White Pomeranian Spitz: description, character and care

When you really want to have a dog, but the living conditions do not allow, people get out of the situation by buying a puppy of a dwarf breed.
The Pomeranian is a great option for those who dream of a dog, but cannot afford to have a large animal.
White dwarf Spitz are especially popular.

Before you get a pet, you need to familiarize yourself with its description, find out what the character of the dog is, and what is the care of it.
There is an assumption that the dwarf species of Spitz originated from peat dogs living in the Stone Age. The animals were named after one of the German regions located on the Baltic coast.

In the middle of the 18th century, work began on the breeding of the breed. Queen Victoria's dog became the "father" of all Pomeranians. Through careful selection, breeders have managed to achieve a compact size, as well as improve the appearance of the dog.

Foreign breeders became interested in the new breed and continued to work until a white dwarf Spitz with soft fluffy hair and a short muzzle was born. In 1896, the ideal breed was born, and four years later the first official standard for the Miniature Spitz was developed.

In Russia, these dogs first appeared in the 70s of the XIX century.
Description of the breed
The Miniature Spitz has a dry and sturdy body. The external features of the breed combine grace and strong musculature. Mini Pomeranian does not exceed 30 cm in length and weighs 1-3 kg. The life span of such a dog is 12-16 years.

The dwarf spitz is characterized by molting, during which the color of the coat may change.
In this regard, when choosing a white puppy, you should pay attention not only to his parents, but also to grandparents. So, only snow-white dogs are selected to participate in exhibitions, so a dog with spots on its ears will not work.
The pure white Spitz looks very handsome and solid, but its coat needs careful maintenance.
The coat itself is fluffy, does not adhere to the body. The hairs are even longer in the area of the tail, collar and on the back of the legs.

Other external features characteristic of the white purebred orange:
- shortened legs;
- ring-shaped tail;
- dark eyes, black eyelids;
- the ears are triangular and erect.
White Pomeranians are curious and friendly dogs. They are happy to meet new people and animals and rarely show aggression towards strangers.

According to some people, dogs of this breed, on the contrary, treat passers-by badly, like to bark at them on the street, but in fact, this is not aggression, but rather a natural instinct. After all, the ancestors of the Spitz were watchdogs. And although in our time this breed is poorly associated with protection, the habit of barking passers-by remains in the blood of Pomeranians.
The problem with keeping a dog is the Spitz's curiosity. His interest in any innovation can lead to tragedy.
For example, an interestingly shaped stone lying on the roadway can attract a curious dog, which, having become a victim of its curiosity, will fall under the wheels of a car. Therefore, it is important to always walk your pet on a leash.

These dogs are easy to train. At heart, they are rather suspicious and like to please the owner, so they will be happy to show various acrobatic tricks in front of their owner. A favorite technique of Spitz breeders is to teach the dog to stand on its hind legs.

Spitz can't stand being alone... Even for several hours without a master, they are very worried. It is more comfortable for a dog of this breed to be near the owner, even in an unfamiliar place, than to stay at home alone. Therefore, when traveling on vacation, it is recommended to take your pet with you, especially since the compact size allows you to transport your pet without any problems.
Often, oranges become companions for single people. The dog quickly becomes attached to the owner.
It is not recommended to have a dwarf spitz for families with small children.
The fact is that this dog loves attention and does not tolerate carelessness. Young parents rarely have time to even pet the dog, let alone play with it. An animal deprived of attention and care will suffer, experience stress, be nervous in the presence of a child, which may not please the owners. Therefore, it is better to buy a puppy when the children grow up. For teenagers, the Pomeranian is the ideal pet.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their courage and are often looking for adventure on a walk. If necessary, the doggie can even rush to a larger relative. In general, these animals get along well with other pets, especially if they grow up with childhood, but, most likely, over time, an adult dog will begin to dominate the house.

These are very active and mobile creatures, it is important to give the dog the opportunity to throw out energy during a walk, otherwise the dog, with whom they walk little, will begin to compensate for the excess energy in the apartment by spoiling things.
Maintenance and care
As already mentioned, the Pomeranian's curiosity knows no bounds.
And in order to protect a tiny pet from dangers, it is important to close all dangerous passages in the house, insulate wires, and eliminate holes on the balcony.
If this is a balcony with a forged lattice as a fence, then it is better not to let your pet go there at all. He will definitely want to know what is interesting below, and will easily crawl through the bars of the lattice.

All household chemicals must be placed so that the dog does not get to the bottles.In an apartment, a Spitz needs his own place - a house, a basket or a couch.
To keep the baby soft, you can lay him a mattress. The bedding should be washed periodically. It is better not to place the house near the batteries and protect it from drafts.

When the owner is absent from the house, the Pomeranian will become bored and look for still unexplored corners. Thus, he may again face danger. In addition, out of boredom, the dog itself can break or gnaw something in the apartment, therefore it is recommended to leave it in a special home aviary during absence.

You should put more toys there, put a bowl of water, lay a couch. Toys must be safe, without small iron or plastic parts. The most preferred option is latex toys.
You can walk the puppy only after the quarantine and the vaccination period are over.
For an unvaccinated animal, the street is full of dangers in the form of parasites and various infections. During the walk, you need to make sure that the pet does not eat anything from the ground.

Firstly, rodents could be poisoned nearby, and, therefore, the poison could get to the ground. Secondly, dog owners are aware of the dangers posed by dog hunters who scatter poison for animals in dog walking areas. You should not let your pet off the leash, unless only on special sites.
It is better to bypass the pack of stray dogs, while taking the dwarf pet in your arms. You can eat grass for the animal, but away from the roadway and places near the basements.

To maintain the health and longevity of the orange, you should inspect it every day.
- It is necessary to take care of your eyes: wipe it every day with warm boiled water. If discharge or inflammation is noticeable, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian.
- Cleaning your ears with cotton pads should be a mandatory procedure; it is enough to do this once a week.
- Control over the change of teeth is important. If this process is inhibited, you need to consult a veterinarian for advice, otherwise the animal may disrupt the growth of molars. In general, the spitz's oral cavity needs regular cleaning with a special brush and paste.
- Particular attention should be paid to the pet's coat. It is important to comb it out every 3-4 days. In order for the coat to grow better and look healthy, beautiful and well-groomed, it is worth contacting a professional groomer for a haircut service, especially if the dog is taking part in an exhibition. Animals usually tolerate the grooming procedure easily, and some even like this kind of attention to their person.
- You can bathe the dog no more than a couple of times a month, and then dry it with a hairdryer. Without bathing, a fungus can develop on the skin of a furry pet.
- As the claws grow, they need to be carefully trimmed.
You can learn how to care for pomeranians from the video.