All about the big spitz

The Big Spitz is almost the largest dog in its group, only the Keeshond is larger than it. The characteristics of the grossspitz make it a very attractive choice for owners of spacious suburban areas. Adult dogs have high intelligence, are easily trained in protective guard service, are sensitive guards and excellent companions.
The first thing potential breeders are interested in is why this German dog breed is called that. In fact, everything is simple - the prefix "gross" indicates the size of the Spitz. They seem large only relative to their fellows in the group - animals do not grow above half a meter at the withers. But even a compact physique does not prevent them from coping with all the basic functions of a guard and protector.

The history of the origin of the grossspitz is closely related to the cultural and ethnic traditions of Germany. At the time of the arrival of the Vikings with their furry fighting and riding companions to these lands, the mixing of the blood of animals from different continents led to the formation of a whole group of new breeds. The resulting hybrids, including the German Great Spitz or, as it is also called, Grossspitz, by the end of the 19th century, spread throughout Western Europe, and also ended up in Great Britain.
The main purpose of the breed was sheep grazing, guard duty, use in the police and other activities. Smart, unpretentious dogs quickly won the trust of people. The first Spitz club was formed in Germany in 1899, and seven years later the FCI recognized the standard for six size groups.
The main differences between animals are height and weight, as well as the behavior and use of the breed.

Features of the external appearance
The Grossspitz is a dog whose appearance has not changed for over a century. It is characterized by the following external signs:
- height at the withers - up to 46 cm with a body weight of 17-20 kg;
- color is white, black, brown, without spots and tan;
- the coat is straight, with a long guard hair and a thick undercoat;
- the presence of characteristic "feathering", collar, pubescent hips, lush tail;
- wedge-shaped head;
- ears set high, in proportion to the size of the head;
- strong white teeth, closing in a scissor bite;
- tail set high, rolled over the back in the form of a ring;
- deep, well-defined rib cage;
- strong and dry limbs of medium length, set parallel.

The animal has a presentable appearance, good memory. A large Spitz requires a fairly large number of walks, outdoor activity. Like its ancestors, this dog is distinguished by independence in decision-making; the owner will have to make a lot of effort to educate and train it.
But, having won the love and trust of the dog, you do not have to worry about his obedience.
Pros and cons of the breed
Among the obvious advantages of dogs of the Grossspitz breed are:
- medium sizeallowing to keep an animal in the city without violating safety standards and rules;
- high intelligence pet - having mastered the rules of conduct, he observes them strictly;
- devotion to the owner - the dog is distrustful of strangers, does not experience a change of owner;
- kindness to children - the grossspitz show great patience towards them;
- ease of learning, mastering new skills - with large Spitz, you can not only participate in exhibitions, but also win competitions.

The Grossspitz is not for everyone. Its disadvantages include a high need for physical activity, in the absence of which, during walks, the house or apartment will already suffer from the bursts of energy of the animal. Difficulty caring for the coat, the abundant shedding of a pet, which is a lot of trouble, can also complicate the keeping of pets. Adult dogs can leave scent marks in the apartment.
In addition, males are much more difficult to educate and strive to assert their superiority over humans.
Character traits
Dogs of the Grossspitz breed have a rather freedom-loving character. With the correct and timely start of education and training, the animal grows up balanced and obedient. But the puppy needs to be interested in training, to present it in the form of a game or entertainment.

Clever big Spitz are able to master dozens of commands, but they can also make decisions on their own. For this reason, the breed is so popular with sheep breeders who use it for herd management. But such dogs do not tolerate weakness and always try to become the "leader of the pack" - it is not worth pampering the animal, training should be diversified as much as possible.
Experienced dog handlers do not recommend turning the Grossspitz into a sofa dog or pet - this breed has much more serious potential. When choosing a pet, it is worth remembering that the animal needs regular physical activity, long walks. The dog will perfectly cope with the agility track, and in winter it can become part of a dog team.

The brave and independent Great Spitz possesses Nordic, balanced character. Most of the time, he does not need society and entertainment, he easily tolerates loneliness. But this dog is really loyal to the owner and is able to become an excellent friend for all family members. Grossspitz is distrustful of outsiders, which makes him a good guard.
The dog is in good contact with other animals, does not show aggression.

A great deal of patience makes Great Pomeranian dogs a good partner in children's play. With such a companion, the student is not in danger, the dog treats the kids condescendingly, does not offend them.

How to choose?
The Grossspitz is a rather rare breed for the CIS - despite the abundance of nurseries, large varieties are rare in them. To acquire a puppy of good blood, it is better to choose European breeding lines from the very beginning. Traditionally, there is a record for the purchase of high-pedigree livestock, but it often takes years to wait for an offer and your turn. The cost of one puppy ranges from $ 500 to 1,000 euros.

When choosing and buying a pet, it is important to correctly determine its class. Grossspitz show puppies ideally correspond to the standard, have an impeccable pedigree. They are the ones who become new breeding producers and are shown at exhibitions. But if you just want to get a dog of a certain breed as a pet, you can choose a breed or pet class.

You need to pay attention to the appearance. The coat should be shiny, thick, and consistent with breed standards for color. A healthy puppy is energetic, keenly interested in the world around him, and friendly.
The conditions of detention for the grossspitz do not matter much. The dog easily adapts to life in a small-sized city apartment, and to the spaciousness of a country mansion. The animal should have its own territory: a place with a couch, bowls for water and food. During the growth of the puppy it is worth buying an aviary in which the pet will stay during periods of absence of the owners, otherwise, if left alone, the pet may damage property.

The dog is also suitable for outdoor keeping, without a chain, with a free range and a personal aviary equipped with all the necessary amenities. In summer, animals are happy to take water procedures - you can provide a special bath or build a kind of summer shower right on the territory fenced for the pet. The booth or house must be at least 20 cm above the ground. In the absence of heating or with a strong drop in atmospheric temperatures it is imperative to take the dog into the house.

Even with an open-air cage, the dog will have to be regularly walked. Physical activity should be accompanied by games, training and other relevant activities to avoid the loss of optimal physical condition by the Gross Spitz.
The Monthly Weight Chart helps you gauge your dog's growth rate. The following changes in proportions and parameters of Great Spitz puppies can be distinguished:
- from 1 to 2 months the animal develops a fluffy, well-developed coat;
- by 3 months the muzzle and ears acquire characteristic outlines;
- from 4 to 5 months - start of the first molt, paws are extended;
- from 6 to 7 months the coat grows like that of an adult dog;
- 9-10 months - the age at which the puppy acquires the height of an adult animal.

The final formation of the skeleton continues until the age of two years.
Gross Spitz is recommended to be fed with premium or super premium ready-made feeds recommended by the breeders. A balanced diet during growth and development will help your puppy grow up healthy and strong. An adult dog will avoid obesity and many other health problems when given ready-to-eat foods.

With a natural diet, dogs are given meat - raw and boiled beef, heat-treated chicken, turkey, veal. The inclusion in the diet of fermented milk products, boiled vegetables, cheese helps to balance nutrition. In the process of preparing for the exhibition, additional vitamin and mineral supplements are introduced for the shine of the wool. Included in the diet and cereals, providing replenishment of energy reserves. Fish for grossspitz is not recommended due to the phosphorus content, but eggs and greens are quite acceptable.

If by-products are included in the diet, it should be a tripe or udder. The liver and lungs are poorly processed by the animal's body.
Large Pomeranians are not very demanding in personal care.With a thick coat, such pets need regular removal of the undercoat. It is removed at least three times a week with a massage brush or other grooming device. Help to ease combing special sprays for detangling.
The underarms, collar, behind the ears and in the crotch are prone to tangling. Regular brushing with a natural bristle brush will help prevent the undercoat from felling. Already formed mats are removed using a mats cutter, which is quite safe for the pet.

Bathing is necessary for grossspitz no more than twice a month. The rest of the time, you can tidy up the coat with dry shampoo, wet wipes for dogs. Also, the number of compulsory hygiene procedures must include clipping of claws, brushing teeth, eyes, ears. It is recommended to significantly shorten the coat in the summer heat - there are special styles of haircuts that allow you to maintain the visual attractiveness of the animal.
All about the big spitz, see the next video.