necessary to constantly comb the coarse coat and dense undercoat. This procedure must be carried out at least 2 times a week. For combing the pet, they purchase a special brush that prevents hairs from tangling. During the molting period, experts recommend combing daily.
To maintain a snow-white color, the dog needs to regularly arrange water procedures, but you should not get carried away with these activities due to the threat of overdrying the skin.

The pet does not need a decorative haircut, but many owners cut off a small amount of wool on the following parts of the body in the summer:
- on the limbs;
- between the toes;
- in the auricles;
- in the abdomen;
- in the anal area.

Every day, the dog is examined the eyes and nasal passages, if necessary, they are cleaned of dirt and mucus. You should brush your teeth regularly to remove food debris and tartar. Ear cleaning and nail trimming are performed as needed. Every 3 months, the dog needs to be treated with special preparations for fleas and parasites.

Failure to comply with hygiene and sanitary standards can lead to the development of dermatitis and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the animal.
Education and upbringing
In order for a kind, obedient and adequate animal to appear in the house, it is not enough just to get a puppy, it must be taught the correct behavior. The process of education and training must begin immediately after buying a dog. Representatives of this breed are famous for their high level of intelligence and quickly master any commands. In the process of difficult training, the owner must maintain maximum firmness and self-confidence. Experts recommend not to forget about rewarding the ward for correctly executed commands.

The first team - "Quiet!"... A piercing and intrusive barking will not only interfere with the rest of others, but also prevent the owner from establishing contact with the pet. All commands should be pronounced in a calm voice. The training process should not take a long period of time and be compulsory.
During walks, the owners of the Eskimo Spitz should combine active games, a calm walk, physical and intellectual activity so that the animal is always in good shape.
Despite their puppet appearance, Spitz can often be seen in customs and law enforcement agencies. A keen sense of smell of animals helps employees of these services to find prohibited goods and contraband.
Before purchasing a puppy, you must carefully study the characteristics of the selected breed, the conditions of its maintenance and the diet. In the absence of financial resources and the inability to devote enough time to your pet, experts recommend abandoning the purchase of this pet so that it does not become an unnecessary burden that may be thrown out into the street.

The following video will tell you about the features of the breed.